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Amplified DoT Damage

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • Affliction is a negative status that additionally increases the amount of DoT Damage taken by units.
  • Affliction is a negative effect that is inflicted on enemies at the same time as DoT Damage. All DoT effects share the same Affliction effect. When under the effect of Affliction, the unit gradually accumulates Affliction according to the Affliction Per Second stat of the unit that dealt the DoT Damage up to the maximum amount of 100 Affliction.
  • Each point of Affliction increases the DoT taken by the enemy by an additional 1% (up to 100% at 100 Affliction). This effect is affected by the Affliction debuff.
Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • When calculating the damage, the damage reduction provided by the defender's Armor is calculated at a lower value.
  • When calculating Hit Damage, if the attacker has Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration, the corresponding value will be deducted from the damage reduction provided by the defender's Armor.
  • Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration doesn't change the actual Armor.
  • Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration can reduce the damage reduction provided by Armor to a negative value and additionally increase the damage taken by the defender by the corresponding value.
Critical Strike

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • There is a chance to deal a Critical Strike when dealing Hit Damage.
  • There is a chance to deal a Critical Strike when dealing damage. If a skill can deal damage more than once (such as Spiral Strike), the Critical Strike determination is usually only carried out once .
  • Critical Strike Rating
  • When attacking, the base Critical Strike Rating of the weapon will be factored in when calculating the Critical Strike Rating of the skill. When casting a spell, the base Critical Strike Rating of the spell will be factored in when calculating the Critical Strike Rating of the skill.
  • Final Critical Strike Rating = The sum of Base Critical Strike Rating x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • Critical Hit Chance = Final Critical Strike Rating/100.
  • Critical Strike Damage
  • All units have 150% Critical Strike Damage by default.
  • When dealing a Critical Strike, the damage dealt by the hit becomes: The original damage x the Critical Strike Damage percentage.
Damage Calculation

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • Damage = Base Damage x (1+ all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • Similar to the calculation of stats, damage = Base Damage x (1 + all damage increase percentages) x (1 + additional damage increase percentage 1) x (1 + additional damage increase percentage 2)...
Damage Form

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
Damage Type

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • There are currently 5 types of damage in the game: Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Erosion.
  • All damage dealt must be one of the following 5 types of damage:
  • Physical, Fire, Cold, Lightning, and Erosion
  • Except for Physical Damage, all other types of damage are affected by their corresponding Resistances .
Damage Type Conversion

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • When dealing or taking damage, the type of the damage can be converted into another type.
  • Conversion of the Type of Damage Dealt
  • The type of damage dealt can be converted. For example, "Converts 50% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage".
  • Only Hit Damage can be converted.
  • From low to high, the priority of damage types is as follows: Physical, Lightning, Cold, Fire, Erosion. Upon inflicting damage, the damage type can only be converted from a lower-priority damage type to a higher-priority damage type.
  • If the sum of the conversion percentages of multiple damage types from the same source exceeds 100%, such as when "Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Fire Damage" and "Converts 60% of Physical Damage to Cold Damage" take effect at the same time, the final converted damage will not exceed 100%, and the damage will be redistributed according to their weighted percentages.
  • Converted damage benefits from the bonuses of the original damage type and the bonuses of the post-conversion damage type. Non-additional bonuses can be stacked.
  • Frostfire Gemma - Ice-Fire Fusion's damage bonus conversion is a special bonus, and only one bonus can be generated in each damage calculation even if multiple damage types are converted.
  • Conversion of the Type of Damage Taken
  • When calculating the Damage Mitigation for the defender, the damage conversion will change the type of damage received and calculate the corresponding Damage Mitigation after the conversion.
  • Conversion from different sources can stack proportionally.
  • After exceeding 100%, it will be redistributed according to the proportion of each source.
  • The conversion of the type of damage taken applies to all forms of damage.
DoT Damage Reaping

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • Reaping can settle all the DoT Damage received by a unit over a period of time.
  • When Reaping, the active DoT on the target will be settled at once according to the given time.
  • Reaping only applies to the DOT you deal. The DoT dealt by other units can't be settled by your Reaping.
  • Reaping directly removes the target's HP, so it will not trigger any damage-dealing events.
  • Reaping generally has a cooldown time, which is affected by the Reaping Cooldown Recovery Speed instead of the general Cooldown Recovery Speed.
  • The DoT duration settled by Reaping is affected by affix bonuses such as: "+X% Reaping Duration".
Double Damage

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • There's a chance to deal Double Damage on hit.
  • There is a chance to deal double damage on hit according to the Double Damage chance.
  • All Double Damage chances that apply to the damage are stacked before the final determination.
  • Double Damage chance only applies to Hit Damage.

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • Other damage-related mechanics: Elimination, Severe Injury, Overflown Damage, Fatal Damage.
  • Elimination
  • Directly kills the target.
  • Cause Severe Injury
  • When the attacker deals damage to the same defender, if the total amount of damage exceeds 50% x (Max Life + Max Energy Shield) of the defender within 0.5s, then the attacker causes Severe Injury once. After that, the recorded Severe Injury value will be reset to zero.
  • Overflown Damage
  • When killing a defender in 1 hit, the extra damage is regarded as overflown damage.
  • Fatal Damage
  • Damage that is able to kill the target in 1 hit.
  • Take Severe Injury
  • When hit, if the total damage taken within 0.5s from any source exceeds 50% x (Max Life + Max Energy Shield), then the defender will suffer Severe Injury once. After that, the recorded Severe Injury value will be reset to zero.
Resistance Penetration

Base Mechanics
Damage Related
  • When calculating the damage, the defender's Resistance is calculated at a lower value.
  • As a stat that counteracts Resistance, Resistance Penetration acts on the defender's effective Resistance in the damage calculation process.
  • Upon inflicting damage, if the attacker has Resistance Penetration of a certain type, the defender's Resistance will be reduced accordingly by the value of the Resistance Penetration when calculating the damage.
  • Resistance Penetration does not change the actual value of the defender's Resistance.
  • Resistance Penetration takes effect on all forms of damage (Hit, DoT, Secondary, Reflect).

Base Mechanics
  • A base stat.
  • Every point of Dexterity additionally increases the damage of skills that have Dexterity as a main stat by 0.5%. This includes the damage of the skill itself, Ailment Damage dealt directly by the skill, and the damage of Minions summoned by the skill. When a skill has multiple main stats, the bonuses of the main stats are added together before calculating the final damage bonus.

Base Mechanics
  • A base stat.
  • Every point of Intelligence additionally increases the damage of skills that have Intelligence as a main stat by 0.5%. This includes the damage of the skill itself, Ailment Damage dealt directly by the skill, and the damage of Minions summoned by the skill. When a skill has multiple main stats, the bonuses of the main stats are added together before calculating the final damage bonus.

Base Mechanics
  • Mana is used to cast skills. Skills cannot be cast when they cost more than the character's current Mana.
  • Max Mana
  • Players have 40 Max Mana by default.
  • Max Mana increases by 5 for every level gained.
  • Mana Regeneration
  • Restores Mana over time.
  • Players regenerate 7 Mana every second by default.
  • Players regenerate 1.75% Mana every second by default.
  • Mana Instant Restoration
  • Instantly restores a certain amount of Mana.
  • Instantly restores a certain amount of Mana when the condition of the affix is satisfied. For example:
  • Restores 5 Mana on hit
  • Restores 1% Mana when using skills.
  • Prioritized Reduction of Mana
  • When taking damage, a certain percentage of the damage taken will be deducted from Mana instead. The player will take the remaining damage when they have insufficient Mana.
  • Full Mana
  • When a unit's current Mana ≥ 95% of Max Mana, the Mana is regarded as full.
  • Low Mana
  • When a unit's current Mana ≤ 35% of Max Mana, the Mana is regarded as low.
Movement Speed

Base Mechanics
  • The player's Base Movement Speed is 6m every second.
  • Movement Speed = Base Movement Speed x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
Stacks and Multiplication Rules

Base Mechanics
  • Unless specially noted, the additional bonuses of the same affix are added together.
  • Unless specially noted, the additional bonuses of the same affix are added together.
  • When the additional bonuses of an affix are multiplied together, the affix will be marked with "multiplies."

Base Mechanics
  • A base stat.
  • Every point of Strength additionally increases the damage of skills that have Strength as a main stat by 0.5%. This includes the damage of the skill itself, Ailment Damage dealt directly by the skill, and the damage of Minions summoned by the skill. When a skill has multiple main stats, the bonuses of the main stats are added together before calculating the final damage bonus.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Armor is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage, Secondary Damage, and Damage Reflection.
  • Players have 0 Armor by default. The lower limit of Armor is 0.
  • Only 60% of the damage reduction provided by Armor will be applied to non-Physical Damage.
  • Your Armor DMG Reduction for incoming damage is calculated using the following formula:
  • Your DMG Reduction = Your Armor/(0.9 x Your Armor + 3000 + 300 x Min (Enemy Level, 90))
  • The max damage reduction provided by Armor is 80%.
  • Monsters' Armor DMG Reduction for incoming damage is calculated using the following formula:
  • Monster DMG Reduction = Monster Armor/(0.9 x Monster Armor + 30000)
  • Monster Armor in the formula increases with the enemy's level, ranging from 0 to 27273.
  • Double Armor
  • When receiving damage, double the Armor value will be used to determine the damage reduction. This only takes effect in the damage calculation process and does not change the actual Armor value.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Block is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage and Damage Reflection.
  • Players have 0% Block Chance by default. The Block Chance includes the Attack Block Chance and Spell Block Chance. When taking damage, the corresponding tag is applied to determine whether the block is successful or not. The Block Chance from different sources can be stacked up to the maximum Block Chance of 100%.
  • When taking a hit or reflecting damage, whether you manage to block successfully depends on the Attack and Spell tags of the damage source, as well as your corresponding Attack and Spell Block Chance. Blocking successfully grants Damage Mitigation based on the Block Ratio and Additional Damage Blocked.
  • Blocking successfully will reduce the corresponding damage taken based on the Block Ratio.
  • Players' default Block Ratio is 30%, and the maximum Block Ratio is 60%.
  • When the unit also has Additional Damage Blocked, the Block Ratio is calculated before the Additional Damage Blocked.
Chance to Avoid Damage

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Damage Avoidance is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage, Damage Reflection, and Secondary Damage.
  • Players have 0% Damage Avoidance Chance by default.
  • The Damage Avoidance Chance from different sources can stack.
  • When damage is successfully avoided, the hit is still deemed to be successful, and the attacker's hit-related effects will still be triggered. However, the defender will not take any damage or be inflicted with any ailments or control effects.
  • The upper limit of Chance to Avoid Damage is 80%.
  • For different types of damage taken from the same hit, the Chance to Avoid Damage is determined separately.
Damage Mitigation

