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+100% additional drop quantity in Netherrealm stages covered by Confusion Cards.
A Hunter and their Crow partners are connected by a unique Pact that portrays their mutual choice and recognition.
A Spark is enshrined in the relic halls of the heavily guarded St. Duran Church Headquarters.
According to legend among tomb raiders, there is an ancient city of gold hidden in the desert.
According to legend, every waypoint you see today used to be a rivet nailed into the ground by gods during the Epoch of Might.
Active in every corner of the continent, Ratlins are scums who pursue wealth and power by any means necessary.
Adept at using Ember Tech, Crows are responsible for recon and other support missions.
Aember is strongly aggressive. It parasitizes and assimilates almost everything.
Aember is the product of the decayed Ember. It represents the undoing of everything.
Aember, also called Mutated Ember by some scholars, usually appears in the form of gigantic spikes.
After Lv. 90, you can use the Elixir of Oblivion to change your Talents at any time.
After the First Flame was shattered, Aember began to spread.
After the skill level exceeds Lv. 30, the Base Damage no longer changes, but for every level exceeded, the Minions summoned by the skill +8% additional damage (multiplies).
After the skill level exceeds Lv. 30, the Base Damage no longer changes, but for every level exceeded, the skill +6% additional damage (multiplies).
After Utopia was ruined in the hands of humans, the floating island fell as the Tower of Celestials collapsed.
Albert always goes on ahead, and his brave companion, Hannpy, usually meets us on the road.
Albert the dwarf travels the continent with his shovel. His adventure notes are not known for being detailed, but for quick updates and abundant contents.
All Attack Skills require specific weapon types. It's essential to select a suitable weapon.
Although the leader of St. Duran Church is Archbishop Derrick, the day-to-day operation has been delegated to Vicar Bishop Keegan.
Approach an item that dropped and click the name frame in the upper-right corner to pick it up and put it into the Inventory.
Arminius the Great died just a thousand days after usurping the throne, but the statue of this final emperor in the history of the human empire still stands in the Holy Capital.
As an energy-rich resource, Ember has largely contributed to the development of technology.
As the basic operating units of Torchlight, a Hunter Squad usually consists of a Hunter and a Crow.
At the beginning of the universe, there was no one. No spacetime, nor rise or fall.
Attack Skills are usually better paired with weapons with a higher DPS value.
Auras provide steady enhancements at the cost of sealing a portion Mana or Life.
Balance your offensive and defensive stats to find the playstyle that suits you best.
Because of the Pact between Hunters and Crows, their emotions and feelings are bound together.
Before entering a Netherrealm map, max out your base affixes using Netherrealm Resonance to gain a better yield.
Before Lv. 90, you can change your Talents at any time.
Before the Eternal Night, Lakhouma was still a land of prosperity.
Before you can pick a Talent, you must have all of its prerequisites.
Behemoths and the First Flame formed the original new world.
Behemoths carried the First Flames into each mirror world and brought the breath of life to the withered lands.
Born from Aember, Aemberons are mindless monsters with only instinct to slaughter and destroy. They are merely capable of imitating a few words from those they devour.
Brand Divinity Slates to obtain more strength from the same God.
Break down specified Legendary gear in your Inventory to get corresponding Dream Talking, which is used for Dream Interpretation of gear.
Compared to "+% damage," seeking "+% additional damage" will usually bring greater benefits.
Cooldown and Interval are the downtime you face after casting a skill. While Cooldown can be affected by Cooldown Recovery Speed, Interval is set in stone and cannot be shortened by any form of upgrade.
Corrosion is both risky and rewarding. It's your choice to make.
Deep within the desert live the people of Ichi who behave like cats. They are an ancient race who shoulder the Curse of Eternal Night.
Do you have too many drops? Use an official filter or custom filter based on your character's level.
Don't blindly pursue higher values on the panel as real battles are affected by complex mechanisms and affixes.
Don't forget to swap to the right Drop Pactspirit when playing different season-exclusive gameplay.
Don't forget to use your Compound Potions when you are in danger.
During the Epoch of Knowledge, a failed creation that had nothing to offer was created-humans.
During the Epoch of War, kingdoms and heroes rose, and the civilizations developed rapidly.
Each Ailment has its own characteristics. Remember to use them when you can.
Elites refer to rare monsters and bosses. These opponents are worth fighting.
Ember is a common mineral resource that can be purified to obtain Ember Crystals that contain tremendous energy.