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Additional damage reduction is a defensive mechanic that counteracts all types of damage.
  • Damage reduction from different sources multiplies independently
  • The maximum Damage Mitigation for each source of additional damage reduction is 90%.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Evade is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage.
  • Evasion increased by 2 for every level gained.
  • Your Evasion Chance for incoming Hit Damage is calculated using the following formula:
  • By default, Evasion will additionally reduce 40% Spell Damage.
  • When a hit is evaded, on-hit effects and damage will not be inflicted. Evade Chance is determined by the attacker's Accuracy and the defender's Evasion.
  • Monsters can't evade hits.
  • Players have 0 Evasion by default. The lower limit of Evasion is 0.
  • The upper limit of Evade Chance is 75%.
  • Your Evasion Chance = 1 - 1/[(Enemy Accuracy x 1.15)(Enemy Accuracy + 0.5 x Your Evasion ^ 0.75)]
  • Enemy Accuracy in the formula increases with the enemy's level, ranging from 130 to 680.
Injury Buffer

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Injury Buffer is a defensive mechanic against Hit Damage.
  • Injury Buffer from different sources can stack proportionally.
  • When receiving Hit Damage, part of the damage will not be deducted from Life or Energy Shield directly. Instead, it will be gradually deducted over the next 4s.
  • Injury Buffer does not change hit events or the damage of hits. It will only affect the deduction of Life or Energy Shield. Injury Buffer is not damage.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Units are defeated when their Life is 0.
  • Max Life
  • Units are defeated when their Life is 0.
  • Life Regeneration
  • Life Restoration Over Time.
  • Low Life
  • When a unit's current Life ≤ 35% of Max Life, the Life is regarded as low.
  • Full Life
  • When a unit's current Life ≥ 95% of Max Life, the Life is regarded as full.
  • Players have 50 Max Life by default.
  • Max Life increases by 13 for every level gained.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • This is an instant restoration mechanic. It immediately restores a portion of the player's Missing Life or Energy Shield on hit.
  • Regain is divided into Life Regain and Shield Regain. The upper limit of both Life Regain and Shield Regain is 30%.
  • Regain has a Regain Interval. The base interval is 0.5s. Life Regain and Shield Regain have separate Regain Intervals.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Resistance is an effective survival mechanic that directly reduces the corresponding type of damage taken by a certain percentage.
  • The final effective Resistance is the smaller value between the player's current Resistance and the Max Resistance
  • There are 4 types of Resistance: Fire Resistance, Lightning Resistance, Cold Resistance, and Erosion Resistance. Fire Resistance, Lightning Resistance, and Cold Resistance are collectively referred to as Elemental Resistance.
  • When monsters deal a large amount of damage, it is mainly Elemental Damage, so increasing your Elemental Resistance will effectively reduce a large amount of Elemental Damage you'll take from them.
  • Effective Resistance .
  • Your initial Elemental Resistance and Erosion Resistance are 0.
  • The base Max Resistance is 60% for all Resistances. This can be changed by increasing the Max Resistance %. Max Resistance is capped at 90%.

Base Mechanics
Survival Related
  • Energy Shield is a defensive stat that is deducted before Life when taking damage.
  • The max Energy Shield .
  • After not taking damage for a period of time (excludes Injury Buffer ), if the current Energy Shield is less than the Max Energy Shield, the Energy Shield starts to charge. The base Charge Interval is 2s. When the player's Max Energy Shield is 0, or the player has reached Max Energy Shield, the character cannot gain Energy Shield Charge. Heroes have 20% Energy Shield Charge per second by default.
  • Energy Shield Charge .
  • Players do not have any Energy Shield by default.
Generate Build Code

Build Code
Build Code
  • You can share your Build Code with other Hunters.
  • You can upload the Structure configuration of your current character, generate a build code, and share it with other Hunters.
Use Build Code

Build Code
Build Code
  • You can use Build Codes shared by other Hunters.
  • You can obtain Build Codes through chat channels or rankings. After using a Build Code, you will get tips for setting up the corresponding build.
Drop Pactspirit

Drop Pactspirit
Drop Pactspirit
  • Drop Pactspirits can increase the drop rate of a certain item or the yield of a certain gameplay.
  • Carry Drop Pactspirits in the Pact system to increase the drop rate of a certain item or the yield of a certain gameplay.
  • Drop Pactspirits can be obtained from the Boon system or certain events.
  • Carrying certain Drop Pactspirits will greatly increase the drop quantity.
  • After unlocking the Golden Season Pass, you will be able to automatically switch Pactspirit builds.

  • Use filters to hide drops that you don't want to see or change the way they appear.
  • When a filter has been applied, its settings will take effect immediately.
  • If you want to see drops hidden by filters, just cancel the filters in use.
  • Custom Filter
  • You can create your own Custom Filters from scratch or using templates.
  • Custom Filters offer a high degree of freedom, allowing you to precisely display or hide drops based on stats including type, level, affix, or to adjust drop style.
  • Official Filter
  • We have provided you with 3 default filters, namely basic filter, intermediate filter, and advanced filter, to help you get started quickly.
  • You can use Official Filters or create Custom Filters based on them for your convenience and learning purposes.
Share Filter

  • You can share filters by using filter codes or through Recommendations.
  • Each filter has a unique filter code. You can share it any way you like. And the player who receives it just needs to enter it to download the filter to their own account.
  • Note that the filters downloaded are independent copies and will not update with the original filters.
  • Collect Filter
  • The collected filters will be saved in the Collection tab in the filter system.
  • You're recommended to collect your frequently used filters to follow up with the updates of the original filters.
  • Recommendations
  • You can upload the filters you created to Recommendations for others to download and collect.
  • Filter Code
Aptitude Inheritance

Aptitude Inheritance
  • Can inherit the Random Affixes from Legendary gear.
  • After performing Aptitude Inheritance, the gear whose Random Affixes are copied will disappear, while the Plasticity of the gear receiving the Random Affixes will be cleared.
  • After the Aptitude Inheritance feature is unlocked as you progress through the main story, you can perform Aptitude Inheritance at [Arms Dealer - Geely] in the Town.
  • Aptitude Inheritance requires two pieces of Legendary Gear of the same name and Legendary Aptitudes and a certain number of Inheritance Axes.
  • Aptitude Inheritance will copy the Random Affixes of one piece of Legendary gear to another piece of Legendary gear.
Base Affix

Basic Rules
  • Affixes determined by item name usually can't be changed.
  • Most gear has one Base Affix.
  • Base Affixes are determined by the gear's item name.
  • Non-Legendary Gear's Base Affixes usually cannot be changed. Legendary Gear's Base Affixes can be changed into new Base Affixes through Corrosion's Mutation effect.
Gear Energy

Basic Rules
  • Gear's Energy determines the number of skill slots that can be unlocked.
  • Every piece of gear has Energy.
  • The gear dropped will have a random amount of Energy within a certain range. The higher the Gear Item Level , the higher the Energy will be.
  • The higher the Energy a piece of gear has, the more unlockable skill slots it offers.
Gear Item Level

Basic Rules
  • The item level of a piece of gear determines the range of its Energy and Random Affixes.
  • Each piece of gear has an item level.
  • The item level of a piece of gear determines the range of its Gear Energy .
  • The Item Level of a piece of gear determines the range of the Random Affixes it could have and the highest possible tier of these Random Affixes .
Gear Plasticity

Basic Rules
Gear Rarity

Basic Rules
  • Gear rarity from low to high: Normal (White), Magic (Blue), Rare (Purple), Six Affix-Rare (Pink), and Legendary (Gold).
  • Each piece of gear has a rarity.
  • The rarity of a piece of gear is determined by the color of its base frame, including Normal (White), Magic (Blue), Rare (Purple), Six-Affix Rare (Pink), Legendary (Gold), and Ultimate Legendary (Red).
Legendary affix

Basic Rules
  • Special affix exclusive to Legendary gear.
  • Legendary Gear has unique Legendary affixes.
  • You can increase the tier of Legendary affixes on a piece of gear through Corrosion .
  • Legendary affixes cannot be changed through Crafting .
Legendary Gear

Basic Rules
  • Legendary (Gold) and Ultimate Legendary (Red) gear has unique Legendary Affixes.
  • Legendary Affixes
  • Legendary gear usually has its unique Legendary Affixes . Legendary Affixes cannot be changed through Crafting and can only have their tiers changed through Corrosion .
  • Random Affixes
  • Legendary gear with higher item levels could come with Legendary Aptitudes when dropped. Legendary Aptitudes determine the max number of Random Affixes a piece of Legendary gear can have.
  • Most Legendary gear can have 0 to 2 Legendary Aptitudes. Some Legendary gear with low rarity can only have 1 Legendary Aptitude at most. Priceless Legendary gear that reaches Item Level 100 can have 3 to 4 Legendary Aptitudes.
  • Ultimate Legendary gear cannot have any Legendary Aptitudes.
  • Legendary gear with Legendary Aptitudes can have multiple Random Affixes of up to T3 when dropped.
  • You can change the Random Affixes of Legendary gear with Legendary Aptitudes through crafting. The range of the Random Affixes granted by Crafting is the same as that of Non-Legendary Gear of the same Item Level .
  • Legendary (Gold) and Ultimate Legendary (Red) gear is collectively referred to as Legendary gear.

Basic Rules
  • Including gear of Normal (White), Magic (Blue), Rare (Purple), and Six-Affix Rare (Pink).
  • The rarity includes Normal (White), Magic (Blue), Rare (Purple), Six-Affix Rare (Pink), and Legendary (Gold). Non-Legendary Gear's rarity is mainly determined by the quantity of Random Affixes on the gear.
  • Non-Legendary gear can be Enchanted and is eligible for Dream Interpretation .
Priceless Gear

Basic Rules
  • Special gear with an Item Level of 100.
  • Gear that reaches Item Level 100 is called Priceless gear.
  • Priceless gear can have at most 200 Plasticity .
  • Priceless Legendary gear has at least 3 Legendary Aptitudes.
  • Only Priceless gear can grant T0 Random Affixes through Crafting .
Random Affix

Basic Rules
  • A randomly generated affix that determines the main stats of the gear.
  • The number of Random Affixes a piece of Legendary Gear can have is determined by Legendary Aptitudes.
  • Non-Legendary Gear's Random Affixes consist of pre-fixes and suffixes. Each piece of gear can have up to 3 pre-fixes and 3 suffixes.
  • Random Affixes can be changed through Crafting .
  • Each piece of gear could have multiple Random Affixes.

  • A special crafting for Legendary Gear only.
  • After the Corrosion feature is unlocked as you progress through the main story, you can Corrode Legendary Gear at [The Lightless - Zenoth] in the Town.
  • Corrosion is divided into Darkness Corrosion and Darkest Corrosion.
  • Darkness Corrosion costs a certain amount of Aemberon Cores, while the Darkest Corrosion costs Familiar Nexuses.
  • Each Corrosion grants the Corroded gear one of the following effects:
  • Mutate: Adds/replaces Base Affixes with random Aember Base Affixes and turns the gear into Corroded gear.
  • Chaos: Re-rolls the values of all affixes (without changing the affixes' tiers) and turns the gear into Corroded gear.
  • Arrogant: Upgrades 1 pre-fix/suffix by 1 or 2 tiers and turns the gear into Corroded gear. Void: Turns the gear into Corroded gear.
  • The following Corrosion effects could appear if the Corrosion is Darkest Corrosion:
  • Desecration: Upgrades 2 pre-fixes/suffixes by 1 to 2 tiers and turns the gear into Corroded gear.
  • Gear can only be Corroded once.
Affix Upgrade

Crafting Type

Prototype Crafting

  • Locks some Random Affixes on the gear and re-rolls the rest.
  • Prototype Crafting costs a certain amount of Flame Fuel, and in some cases, it also costs Gear Plasticity .
  • Up to 2 Random Affixes can be locked during Prototype Crafting for Non-Legendary Gear .
  • Random Affixes cannot be locked during Prototype Crafting for Legendary Gear.
  • Prototype Crafting can re-roll the remaining affixes on the gear with certain affixes locked.
  • Prototype Crafting will keep the locked affixes on the gear and replace the remaining affixes with 3 newRandom Affixes .
  • The new affixes produced by Prototype Crafting are affected by gear type and Gear Item Level . Click the Affix List button on the crafting screen to view detailed affix info.
  • In case you're not happy with the result of Prototype Crafting, you can choose to keep the gear before the crafting, but the items and Gear Plasticity consumed will not be refunded.
  • Gear with Targeted Processing affixes cannot be used for Prototype Crafting.
Reincarnation Crafting

  • Re-rolls the Single Resistance Affixes on the gear.
  • Reincarnation Crafting can re-roll all Single Resistance Affixes on a piece of gear (including Fire Resistance, Cold Resistance, Lightning Resistance, and Erosion Resistance). These affixes will be replaced with a random Single Resistance Affix of the same tier.
  • The results of Reincarnation Crafting cannot be reverted.
  • Reincarnation Crafting costs a certain amount of Reincarnation Embers.
Targeted Processing

  • Adds a Random Affix of a specific type to the gear.
  • Targeted Processing can add specific types of affixes to gear.
  • The range of the affixes that can be added by Targeted Processing is affected by gear type and Gear Item Level .
  • There is a chance that some low-tier affixes may not be added successfully during Targeted Processing. If this happens, a Blemish will occupy an empty affix slot of the gear.
  • Reforging will remove all Targeted Processing affixes, including Blemish.
  • Reforging costs a certain amount of Flame Elementium.
  • Targeted Processing will add an affix with a random tier to a piece of gear. The higher the Gear Item Level , the higher the affix tier, up to T0.
  • Affixes added by Targeted Processing will be marked with a special color. Gear with these affixes are not eligible for Prototype Crafting .
  • Gear with Targeted Processing affixes can be reverted to the state before Targeted Processing through Reforging.
Truth Crafting

  • Re-rolls the values of the affixes on the gear.
  • Truth Crafting will re-roll the values of all Random Affixes on the gear without changing their types or tiers.
  • Truth Crafting costs a certain amount of Truth Embers.
  • The results of Truth Crafting cannot be reverted.
Dream Interpretation

Dream Crafting
  • Dream Interpretation will add Dream Affixes to gear and replace the original Base Affixes.
  • Dream Interpretation generates 1 Sweet Dream affix and 1 Nightmare affix, which respectively replace the base affixes of the selected gear. Sweet Dreams and Nightmares always come together and are inseparable.
  • Gear that has undergone Dream Interpretation cannot be used for crafting, but the rewind feature can be used to restore the gear to its initial state.
  • Sweet Dream affixes and Nightmare affixes are divided into four types. They are randomly selected into combinations during Dream Interpretation, and 1 group is selected from them and applied.
  • Dream Interpretation is divided into Shallow Dream and Deep Dream. In Deep Dream, the rarity and level of Dream affixes are higher, but Deep Dream Interpretation can only be used 3 times. After 3 attempts, the Readability of the gear will be exhausted. Shallow Dream Interpretation can be performed on gear that has 0 Readability with no limits on the number of attempts that can be made.
  • Deep Dreams also require the use of the Dream Talking of Legendary gear for Dream Interpretation. By placing the Dream Talking of the specified Legendary gear into a Deep Dream, Hunters will be able to acquire the affixes of this Legendary gear.
  • Dream Interpretation can't be ended midway after it starts. Abandoning the random results will also consume Dream Interpretation materials and Deep Dream Interpretation attempts.
  • Dream Affixes can be added to gear of all parts, but you can only have 3 pieces of gear with Dream Affixes at the same time.

  • Empowering can re-roll the Energy of a piece of gear.
  • Gear Empowerment costs a certain amount of Energy Cores. The higher the gear's Item Level , the more Energy Cores it requires.
  • After the Empower feature is unlocked as you progress through the main story, you can Empower gear at [Arms Dealer - Geely] in the Town to re-roll the gear's Energy .

  • Adds a specific Enchanted Affix to the gear.
  • After the Enchantment feature is unlocked as you progress through the main story, you can enchant gear at [Arms Dealer - Geely] in the Town.
  • Enchanting can add specific Enchanted Affixes to Non-Legendary Gear .
  • Enchanting costs a certain amount of Flame Fuel.
  • When a piece of gear that has an Enchanted Affix is crafted , the Enchanted Affix will be automatically removed.
Hero Ranking

Hero Ranking
Hero Ranking
  • You can refer to the builds of the excellent Hunters from the Hero Ranking.
  • You can access Hero Ranking through the menu.
  • In Hero Ranking, you can select a character to check their skills, Talents, gear, and other information.
  • You can also narrow down your search by selecting specific heroes, skills, and gear to better find the character information you are looking for.
How to Get Rich

How to Get Rich
How to Get Rich
  • Max out base affixes using Netherrealm Resonance, take three Drop Pactspirits, and apply the appropriate filter.
  • You can use Netherrealm Resonances to add affixes to a stage, greatly increasing the stage's base drop quantity.
  • When your combat capability is high, you can bring along 3 Drop Pactspirits to greatly increase the drop quantity.
  • Use filters to hide low-value items to significantly increase your looting efficiency.
Hunter file

Hunter file
Hunter file
  • Hunter File contains all the build info of a character.
  • You cannot view the Hunter File of this character.
  • Normally, you can check a player's Hunter File by clicking their character or avatar.
  • Hunter Files collected will be saved in Hero Ranking's Collection tab.
Show Hunter Profile

Hunter file
Hunter file
  • You can choose to display or hide your current character's Hunter File through Message on the Settings screen.
  • The character's Hunter Profile is public by default .
  • Other players will not be able to see the character's build info if you hide their Hunter File.
Hunter's Forge

Hunter's Forge
Hunter's Forge
  • Hunter's Forge can be used to unlock Hero Traits and obtain additional rewards.
  • Kill the Aember Incarnations on each floor of the illusion and interact with the Aember Crystal in it to obtain rewards that can enhance yourself.
  • You can challenge an illusion multiple times but will only get rewards after beating the illusion for the first time.

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Has its own health bar and appears as a red mark on the map.
  • Has its own health bar and appears as a red monster mark on the map.

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Has a special halo effect and appears as a white mark on the map.
  • Has a special halo effect around itself and appears as a white monster mark on the map.
Magic Monster

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Appears with a blue outline.
  • Appears with a blue outline on the map.
Normal Monster

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Does not have extra performances.
  • The most common monster without extra performances.
Rare Monster

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Appears with a gold outline as a special mark on the map.
  • Appears with a golden outline as a special mark on the map. The higher the dangerous level, the more complex the mark.
Supreme Boss

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Can only be challenged through the Great Void and other methods.
  • Supreme Bosses include the powerful enemies in the Great Void as well as Plane Watchers and Travelers of each plane.
  • Challenging them usually requires special Beacons.
Treasure Sentry

Monster Info
Monster Classification
  • Appears as an orange dot on the map.
  • Appears as an orange dot on the minimap.

  • Killing each Plane Watcher of Timemark 1-7 for the first time will grant a Cinder. Collect Cinders to unlock more Netherrealm content.
  • 35 - Lord of Calamity - Traveler
  • Cinder Quantity and Netherrealm Contents Unlocked
  • 3 - Plane : Blistering Lava Sea
  • 7 - Trait Card
  • 24 - Plane : Voidlands
  • 31 - Great Void
  • 8 - Plane : Steel Forge
  • 15 - Plane : Thunder Waste
Great Void

  • Through the Great Void, you can challenge the powerful final boss of the season-exclusive gameplay.
  • The items required to challenge advanced bosses are usually dropped by low-difficulty bosses.
  • The items required to challenge bosses of the lowest difficulty all drop in the corresponding gameplay.
  • Each boss has multiple difficulties. Kill them in lower difficulties to unlock their higher difficulties.
Netherrealm Stages

  • Each plane has 12 unique Netherrealm stage(s) that will appear along with the increase of Timemark.
  • Each Netherrealm stage has a boss. Kill the boss to complete the stage.
  • Reviving in a stage and entering a stage will both cost 1 challenge attempt.
  • Netherrealm stages can be unlocked repeatedly at the cost of one corresponding Beacon each time and can be challenged for 6 time(s).
Plane Watcher

  • Each plane has a unique Legendary boss known as the Plane Watcher.
  • Plane Watchers are powerful and dangerous, but they offer unique exclusive drops.
  • When you clear a Netherrealm stage, the Plane Watcher of the current plane and Timemark will gain Attention Points. Collect enough Attention Points to challenge the Plane Watcher.
  • Killing a Plane Watcher will increase Timemark and grant Cinders .

  • Netherrealm has 5 planes: Glacial Abyss, Blistering Lava Sea, Steel Forge, Thunder Wastes, and Voidlands.
  • The five planes correspond to the five damage types : Cold, Fire, Physical, Lightning, and Erosion.
  • Different damage types will be reflected in the monsters and environment in planes.
  • Unlocking Planes
  • Only the Glacial Abyss plane will be unlocked when you first visit Netherrealm. Collect Cinders to unlock other planes.
Spacetime Turbulence and Timemark 8

  • Netherrealm's Spacetime Turbulence mode is unlocked after Realm Lord - Traveler is killed.
  • All planes will reach Timemark 8 in Spacetime Turbulence, and Realm Lord - Traveler will be upgraded to End of Confusion - Traveler.
  • Timemark 8 has an additional Deep Space mode.
  • Netherrealm stages in the Deep Space mode don't have an additional difficulty level increase, but they do have a higher drop quantity. Unlocking Netherrealm stages in the Deep Space mode requires Rank 5+ Beacons, which are very rare.
  • Near Space mode is like Timemark 8 in normal mode. It doesn't have a high drop quantity. Unlocking a Netherrealm stage only requires Rank 5 Beacons, which are relatively common.
  • Near Space and Deep Space

  • The higher the Timemark, the harder the Netherrealm stage, and the better the drops.
  • Each plane has 8 Timemarks from Timemark 1 to Timemark 8.
  • Kill the Plane Watcher to elevate the plane to the next Timemark. Timemark 8 cannot be reached in this way.
  • You can switch freely among the Timemarks you have reached.
  • Increase Timemark
  • Timemark 8 can only be reached via Netherrealm's Spacetime Turbulence mode.
  • Offset Degree
  • Unlike other Timemarks, Timemark 7 and 8 have smaller degrees named Offset Degrees.
  • Timemark 7 consists of 3 Offset Degrees from 0 to 2. Timemark 8 consists of 5 Offset Degrees from 0 to 4.
  • The higher the Offset Degree, the harder the Netherrealm stage, and the better the drops.
  • You can switch freely among the Offset Degrees you have reached.
  • Like Timemarks, Offset Degrees can also be increased by killing Plane Watchers.