Ember Tech brought human civilization to a new era.
Empower effects allow Invincible No.2 to deal more damage, but in a real battle, you'll need to consider whether the duration is long enough to last until the next cooldown.
Equipping two One-Handed Melee or Ranged weapons is known as Dual Wielding, which grants additional buffs.
Equipping two One-Handed Melee or Ranged weapons is known as Dual Wielding, which grants additional buffs.
Every Crow carries Flame Elementium to control their mutated Hunters.
Filter rules can be selected in the settings. Remember to select suitable filter rules.
For offending the dragons, dwarves were banished to the underground, so they would never be illuminated by the First Flame.
For your third Talent Panel, you may pick abilities from another deity. Be creative while discovering your own unique build.
Gear pre-fixes and suffixes are divided into 7 tiers. The higher the tier, the greater the attribute bonuses granted by the affix.
Gear with a higher item level can be used to craft higher-level affixes, and gear with these affixes usually has unique drop frames.
Gear with less than 6 affixes can be Enchanted to become stronger.
Go to Settings - Battle to choose whether you want to activate features such as Auto Channel, Auto Aim, and Cast Now for your current skills.
Go to Settings - Battle to enable or disable damage indicators that vary by color
Go to Settings - Graphics to adjust the brightness for a better visual experience.
Goblins are keen to collect human throw-aways, especially the old toys.
Hero Traits are particularly powerful. Make sure to put them to good use.
Humans rose to power in the Epoch of Deception.
Hunters are the core combatants of Torchlight. Most Hunters are chosen from the Infected.
If there is a Lv. 80 or higher character on the account in the current season, when creating a new character, Time Transition Capsule can be used to skip the main story.
If you have too many pieces of gear, you may recycle them in your Inventory or at a Trader.
If you want to use another build, go to Pro Builds to see what others think first.
In Leptis, Ratlins are infamous bandits who would gladly jeopardize their own parents for money.
In the boundless desert, Ancient Ichi once stood tall and strong. Its brilliance used to be as bright and hot as the sun.
In the City of Aeterna, the maximum challenge time for each floor is 45 minutes. The stage will be destroyed once this time is exceeded.
In the First Flame of the world, Six Gods were born.
Later generations built High Towers to enshrine the First Flame, so that it could expel the barbarism further away.
Legend has it that the First Flame can be restored to purge the world of Aember by gathering all Sparks.
Mankind worships the First Flame because it expelled the darkness of obscurity and brought the light of civilization.
Match your Hero Traits with additional skills and items to create synergy.
Millions of years passed, and even the Behemoths fell. Their remains became Ember, yet the First Flames burned still.
Most in-game items can be traded in the Trade House.
No one has ever seen the gods, but their footprints are found everywhere.
Once a pact is formed, a Crow may use Spark Fragments to convey their personal will to help their Hunter partner resist Aemberization.
Once the Pact is sealed, the Hunter and the Crow will accompany each other for the rest of their lives.
Once there's a sprout, Aember will spread uncontrollably and wreak havoc wherever they reach.
Only some items can be gifted between friends, and gifted items can't be traded or gifted again.
Pay attention to skill tags and build your characters around them.
Player can have at most 6 Synthetic Troop Minions and 2 Spirit Magus Minions.
Refugees rejected by the Church settled in the ruins of the outer city, calling themselves the Forsaken.
Remember, you need to activate an Aura Skill after it's equipped.
Resistance is the most important Survival stat. Hunters have a Max Resistance of 60% by default.
Resistances are essential for survival. Keep dying from normal Firebolts? Stack Fire Resistance!
Resistances reduce the corresponding type of damage you take and are essential for your survival. It's best to maximize them.
Shadowborn are born within the natural hotbed formed from the volcano cave and the dragon's remains. They lack intelligence and are solely driven by their instinct to chase the sun.
Skill levels can be reset directly in the Skill Inventory.
Skills have main stats. For every point of the corresponding stat: +0.5% additional Skill and Minion Damage
St. Duran Church locates at the center of Imperial Plaza, next to the Royal Garden and the Lost City.
Team mode and solo mode consume the same amount of map materials, but all members of a team share challenge attempts.
Team mode has various drop distribution modes such as Free Distribution, Team Distribution, and System Distribution.
Thanks to the Spark, the Church created a sanctum for its followers on the Aember land.
The Ancient Ichi once made an artificial sun from pure gold, and it brought radiant and seemingly endless daytime to them.