  • Traveler is the final boss in Netherrealm. It offers challenges of three difficulty levels: Lord of Calamity, Realm Lord, and End of Confusion.
  • Realm Lord - Traveler
  • Kill the Plane Watcher of any plane in Timemark 7 4 time(s) to challenge it.
  • The item required to challenge Lord of Calamity - Traveler and Realm Lord - Traveler repeatedly is dropped by the Plane Watcher of Timemark 7.
  • End of Confusion - Traveler
  • End of Confusion - Traveler appears in the Netherrealm under Spacetime Turbulence.
  • Kill the Plane Watcher of any plane in Timemark 8 4 time(s) to challenge it.
  • The item required to challenge End of Confusion - Traveler repeatedly is dropped by the Plane Watcher of Timemark 8.
  • Lord of Calamity - Traveler will be replaced by Realm Lord - Traveler after being killed.
  • If you fail the challenge, the items required to challenge it again will be dropped by the Plane Watcher of Timemark 7.
  • Lord of Calamity - Traveler is unlocked at 35 Cinder(s) and can be challenged directly.
  • Lord of Calamity - Traveler
  • Travelers of a higher difficulty level tend to have rarer exclusive drops.
Chaos Invasion

Netherrealm Cards
  • Netherrealm is perpetually invaded by Chaos.
  • The Chaos Invasions of different planes and Timemarks are mutually independent.
  • The start of Chaos Invasion
  • At the beginning of each round of Chaos Invasion, new Confusion Cards will be drawn and added to the plane, and adjusted Trait Cards will also take effect.
  • The end of Chaos Invasion
  • Complete a Netherrealm stage that has a Confusion Card with full progress to end the current round of Chaos Invasion.
  • The end of a round of Chaos Invasion is the start of a new round.
  • At the end of each round of Chaos Invasion, you can select a new Trait Card and add it to the Trait Card Library or level up a Trait Card you have.
Confusion Card

Netherrealm Cards
  • At the beginning of each Chaos Invasion, 3 random Confusion Card(s) will be pulled from the Chaos Deck and added to random Netherrealm stages on the plane.
  • When a Confusion Card reaches full progress, unlocking the stage it is in will trigger the card's affix effects.
  • At the beginning of each Chaos Invasion, {%s:1} random Confusion Card(s) will be pulled from the Chaos Deck and added to random Netherrealm stages on the plane.
  • Each completion of a stage that a Confusion Card is in will increase the card's progress by 1.
  • No matter whether a Confusion Card's progress is full or not, the stage it is in always has a 100% additional Drop Quantity bonus.
  • When a Confusion Card reaches full progress, unlocking the Netherrealm stage it is in triggers its affix effects.
  • Complete a Netherrealm stage that has a Confusion Card with full progress to end the current round of Chaos Invasion.
  • Progress of Confusion Cards
  • All Confusion Cards have progress. Usually, the higher the rarity and the better the affix effects of a card, the greater its progress.
  • Timemarks come with different Confusion Decks by default. The higher the Timemark, the richer and more powerful its Confusion Deck.
Trait Card

Netherrealm Cards
  • You can custom your Netherrealm stage experience by building your Trait Decks with different Trait Cards.
  • Every time when you unlock a Netherrealm stage in a plane, the affix effects of all cards of the Trait Deck will be applied to the stage. Note that the Plane Watcher is not affected by Trait Cards.
  • You do not have Trait Cards when you first visit Netherrealm.
  • At the end of each round of Chaos Invasion, you can select a new Trait Card and add it to the Trait Card Library or level up a Trait Card you have.
  • Some Trait Cards can only be obtained from higher Timemarks.
  • You can adjust Trait Decks anytime. The adjusted Trait Decks will take effect in the next round of Chaos Invasion .
  • All planes and Timemarks share the same Trait Deck.
  • A Trait Deck consists of a maximum of 12 Trait Cards from the Trait Card Library.
  • You might also gain additional chances to select Trait Cards when accumulating Confusion Card progress.

Netherrealm Related Items
  • Beacons are necessary items to unlock Netherrealm stages .
  • Different planes and Timemarks use different Beacons. Different Timemarks drop Beacons of different ranks.
  • Timemark 1 and 2 use Rank 1 Beacons and can drop Rank 2 Beacons at most.
  • Timemark 5 and 6 use Rank 3 Beacons and can drop Rank 4 Beacons at most.
  • Timemark 7 uses Rank 4 Beacons and can drop Rank 5 Beacons at most.
  • Timemark 8 Deep Space uses Rank 5+ Beacons and can drop Rank 5+ Beacons at most.
  • Rank 1-4 Beacons can be purchased with Netherrealm Resonance from the Trader.
  • Timemark 8 Near Space uses Rank 5 Beacons and can drop Rank 5+ Beacons at most.
  • Timemark 3 and 4 use Rank 2 Beacons and can drop Rank 3 Beacons at most.

Netherrealm Related Items
  • Compasses are used to add specific gameplay features to Netherrealm stages .
  • Each Compass is related to a gameplay and guarantees that the gameplay will appear in Netherrealm stages.
  • Compasses drop everywhere in Netherrealm and are relatively rare. It could be mainly obtained by purchasing from the Trader with Flame Elementium.
Netherrealm resonance

Netherrealm Related Items
  • You can add random Base Affixes to Netherrealm stages at the cost of Netherrealm Resonances before unlocking them.
  • All Base Affixes will grant additional drop quantity and drop rarity bonuses while increasing the danger of Netherrealm stages.
  • The Netherrealm Resonances required to add Base Affixes increase gradually. The newly added Base Affixes tend to be more dangerous.
  • When a Netherrealm stage is unlocked, Base Affixes will be applied to the stage, and then they will be reset. You will need to add Base Affixes again next time when you unlock a Netherrealm stage.
  • The higher the Timemark a Netherrealm stage is in, the more Base Affixes it can have, up to 6.
  • Netherrealm Resonances drop everywhere in Netherrealm and are relatively common.
  • You have 3 Base Affix reset chances each time before unlocking a Netherrealm stage. You can use this to remove highly dangerous Base Affixes at the cost of removing previously added affixes.
Newbie Pro Builds

Newbie Pro Builds
Newbie Pro Builds
  • New Hunters can select the recommended builds to get started quickly.
  • We have designed a set of recommended builds for each character, featuring tailored Talent selection, skill recommendation, gear selection, Energy distribution, and more to help new Hunters get started quickly.
  • Veteran Hunters can freely create their own builds based on their own strategies.
Pact Node

Pact Node
  • Pact Points provide the character with additional abilities and development paths.
  • Three pact sections are unlocked as your character levels up.
  • Pact Points are obtained through leveling up characters. Legendary and Rare Pactspirits can provide additional Pact Points.
  • After certain points have been added to the inner ring of a section, you can allocate points in the middle ring of the section. After certain points have been added to the middle ring of a section, you can allocate points in the outer ring of the section.

  • Pactspirits will change Pact Point effects. One Pactspirit can follow you around and automatically loot some items.
  • Pactspirit installation will change the effects of Pact Nodes in the current area: You can switch to the original Pact Nodes anytime.
  • Pactspirits of different rarity can cause different scopes of change. Legendary Pactspirits will change all the Pact Nodes in the area.
  • Pactspirits that are not installed can follow you around in the scene but can only automatically loot some drops.
Quick Loot

Quick Loot
Quick Loot
  • Quick Loot includes Void Chart point allocation and Pactspirit selection.
  • You can use the Quick Loot feature to study looting strategies shared by other Hunters, including their Void Chart point allocation and Pactspirit selection.

Season-exclusive Gameplay
Season-exclusive Gameplay
  • Kill Kins of Aeterna to get Aeterna Reverberations, which can be used to open the Ruins of Aeterna. Completing the challenge of the Ruins of Aeterna to get Marks of the Ruins.
  • Piece the Marks of the Ruins together on the Aeterna Map to rebuild the City of Aeterna.
  • Kill monsters, open all Candlelights of Sacrifice to summon the boss, and then kill the boss.
  • Collect Marks of the Ruins
  • Kins of Aeterna will appear when "Kins of Aeterna are wandering around in this stage." Killing Kins of Aeterna has a chance to grant Aeterna Reverberations, which can be given to Kandel to open the Ruins of Aeterna. Completing the challenge of the Ruins of Aeterna to get Marks of the Ruins.
  • Rebuild the City of Aeterna
  • Piece the Marks of the Ruins together on the Aeterna Map to cover the reward points on the map. Continue until the Aeterna Map is filled up by the Marks of the Ruins to rebuild the City of Aeterna. You can also fill the Aeterna Map with Aeterna Tiles to make it more complete.
  • Challenge the City of Aeterna
  • After the City of Aeterna has been rebuilt, you can enter the city and kill monsters to obtain keys, which can be used to open Candlelights of Sacrifice for rewards. After opening all Candlelights, you will be able to summon the Aeterna boss. Kill the boss to obtain the final reward.

Season-exclusive Gameplay
Season-exclusive Gameplay
  • Kill monsters with Void Sea Flames to collect them.
  • Interact with the Plane Anchor, kill the Void Pirate, and reveal the Void Sea Seal to obtain a Seal Whisper.
  • With 6 Seal Whispers, you can go to the Void Sea Terminal and kill the Void Sea Bride to obtain rewards.
  • Collect Void Sea Flames
  • Monsters with Void Sea Flames will appear when the stage is "marked by a Plane Anchor". Kill these monsters to get Void Sea Flames. Void Sea Flames come with various effects, such as granting extra drops or changing subsequent Seal Whispers.
  • Reveal Void Sea Seals
  • After you kill a stage boss, a Plane Anchor will appear. You can interact with the Plane Anchor and kill the Void Pirate to reveal a Void Sea Seal and get a Seal Whisper. Seal Whispers include Whisper of Armament, Whisper of Wealth, and Whisper of Wonder. These Whispers will greatly affect the final rewards.
  • Go to the Void Sea Terminal
  • With 6 Seal Whispers, you can go to the Void Sea Terminal to kill the Void Sea Bride and get the rewards in the Treasure Chest.

Season-exclusive Gameplay
Season-exclusive Gameplay
  • Kill Malice Incarnations to collect Desire Crystals.
  • Spend Desire Crystals to draw rewards from the Cube of Rapacity.
  • Collect Desire Crystals
  • The Malice Incarnations will appear when Malice is accumulating in the stage. Kill the Malice Incarnation to collect Desire Crystals.
  • Covet from the Cube
  • The Cube of Rapacity will appear upon the defeat of the stage boss. Interact with the Cube of Rapacity and spend Desire Crystals to Covet from it. You can draw one reward from the cube each time you do this, including the Cube of Craving which could make the items from the cube even more precious. After the draw, select and claim rewards to get them. If you have gotten a Cube of Craving during the process, you can also select Greed to have a 50% to double your rewards and a 50% chance to lose everything.
Dark Surge

Season-exclusive Gameplay
Season-exclusive Gameplay
  • Kill monsters infected by Dark Surge to absorb Dark Energy.
  • Unleash the darkness and kill the monsters released along it to obtain rewards.
  • Dark Surge Infection
  • Monsters infected by Dark Surge will appear when the stage has been completely flooded by the Dark Surge. Kill them to absorb their Dark Energy and store it in the Container.
  • Unleash the Darkness
  • Click the Container when it's full to release the darkness and monsters. The first time you do this, you'll unlock a tier of rewards. After that, there's a chance to unlock bonus rewards each time. There are up to 4 tiers of rewards available. Every time you release the darkness, all the unlocked rewards will be carried by the monsters. Kill them to get what's yours.

Season-exclusive Gameplay
Season-exclusive Gameplay
  • Kill Mistville "Residents," to get their eyes, which can be used to gain Infection Progress.
  • Dispel the mist at the cost of your Sanity and find the Clock Tower to start a new day.
  • Challenge Advent of Folklores to obtain Chests of Folklores.
  • Infection Progress
  • Mistville "Residents" will appear in the stage when "there are Mistville 'Residents' paying you a visit in this stage." Kill them to get their eyes, which can be used to gain Infection Progress. You will be able to visit Mistville upon reaching a certain Infection Progress.
  • Mistville Exploration
  • After entering Mistville, you will interact with a Lantern to start your exploration, during which you must dispel the mist at the cost of your Sanity and find the Clock Tower to start a new day. When your Sanity has been exhausted or you have survived 15 days, the current round will be over.
  • Advent of Folklores
  • On odd-numbered days. You can interact with the Clock Tower to enter the Advent of Folklores gameplay. Completing an Advent of Folklore will allow you to get rewards from a Chest of Folklores.

Season-exclusive Gameplay
Season-exclusive Gameplay
  • Kill Sleepwalkers and awaken the Dream Lotus to obtain a Dream Omen.
  • Remove all Nightmare Roots to turn your Dream Bubbles into actual rewards.
  • Custom Sweet Dream
  • You can interact with a Dream Lotus and enter a Sweet Dream when "Dream Lotus grows in the stage." In the Sweet Dream, you must kill Sleepwalkers to accumulate progress to awaken the Dream Lotus and get one Dream Omen, which will enhance your Dream Bubbles but will also make your future nightmare more dangerous.
  • Escape Nightmares
  • As you enter more Sweet Dreams, you have a chance to enter a Nightmare where you must remove all Nightmare Roots to turn your Dream Bubbles into actual rewards.
God of Machines

Six Gods Gameplay
Six Gods Gameplay
  • Eliminate the attacking monsters to protect the Statue of Machines.
  • Interact with the Statue of Machines in the stage to start the gameplay.
  • The gameplay usually consists of three rounds. In each round, multiple waves of monsters will attack the statue. You must eliminate the monsters to protect it. After successfully defending the statue in each round, you will receive a reward.
  • When monsters make contact with the statue, its Life will be reduced. If the statue's Life is reduced to 0, you lose the challenge.
God of Might

Six Gods Gameplay
Six Gods Gameplay
  • Kill the incoming monsters while staying alive.
  • Interact with the Statue of Might in the stage to start the challenge.
  • Moving lava will appear around the statue. You will keep taking damage if you touch them. You must defeat monsters while staying alive, accumulating progress to reach higher floors until the time runs out or the highest floor is reached.
God of War

Six Gods Gameplay
Six Gods Gameplay
  • Eliminate enemies as fast as possible with the blessing of the God of War.
  • A statue of the God of War will appear at the beginning of the stage. Interact with the statue to receive a blessing from the God of War, gaining increased Skill Area, Movement Speed, and Projectile Quantity.
  • During the gameplay, kill the enemy to accumulate progress to enter a new floor. The higher the floor, the stronger the blessing effects, and the better the final rewards.
Goddess of Hunting

Six Gods Gameplay
Six Gods Gameplay
  • Select buffs for yourself and the stage boss, and then defeat the boss.
  • The statue of the Goddess of Hunting will appear before the stage boss. Interact with the statue to select a buff for yourself and an enhancement effect for the boss.
  • Kill the enhanced boss to earn a reward from the Goddess of Hunting.

Skill Base Mechanics
  • A skill that has charges can be cast multiple times in a row, and 1 charge will be consumed each time. The skill can't be released any more when there are 0 charges.
  • A skill that has charges can be cast multiple times in a row, and 1 charge will be consumed each time. The skill can't be released any more when there are 0 charges.
  • With enough Charging Progress accumulated, you can restore multiple Charges in one go.
  • Only skills that have a cooldown can gain charges.
  • Charging Progress
  • Some skills require Charging Progress to restore Charges. For example, the Restoration Skills . In these cases, skill cooldown will no longer affect Charges.
  • When a skill hasn't reached maximum charges, charges will be restored over time. The restoration time is the skill's cooldown. Only 1 charge will be restored each time.

Skill Base Mechanics
  • Skills that have a cooldown can only be cast after the cooldown ends.
  • Skills that have a cooldown can only be cast after the cooldown ends.
  • Cooldown Recovery Speed
  • The cooldown of skills is affected by speed bonuses. The faster your speed, the shorter the cooldown.
  • Cooldown = Base cooldown / ((1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...).

Skill Base Mechanics
  • When activating a Passive or Triggered Skill, a portion of your Mana will become unusable. This is called Sealed Mana. These skills cannot be activated when you have insufficient Mana remaining.
  • If the skill doesn't seal Mana, this effect will not apply to it.
  • When activating a Passive or Triggered Skill, a portion of your Mana will become unusable. This is called Sealed Mana. These skills cannot be activated when you have insufficient Mana remaining. Sealed Mana cannot be used or sealed again.
  • Sealed Life
  • In certain circumstances, a portion of the Mana sealed when activating skills can be converted to Sealed Life .
  • If the conversion percentage is greater than or equal to 100%, this skill will only seal an amount of Life equal to the corresponding percentage of Mana.
Skill cost

Skill Base Mechanics
  • Using Active Skills requires Mana. These skills cannot be used when there is insufficient Mana.
  • Using Active Skills requires Mana . These skills cannot be used when there is insufficient Mana.
  • Life Cost
  • In certain circumstances, a portion of the Mana Cost when using skills can be replaced with a Life Cost.
  • If the conversion percentage is greater than or equal to 100%, this skill will only consume Life equal to the corresponding percentage of Mana. The consumed Life is not regarded as damage taken.
  • If the skill doesn't cost Mana, this effect will not apply to it.
Skill Level

Skill Base Mechanics
  • The Base Damage and affix effects of skills increase with the skill level. Kill enemies to gain Skill XP, which can be used to upgrade skills to Lv.20.
  • Some special effects, such as affixes or drop skills also increase the skill level. This makes it possible for the actual level of skills to exceed Lv.20.
  • After the skill level exceeds 30, the basic damage of the skill and the basic damage of the summoned objects will not change, but for every level above 1, the skill will gain an additional +6% damage (Stacking ), the summons summoned by this skill are additional +8% damage (multiplying).
  • For example: when the current level of a skill is 31 and exceeds level 1, the skill will deal additional +6% damage.
  • The Base Damage of the following skills will not increase with their skill level:
  • Burst of Anger
Skill Slots

Skill Base Mechanics
  • Skill Slots are divided into Active Skill Slots, Passive Skill Slots, and Support Skill Slots. Generally, skills can only be equipped in their corresponding slots.
  • Passive Skill Slots
  • Passive Skill Slots include the last 4 skill slots on the Skill panel. The Passive Skill Slots and Active Skill Slots are separated by a gap.
  • Active Skill Slots
  • Active Skill slots include the first 5 skill slots on the Skill panel. Active Skill slots can also be sorted from top to bottom.
  • The Active Skill equipped in the first skill slot is known as the Main Skill .
  • Support Skill Slots
  • The 5 skill slots around each Active or Passive Skill Slot are called Support Skill Slots.
Skill Speed

Skill Base Mechanics
  • The casting speed of skills that have actions is affected by Skill Speed bonuses. Skill Speed is further divided into Attack Speed and Cast Speed, which grant bonuses to Attack Skills and Spell Skills respectively.
  • The casting speed of skills that have actions is affected by Skill Speed bonuses. Skill Speed is further divided into Attack Speed and Cast Speed, which grant bonuses to Attack Skills and Spell Skills respectively.
  • Attack Speed = Base Attack Speed x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)... The same applies to Cast Speed.
  • Skill Speed represents how many skills can be used every second.
Skill Type

Skill Base Mechanics
  • Skills are divided into Active Skills, Passive Skills, and Support Skills. Passive Skills and Support Skills can be further differentiated as being Normal or Precise.
  • Active Skills
  • In general, Active Skills must be actively used by the player. They can be equipped to Active Skill Slots .
  • It is possible to equip multiple Active Skills that have the same name.
  • Only 1 Passive Skill of the same name can be equipped.
  • Support Skills
  • Support Skills are skills that can enhance and link to Active Skills or Passive Skills. They can be equipped to Support Skill Slots or Passive Skill Slots.
  • Support Skills have a Mana Multiplier stat, and the Mana Cost of linked Active Skills and Sealed Mana of linked Passive Skills will be multiplied by this multiplier.
  • For example: If the Mana Multiplier of a Support Skill is 110% and the Mana Cost of an Active Skill is 5, the final Mana Cost of the Active Skill is 5.5.
  • In each set of skill slots, only 1 Support Skill of the same name can be equipped.
  • Normal and Precise Skills
  • Passive Skills and Support Skills are further differentiated as being Normal or Precise. Precise skills are stronger than Normal skills.
  • Passive Skills
  • Passive Skills are skills that only take effect when they are activated by the player. They can be equipped to Passive Skill Slots .