The Church considers those Aember-Infected disqualified to be humans.
The Church reveres the power of nature and preaches the evil of Ember. They consider the Disqualified as a symbol of unholiness.
The Clockwork Core can open spacetime rifts to other mirror worlds.
The Clockwork Core opened the gates to different spacetimes, yet it invited ambitions and conflicts.
The conflicts during the Epoch of War last for thousands of years until a devastating flood put an end to everything.
The Creator split his will into countless First Flames, then placed them in different worlds.
The emergence of Ember Tech opened the curtain of the Epoch of Machines
The Epoch of Hunting was a dark age when the world was shrouded in darkness like today.
The Epoch of Knowledge was erased from history when all research results were burned by human hands.
The Epoch of Might ended with the Ragnarok.
The First Flame was originally located in Sol'Quinn until dwarves stole it and won the battle of Ragnarok.
The First Flame was shattered into several fragments known as the Sparks.
The First Flame was the legacy of the Creator and the seed that bred the new gods.
The flood was still raging on the ground, yet Utopia was created in the sky.
The Forsaken built the Lost City upon the ruins and armed themselves with Ember Tech.
The Hermann Empire prospered for 800 years with Ember Tech, until a calamity destroyed the Spark.
The Infected will gradually lose themselves under the Aember's corrosion until they turn into monsters that are called Agitoes.
The item filter can filter and display the most valuable items you currently own to help you explore Leptis better.
The king of the desert transported a massive amount of gold to the central continent in exchange for their emperor's promised Ember Machine to build Desert Lamps that light up the Eternal Night.
The Knights of Derain is the private army of the Church who answer directly to the Bishops.
The least sane among the Agitoes are Aemberons who know nothing but slaughter, and those who are almost as sane as humans are revered as the Chosen.
The Legendary Divinity Slate "When Sparks Set the Prairie Ablaze" drops everywhere in Netherrealm. The Fluorescent Memory used to exchange it can be obtained in specified Netherrealm planes.
The Lost City and the Church are separated by a rampart known as the Wailing Wall.
The Lost City is a place of violence and crimes where new gangs emerge and disappear every day.
The main story is only a small part of the game. Go challenge the Netherrealm!
The minimap in the upper-left corner is very helpful while exploring.
The nature of the Hunter-Crow Pact is a soul link created with Spark Fragments.
The recommended talents suit your current hero well most of the time.
The Six Gods/Goddesses: God of Might, Goddess of Hunting, Goddess of Knowledge, God of War, Goddess of Deception, and God of Machines.
The thriving beliefs in this world are the traces left by the advents of gods.
The Trade House is unlocked when the Hunter reaches Lv. 60 and supports Advanced Search. It is an important tool for Hunters to complete their builds.
There are countless ways of combining different skills. Each may give you an unexpected surprise.
Time was the only point where mirror worlds and planes crossed.
To unlock a second Soul Candle slot, you'll need to use Pages of Aeterna in Psalms of Aeterna.
Torchlight is an organization that has been actively fighting against aemberons around the world.
Torchlight is convinced that the Spark is the only hope to eliminate Aember and save the world.
Trinkets such as rings, necklaces, and belts provide balanced offensive and defensive stats.
Under the influence of Aember, the Infected may lose their minds, and at the same time gain special powers.
Under the influence of the First Flame, dragons used to be unusually powerful creatures that reigned and enslaved others.
Use Divinity Stones in the Blessings from Gods at Spacetime Wanderer to get high-value Legendary gear.
Using a skill or triggering a skill are both referred to as casting a skill in the game.
Warcries are way more impactful than you thought.
When challenging powerful foes, utilizing a Pactspirit build with 3 Battle Pactspirits will make things a lot easier.
When farming Netherrealm stages, use a Pactspirit build with 3 Drop Pactspirits to gain a better yield.
While in team mode, bonuses from Pactspirits, Trait Cards, etc., will only be affected by the Hunter who activates the current stage.
While progressing in the main story, Hunters will encounter many Treasure Troves to help them obtain lots of XP and specified Legendary gear in the early game.
You can recycle Compasses that you don't need into Fluorescent Memories. Collect 3 to exchange them for 1 random Compass from the Spacetime Wanderer.
You can use Spell Skills while wielding any weapon, but some of them are better suited for using Spell Skills.
You'll gain two particularly powerful abilities from each Talent Panel.
Your character gains 1 Energy per level, which allows you to equip more skills.