Skill Related Mechanics
  • Attack Skills have a chance to trigger Multistrike, automatically launching a certain number of consecutive attacks with the same Attack Skill.
  • Additional Multistrike Damage Increment
  • The Multistrike Damage Increment attribute is affected by Additional Multistrike Damage Increment. Multistrike Damage Increment will multiply the Multistrike damage increment by (100% + additional increment percentage).
  • Multistrike Chance
  • Multistrike Chance is 0 by default. When the Multistrike Chance exceeds 100%, one additional attack is guaranteed to be performed after your initial attack, and each full 100% increment grants another additional attack. The excessive chance that is lower than 100% will be the chance of performing another additional attack after the additional attacks.
  • Attack Skills have a chance to trigger Multistrike, automatically launching a certain number of consecutive attacks with the same Attack Skill. Multistrike will not be triggered again during a Multistrike.
  • During Multistrike, each skill used will consume Mana or Life , and Multistrike will be interrupted when Mana or Life is insufficient. Multistrike will also be interrupted by moving or using other skills that are not accompanied by any actions or that will interrupt other skills.
  • Mobility Skills , Channeled Skills , and skills used by Sentries cannot trigger Multistrike.
  • When performing a Multistrike, the default Attack Speed is +20%.
  • Multistrike Damage Increment
  • During Multistrike, for each additional attack, the damage of the skill will increase additionally based on the Multistrike Damage Increment stat (the second attack receives the bonus once, the third attack receives the bonus twice, and so on).
Spell Burst

Skill Related Mechanics
  • Automatically casts a Spell Skill a certain number of times.
  • Spell Burst
  • When Spell Burst is fully charged, casting a Spell Skill will activate Spell Burst, which will consume all stacks of Spell Burst charged and automatically cast the Spell Skill the same number of times as the number of stacks consumed.
  • Skills that are cast by Spell Burst, skills with a cooldown, Summon Skills, Sentry Skills, Channel Skills, and Triggered Skills cannot activate Spell Burst.
  • The Spell Skill that activates the Spell Burst is considered a skill cast by Spell Burst.
  • Spell Burst Charge cannot go beyond Spell Burst's upper limit. Spell Burst can only be cast when Max Spell Burst is no lower than 1.
  • Spell Burst Charge Speed
  • Spell Burst will be fully charged within 2s. Spell Burst Charge Speed will increase the restoration speed of Spell Burst Charge.
  • Full Spell Burst Charge Restoration Time = 2 / (100 + Spell Burst Charge Speed)% x (100 + additional Spell Burst Charge Speed 1)% x (100 + additional Spell Burst Charge Speed 2)%...
Using, Triggering, Casting, and Activating Skills

Skill Related Mechanics
  • Players can cast and activate skills. Casting skills can be further divided into using and triggering skills.
  • Trigger
  • Certain effects can trigger other skills. Triggered skills generate skill effects directly without any action.
  • Activate
  • The player's action taken to click a skill's activation button or the Activate All button on the Skill panel is called activating a skill.
  • Cast
  • Using and triggering a skill are both ways to cast a skill.
  • Use
  • The player's action taken to press or hold down the skill button to create a skill effect is called using a skill.
  • Only Active Skills can be used.
  • Only Passive Skills can be activated.
  • Only Active Skills and some special skills can be triggered. Attack Mobility , Channeled , and some other special skills (such as Bombard) cannot be triggered.
Activation Medium

Skill Type
  • Activation Medium Skills are a special type of Support Skills that can be used to automatically cast the linked skill.
  • Activation Medium Skills are special Support Skills that must be linked to an Active Skill and can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of the Active Skill. When certain conditions are met, Activation Medium Skills usually trigger or attempt to automatically use the linked Active Skill.
  • Activation Medium Skills cannot be obtained in regular ways and can only be obtained from specific season gameplay.

Skill Type
  • Area Skills affect all units within a certain area.
  • Skill Area
  • The skill area of Area Skills is affected by Area bonuses.
  • Skill Area = Base Skill Area x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...

Skill Type
  • The Base Damage of Attack Skills is generally a certain percentage of Weapon Damage, and the Base Attack Speed and Base Critical Strike Rating are the Attack Speed and Critical Strike Rating of the weapon.
  • When Dual Wielding, casting a skill will make the player attack with both weapons in alternation. The Base Damage and Base Critical Strike Rating will be the Weapon Damage percentage and Critical Strike Rating of the weapon currently used to attack, and the Base Attack Speed will be the average Attack Speed of the 2 weapons.
  • The Base Damage of Attack Skills is generally a certain percentage of Weapon Damage, and the Base Attack Speed and Base Critical Strike Rating are the Attack Speed and Critical Strike Rating of the weapon.

Skill Type
  • Aura Skills are Passive Skills that provide various types of damage-enhancing effects to the players and their allies within a certain area.
  • Aura Effect
  • The positive effect values provided by Aura Skills are affected by Aura Effect bonuses.
  • Aura Skills are Passive Skills that provide various types of damage-enhancing effects to the players and their allies within a certain area.
  • Positive effect value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • When more than 1 Aura Skill that has the same name takes effect on a unit, only 1 Aura will be applied.
  • Precise Aura Skills have the highest priority. After that, according to the level > effect bonus value priority, the Aura Skill with the larger value will take effect.

Skill Type
  • Barrage Skills attack from the sky, bombarding enemies within a certain area and repeating a certain number of times at the same spot.
  • Barrage Wave
  • The number of repetitions of the effect created by a Barrage Skill, including the initial casting, is referred to as the skill's Barrage Waves. Waves are affected by Quantity bonuses.
  • Barrage Wave Interval
  • There is an interval between each time the Barrage Skill repeats its effect. This is called the Barrage Wave Interval.

Skill Type
  • Beam Skills generate 1 Beam, dealing DoT Damage to enemies within its area or at its destination.
  • Beams
  • The number of Beams generated by a Beam Skill is affected by Quantity bonuses. The origin of additional Beams is the same as the original Beam, and they will spread with a certain angle between them.
  • Refractions
  • When a Beam has a number of refractions, it will refract an extra Beam at enemies that weren't hit by the Beam within a certain area. 1 enemy will be targeted for every 1 refraction.
  • If a Beam is able to penetrate an enemy (such as Wilting Beam), the refracted Beam will be generated in the middle of the original Beam.
  • If a Beam cannot penetrate an enemy (such as Scorching Beam), the refracted Beam will be generated at the destination of the original Beam.

Skill Type
  • The skill effects of Chain Skills can Jump between enemies.
  • Jumps
  • After the effect of a Chain Skill hits an enemy, if there are remaining Jumps, it will Jump to another enemy within a certain area and consume 1 Jump. Different skills have different Jump Areas.
  • If a Chain Skill has Jumped 2 times after hitting an enemy, it can target this enemy again. It cannot hit the same enemy again unless this condition has been met.

Skill Type
  • Channeled Skills must be held down to be used. During this time, the skill is uninterrupted. This is called Channeling.
  • Channeled Skills must be held down to be used . During this time, the skill is uninterrupted. This is called Channeling.
  • Channeled stacks are lost when channeling is interrupted. They can be lost instantly or gradually over time. The way in which they are lost depends on the skill.
  • Max Channeled Stacks
  • Channeled stacks cannot exceed the Max Channeled Stacks.
  • Min Channeled Stacks
  • When the current number of channeled stacks is 0, additional channeled stacks can be gained through a round of channeling.
  • For example: When Min Channeled Stacks is 1 and the current number of channeled stacks is 0, 2 channeled stacks can be gained through a round of channeling (Base 1 stack + Min Channeled Stacks).
  • While channeling, gain 1 channeled stack whenever you use a skill. This process can also be called a round of channeling

Skill Type
  • Curse Skills inflict various negative effects on enemies to increase their damage taken.
  • Curse Effect
  • The negative effect values provided by Curse Skills are affected by Curse Effect bonuses.
  • Negative effect value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • Max Curse
  • Each unit can only inflict 1 type of Curse Skill effect on the same enemy count. This upper limit is affected by Quantity bonuses.
  • Curse Skills are usually not accompanied by any actions.
  • After Curse Skill effects on enemies reach their upper limit, inflicting another type of Curse Skill effect will replace the earliest inflicted effect on the enemy.

Skill Type
  • Defensive Skills grant various types of positive effects that enhance survivability.
  • Defensive Skills are usually not accompanied by any actions.
  • Positive effect value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • Defensive Effect
  • The positive effect values provided by Defensive Skills are affected by Defensive Effect bonuses.

Skill Type
  • Demolisher Skills gain Demolisher Charge over time. When casting a skill while having Demolisher Charge, the Demolisher Charge will be consumed to greatly enhance this skill.
  • Demolisher Skills gain Demolisher Charge over time. When casting a skill while having Demolisher Charge, the Demolisher Charge will be consumed to greatly enhance this skill.
  • Time is only recorded when a Demolisher Skill currently has no Demolisher Charges.
  • Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed
  • The Restoration Duration of Demolisher Charge is affected by speed bonuses. The faster the player's speed, the shorter the Restoration Duration of Demolisher Charge.
  • Restoration Duration of each stack of Demolisher Charge = Base Restoration Duration / (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages).

Skill Type
  • Empower Skills grant various types of positive effects that enhance damage.
  • Empower Effect
  • The positive effect values provided by Empower Skills are affected by Empower Effect bonuses.
  • Empower Skills are usually not accompanied by any actions.
  • Positive effect value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...

Skill Type
  • Horizontal Skills generally launch Projectiles with a horizontal trajectory.
  • Horizontal Skills generally launch Projectiles with a horizontal trajectory. Projectiles can deal damage to the same enemy more than once with an interval of 0.25s.
  • Projectile Quantity
  • The Projectile Quantity of Horizontal Skills is affected by Quantity bonuses. The firing location of the additional Projectiles is the same as the original Projectile. Projectiles are fired at intervals at a certain angle.
  • Penetrate
  • After a Projectile fired by a Horizontal Skill hits an enemy, if it has remaining Penetrations, it will continue flying through the enemy and consume 1 Penetration.
  • Jump
  • After a Projectile fired by a Horizontal Skill hits an enemy, if it has remaining Jumps, it will continue to fly toward another enemy within a certain area and consume 1 Jump. The radius of a Projectile's Jump Area is 12m.
  • Projectiles will not target units they have already Jumped off.
  • Return
  • When a Projectile fired by a Horizontal Skill vanishes, if the Projectile has the Return trait, it flies back to the player instead of vanishing until its flight duration ends or it reaches the player.
  • The Penetrations and Jumps of Returning Projectiles will be reset.
  • Priority of Penetrate, Jump, and Return
  • When a Projectile has Penetrate, Jump and Return, only one effect will be triggered each time according to the following priority: Penetrate > Jump > Return.

Skill Type
  • Imbue Skills are Passive Skills that provide various damage-enhancing effects, and Ailments can be inflicted to trigger additional skill effects.
  • Imbue Skills are Passive Skills that provide various damage-enhancing effects, and Ailments can be inflicted to trigger additional skill effects.
  • Positive effect value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • Imbue Buff Effect
  • The positive effect values provided by Imbue Skills are affected by Imbue buff effect bonuses, but the triggered skill effects are not affected.

Skill Type

Skill Type
  • Mobility Skills can increase Movement Speed.
  • Casting a Mobility Skill will interrupt all other skills that are currently in use.
  • Attack Mobility Skills enjoy a smaller Attack Speed bonus than the actual bonus (Base Attack Speed is not affected).

Skill Type
  • Parabolic Skills generally launch Projectiles with a parabolic trajectory.
  • Projectile Quantity
  • The Projectile Quantity of Parabolic Skills isn't affected by Quantity bonuses, but every +1 Projectile Quantity increases the Skill Area of Parabolic Skills by +20%.
  • Split
  • After a Projectile fired by a Parabolic Skill hits an enemy or the ground, if it has remaining Splits, it will fire a number of identical Projectiles corresponding to the number of remaining Splits around itself. Split Projectiles will not Split again.
  • The distance between the landing point of a Split Projectile and its original Projectile is 4m.

Skill Type
  • Projectile Skills fires Projectiles and includes Horizontal, Parabolic, and Vertical Skills.
  • Projectile Skills creates Projectiles and includes Horizontal , Parabolic , and Vertical Skills.

Skill Type
  • Restoration Skills provide various types of Life or Mana restoration effects.
  • Restoration Skills provide various types of Life or Mana restoration effects that typically restore a certain amount of Life or Mana within a certain period of time.
  • Restoration Skills typically have at least 2 Charge(s) and need to gain Charging Progress through actions such as killing enemies. Restoration Skills are usually not accompanied by any actions.
  • When Life or Mana is fully restored, currently active Life or Mana restoration effects will be removed before they expire, but the restoration period is deemed to continue as long as one type of restoration effect is still active.
  • Restoration Duration
  • Restoration effects from Restoration skills are affected by Restoration Duration bonuses, but are not affected by the skill effect duration attribute.
  • Changes to the Restoration Duration will not affect the total amount restored by each casting of the Restoration Skill. When the Restoration Duration is extended, the amount restored per second by the Restoration Skill will be reduced.
  • Restoration Effect
  • The total restoration amount of a Restoration Skill is affected by Restoration Effect bonuses.
  • Restoration value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...

Skill Type
  • Sentry Skills can be used to deploy different types of Sentries. Sentries are unable to move but will automatically cast skills at enemies within their Tracking Area.
  • Sentry Skills can be used to deploy different types of Sentries. Sentries are unable to move but will automatically cast skills at enemies within a certain area. Each type of Sentry has a different Tracking Area.
  • When a Sentry hits, deals damage to, or kills an enemy, it is considered that the player has hit, dealt damage to, or killed this enemy.
  • Sentry Stats
  • Sentries' stats are inherited from the player, so their damage stat calculation should be the same as the player's.
  • Cast Frequency
  • The speed at which Sentries use skills is controlled by Cast Frequency and not Attack or Cast Speed . It is calculated in the same way as Attack and Cast Speed.
Shadow Strike

Skill Type
  • When being cast, a Shadow Strike Skill can summon multiple Shadows to attack. Each Shadow attacks an enemy within the Tracking Area 1 time. Shadows use the same Attack Skills as the player.
  • Casting a Shadow Strike Skill can summon multiple Shadows to attack. Each Shadow attacks an enemy within the Tracking Area 1 time. Shadows use the same Attack Skills as the player. The default number of Shadows is 0.
  • Damage of Shadows
  • Shadows deal the same amount of damage as the player, but if multiple Shadows hit the same enemy at the same time, the damage from each Shadow beyond the first one will additionally -70%.
  • Tracking Area of Shadows
  • The Tracking Area of Shadows is a circle with a radius of 8m around the player. This area is not affected by general area stats, and only enjoys exclusive Shadow Tracking Area stat bonuses. Shadows prioritize attacking enemies that have not been hit by the player or other Shadows.

Skill Type
  • Slash-Strike Skills have two forms: Sweep Slash and Steep Strike, with Sweep Slash being the default form. Casting a Slash-Strike Skill in its Sweep Slash form has a chance to grant you a chance to earn a Steep Strike attempt. Once you possess any Steep Strike attempts, the Slash-Strike Skill will be cast in the Steep Strike form.
  • Slash-Strike Skills have two forms: Sweep Slash and Steep Strike, with Sweep Slash being the default form.
  • Steep Strike Chance
  • Casting a Slash-Strike Skill in its Sweep Slash form has a chance to grant you a chance to earn 1 Steep Strike attempt. Once you possess any Steep Strike attempts, the Slash-Strike Skill will be cast in the Steep Strike form cost 1 Steep Strike attempt with each casting.
  • Steep Strike Attempts
  • If there are any Steep Strike attempts, Slash Strike Skills will be cast in Steep Strike form. Generally, there is only a chance to gain 1 Steep Strike attempt while in Sweep Slash form, but it is possible to gain more attempts through some special effects.

Skill Type
  • Spell Skill Base Damage and Cast Speed are usually fixed values. The base Critical Strike Rating is generally 500.
  • Spell Skill Base Damage and Cast Speed are usually fixed values. The base Critical Strike Rating is generally 500.
Spirit Magus

Skill Type
  • Spirit Magi are a type of Minion. Skills that summon Spirit Magi are typically Passive Skills.
  • Growth
  • The Spirit Magi summoned by the player has a stat called Growth.
  • Growth's lower limit is 100 and upper limit is 1000.
  • Spirit Magi start off at Stage 1 (100 Growth) and grow into the next stage with every 100 Growth gained until they reach Stage 5 (500 Growth).
  • Enhanced Skills
  • Chance to change the skill into a stronger Enhanced Skill when Spirit Magi use a Base Skill. The chance can be increased, and at 100%, Spirit Magi will no longer use Base Skills and always use Enhanced Skills.
  • Each Spirit Magus has different skills, including Base Skills, Enhanced Skills, Empower Skills, and Ultimate. A Spirit Magus' stats are affected by Growth-related effects and bonuses.
  • Base Skill
  • Spirit Magi's most frequently used initial skill, which is relatively weak.
  • The max number of Spirit Magus Minions in a map is 2.
  • Empower Skill
  • Spirit Magi are able to use this type of skill from the very beginning. It provides Spirit Magi with a positive effect that increases damage for a period of time and has a cooldown.
  • Ultimate
  • In Full Bloom, Spirit Magi use their Ultimate with extremely high strength and a cooldown.
  • Only The Forsaken Iris - Growing Breeze can make Spirit Magi enter the Full Bloom state.
  • At Stage 5, all the attributes of Spirit Magi are increased, and they gain +25% additional damage, +10% additional Skill Area, and +30% additional Movement Speed. Their Tracking Area also increases.
  • At Stage 2, Spirit Magi have a +30% chance to use Enhanced Skills.
  • With every stage a Spirit Magus grows, it gains +5% Physique and +5% additional Skill Area. The also gain different skill and attribute enhancements:
  • At Stage 4, Spirit Magi's Empower Skills gain new effects.
  • At Stage 3, the effect of Spirit Magi's Enhanced Skills is enhanced.

Skill Type
  • Summon Skills can be used to summon different types of Minions. Minions will automatically cast skills at enemies within their Tracking Area.
  • Summon Skills can be used to summon different types of Minions. Minions will automatically cast skills at enemies within their Tracking Area. Each type of Minion has a different Tracking Area.
  • Minion Quantity
  • The number of Minions a player can have is jointly controlled by the skill's Max Summonable Minions and Max Minions In Map. The skill's Max Summonable Minions cannot exceed the Max Minions In Map.
  • The Max Summonable Minions of skills that summon the same type of Minion is the highest number among these skills. The total number of Minions summoned by these skills won't exceed this number.
  • For example: There are 2 Summon Machine Guard skills, of which 1 can summon 6 Machine Guards and the other can summon 4 Machine Guards. In this situation, only a total of 6 Machine Guards can be summoned by these 2 skills.
  • Hits, damage dealt, kills, etc., of Minions and the player are settled separately, but the kills of Minions count as the players' kills when settling XP, drops, etc.
  • Minions are completely independent of the player and have their own stats. Only effects that explicitly increase Minion stats will be applied to Minions (for example: +10% Minion Damage).
  • Minion Types
  • Minions are divided into Synthetic Troops and Spirit Magi .
Synthetic Troop

Skill Type
  • Synthetic Troops are a type of Minion. Skills that summon Synthetic Troops are typically Active Skills.
  • Each type of Synthetic Troop has different skills, and their stats receive bonuses from Command-related effects.
  • The max number of Synthetic Troop Minions in a map is 6.
  • Command
  • The player gains Command after equipping a skill that can be used to summon Synthetic Troops.
  • Every point of Command will grant Synthetic Troop Minions +2% additional damage and increase the size of their Tracking Area.
  • Command is generally not negative, but some special effects will reduce it to lower than 0. When Command is a negative value, the damage bonus granted by each point of Command will always be 0, the Tracking Area will be reduced accordingly, and the Synthetic Troop will be killed after 5s. When Command is not negative, the time will be refreshed.
  • When Command is not 0, 13 Command will be reduced/granted (depending on whether the current Command is positive or negative) per second until Command becomes 0 again. For every 10 (or -10) Command increased (or decreased), the amount of Command reduced/granted per second is +7 until the total Command becomes 0.
  • The minimum value of Command is -100, the maximum value is 100, and the initial value is 0.

Skill Type
  • Terra Skills gain Terra Charge over time, which can be stacked. Casting a skill while having Terra Charge will consume all Terra Charge stacks, enhancing the skill based on the number of stacks consumed.
  • Terra Charge Stacks
  • Terra Charge stacks can be accumulated. Each stack of Terra Charge needs a period of time to be restored.
  • The total stacks of Terra Charge are affected by Quantity bonuses.
  • Terra Charge Restoration Speed
  • The Restoration Duration of each stack of Terra Charge is affected by speed bonuses. The faster the player's speed, the shorter the Restoration Duration of a stack of Terra Charge.
  • Restoration Duration of each stack of Terra Charge = Base Restoration Duration / (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages).

Skill Type
  • Vertical Skills generally shoot Projectiles that fall down from the sky.
  • Projectile Quantity
  • The Projectile Quantity of Vertical Skills is affected by Quantity bonuses. The firing location of the additional Projectiles is a random location in the Vertical Area.

Skill Type
  • Warcry can inflict negative effects on enemies and provide various types of Melee Skill enhancing positive effects.
  • The more enemies it affects, the more powerful the positive effects it grants.
  • Warcry Cast Speed
  • The Cast Speed of Warcry is controlled by Warcry Cast Speed and not Attack or Cast Speed . It is calculated in the same way as Attack and Cast Speed.
  • Warcry Effect
  • The positive effect values provided by Warcry are affected by Warcry Effect bonuses.
  • Positive effect value = Base value x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
Skill Info

Skill Related
Skill System
  • There are various types of skills. You can select the skills you want based on tags.
  • Skills can be divided into Active Skills, Support Skills, and Passive Skills.
  • Active Skills and Passive Skills can be linked to Support Skills.
  • Triggered Skills can be linked to Active Skills and Support Skills.
  • You can check the skill tags to find Support Skills that a skill can be linked to.
  • Only one skill will be active when identical skills are installed.
  • Whether an Active Skill can be used is determined by the weapons currently installed on the character.
Skill Slot Info

Skill Related
Skill System
  • The skill slots determine the number of skills that can be installed.
  • Skill slots need to be unlocked with Energy automatically or manually.
  • When Energy reaches the upper limit, the first skill slot on each page will be automatically unlocked.
  • Other skill slots need to be manually unlocked by allocating Energy.
  • Energy can be obtained through character upgrade and gear installation (except Trinkets).
Soul Candle Drops

Soul Candle
Soul Candle
  • Soul Candles are mainly dropped in the City of Aeterna .
  • You can upgrade Psalms of Aeterna to prevent specific affixes from appearing on Soul Candles dropped in the City of Aeterna.
Soul Candle Fusion

Soul Candle
Soul Candle
  • Monsters in the City of Aeterna drop Aeterna Candle Tears, which can be used to fuse two Soul Candles into one at Heretic Candlelight - Kandel.
  • Upgrading Psalms of Aeterna can make the monsters in the City of Aeterna drop Aeterna Candle Tears.
  • Aeterna Candle Tears cannot be taken out of the City of Aeterna by default. You can save a certain amount of Aeterna Candle Tears for a long time by upgrading Psalms of Aeterna.
  • Melt
  • When fusing Soul Candles, affixes of identical effects and tiers from the two Soul Candles will be fused into a new affix, and the new affix may be upgraded, downgraded, or remain unchanged.
  • When both Soul Candles have the same T1 affixes, the fused affix has a chance of evolving into a more powerful T0 affix with one guaranteed negative affix.
  • Fusing Soul Candles with higher item levels costs more Aeterna Candle Tears.
  • Aeterna Candle Tears
  • When Heretic Candlelight - Kandel appears at the end of the City of Aeterna, you can perform Soul Candle Fusion through her. Keep upgrading Psalms of Aeterna, and the Soul Candle Fusion feature of Heretic Candlelight - Kandel in Town will also be unlocked.
  • Soul Candle Fusion has three possible outcomes, namely Melted, Shaped, and Mutated.
  • Mutated
  • When being melted, T1 and T0 affixes have a small chance of mutating into special affixes. Mutated affixes are very powerful, however, they usually have serious negative impacts on you.
  • Once melted, the remaining affixes will either be retained or vanish.
  • Shaping will pair up the two Soul Candles' Mutated Affixes and keep only one affix for each pair.
  • Shaping
Soul Candle Slots

Soul Candle
Soul Candle
  • There are two Soul Candle slots. Both are on the skill screen.
  • The first Soul Candle slot unlocks after the character reaches Lv. 75.
  • The second slot need to be unlocked via The City of Aeterna - Psalms of Aeterna .
Activation Medium

Source of Important Items
  • Only drops in the Folklores gameplay.

Source of Important Items
  • Drops in large quantities by stage bosses and in the Goddess of Hunting gameplay.
  • Drops everywhere and in large quantities by stage bosses and in the Goddess of Hunting gameplay.

Source of Important Items
  • Drops in large quantities by stage bosses and in the Goddess of Hunting gameplay.
  • Drops everywhere and in large quantities by stage bosses and in the Goddess of Hunting gameplay.
Divinity Slate

Source of Important Items
  • Non-Legendary Divinity Slates drop in large quantities in the Cube gameplay.
  • Legendary Divinity Slates only drop in the Cube gameplay.
  • Non-Legendary Divinity Slates drop everywhere and in large quantities in the Cube gameplay.
  • Legendary Divinity Slates (except When Sparks Set the Prairie Ablaze) only drop in the Cube gameplay.
Dream Talking

Source of Important Items
  • Only drops in the Nightmare gameplay.

Source of Important Items
  • Drops in large quantities in the God of Might gameplay.
  • Drops everywhere and in large quantities in the God of Might gameplay.
Fluorescent Memory Shards

Source of Important Items
  • Drops everywhere.

Source of Important Items
  • Drops everywhere.
Godhead slate imprinting material

Source of Important Items
  • Only drops in the Cube gameplay.
Hero Item

Source of Important Items
  • Non-Legendary Hero Relics and Memories drop everywhere.
  • Legendary Hero Relics and Memories only drop in the Blacksail gameplay.
Legendary Gear

Source of Important Items
  • Drops in large quantities by God of Might's Dwarven Automatons and in the Dark Surge gameplay.
  • Drops everywhere and in large quantities by God of Might's Dwarven Automatons and in the Dark Surge gameplay.
Soul Candle

Source of Important Items
  • Only drops in the Aeterna gameplay.
Special Skill

Source of Important Items
  • Lv. 21 skills are dropped by Travelers.
  • Some special Support Skills are dropped in the Path of the Brave gameplay.

  • Ailments include: Ignite, Frostbite, Freeze, Shock, Trauma, and Wilt.
  • Ailments include the following 6 types:
  • Ignite: A negative effect that deals Fire DoT Damage.
  • Frostbite: A negative effect that slows enemies.
  • Freeze: A negative effect reduces the damage of enemies and makes non-Legendary Boss enemies unable to move.
  • Shock: A negative effect that makes subsequent hits deal Secondary Lightning Damage.
  • Trauma: A negative effect that deals Physical DoT Damage.
  • Wilt: A negative effect that deals Erosion DoT Damage.
  • Ailments are generally inflicted by hits.
  • Ailment Damage
  • Ignite, Shock, Trauma, and Wilt deal damage to enemies and are referred to as Ailment Damage.
  • The amount of Ailment Damage dealt is based on the base damage of the corresponding ailment, which is 0 by default.
  • The damage dealt by ailments has nothing to do with the damage dealt by a hit.
  • Ailment Damage Base Value
  • The base value of Ailment Damage generally comes from the following sources:
  • Ailment Damage base value that is directly added, a percentage of the Weapon Damage value that is added, a certain percentage of the Skill Damage base value that is obtained, a certain percentage of Hit Damage that is obtained.
  • Among them, the added base values will receive a Damage Multiplier bonus, but obtained base values won't.
  • When using an Attack Skill, the Skill Damage base value will be a certain percentage of the skill's Weapon Damage.
  • Ailment Determination
  • On hit, an ailment determination is carried out according to the chance of inflicting the corresponding ailment.
  • In the case of Frostbite, this effect will be inflicted if the Ailment determination is successful.
  • In the case of damage-dealing ailments, the ailment will be inflicted if the base damage of the corresponding ailment is not 0. If it is 0, the ailment will not be inflicted.
Frostbite and Freeze

  • A control Ailment generally inflicted by Cold Damage on hit: Frostbite can Slow the target, while Freeze can reduce the damage dealt by the target and make non-Legendary Boss units unable to act.
  • Frostbite
  • By default, all Cold Damage has a 0% chance of inflicting Frostbite.
  • Frostbitten enemies suffer a 10% reduction in their Attack, Cast, and Movement Speed and are inflicted with 10 Frostbite Rating every second for an indefinite duration.
  • Frostbite Rating
  • There are 2 ways to inflict Frostbite Rating: When you deal Cold Damage to a Frostbitten target, 2 Frostbite Rating are inflicted for every 1% of the enemy's combined Max Life and Max Energy Shield that the damage reaches. Frostbitten targets are inflicted with 10 Frostbite Rating every second.
  • The target must be Frostbitten for you to inflict Frostbite Rating on them. Once the upper limit of Frostbite Rating is reached or the target is Frozen, the Frostbite Rating will not continue to increase.
  • Freeze
  • When a unit has more than 100 Frostbite Rating, the unit will be Frozen for a base duration of 1.5s.
  • The damage dealt by Frozen units will be reduced by 20%, and non-Legendary Boss units will be unable to act. All Frostbite Rating and the Frostbitten status will be removed when the duration of Frozen ends.
  • In general, Legendary Boss units are immune to the effect that makes units unable to act.

  • An Ailment that deals Fire DoT Damage.
  • Ignite deals Fire DoT with a default duration of 4s.
  • After Igniting an enemy, Fire Damage equal to the Base Ignite Damage is dealt to the target every second.
  • By default, Ignite has the following effect: "+30% additional Affliction effect".
  • The default maximum number of Ignite Damage stacks is 1. This can be increased by upgrading the maximum number of stacks later. When a unit is under the effect of more than 1 Ignite effect, the first n (Max Ignite Stacks) stacks of Ignite that deal the most damage will take effect.

  • An Ailment that deals Secondary Lightning Damage.
  • When hitting an enemy with Shock, Secondary Lightning Damage is dealt based on the Base Shock Damage of this buff.
  • When hitting an enemy with Shock, Hit Damage is guaranteed to trigger Shock Damage.
  • Each Shock effect can only be triggered up to 12 time(s).
  • The base duration of Shock is 4s.
  • When hitting an enemy with Shock, Secondary Lightning Damage is dealt based on the recorded Base Shock Damage, and this damage bonus is obtained when it is triggered.
  • The maximum valid stack of Shock is 1. This can't be changed by any affixes. When multiple Shock effects exist concurrently, the stack with the highest Base Damage takes effect.
  • The player and their Minions gain initial Base Shock Damage equal to 3% of the Lightning Damage hit.
  • Shock Damage is not affected by any bonuses and ignores Resistance.

  • An Ailment that deals Physical DoT Damage.
  • Trauma deals Physical DoT Damage with a default duration of 4s.
  • When inflicting Trauma on an enemy, deals Physical DoT Damage equal to the Base Trauma Damage to the target every second.
  • By default, Trauma has the following effect: "+30% additional Reaping Duration".
  • The default maximum number of Trauma Damage stacks is 1 stack. When multiple Trauma effects exist concurrently on the same target, only the Trauma effect that deals the most damage will take effect.

  • An Ailment that deals Erosion DoT Damage.
  • Wilt deals Erosion DoT with a default duration of 1s.
  • After inflicting Wilt on an enemy, Erosion DoT equal to the Base Wilt Damage is dealt to the target every second for each stack of Wilt.
  • Wilt has no default maximum number of stacks, but the number of its stacks may be limited by certain affixes. When the number of stacks is limited, Wilt Damage is dealt according to the stack that deals the most damage.

Crowd control effects
  • Attacks of Blinded targets have a 20% chance to be determined as missed before dealing Hit Damage.
  • Blind is not affected by crowd control effects.
  • Attacks of Blinded targets have a 20% chance to be determined as missed before dealing Hit Damage. Stacks up to 1 time.
  • The base duration is 4s.
Frostbite and Freeze

Crowd control effects
  • Frostbite reduces the target's Attack, Cast, and Movement Speed by 10%. The damage dealt by Frozen units will be reduced by 20%, and non-Legendary Boss units will be unable to act. This effect is not affected by effect bonuses.
  • Frostbite
  • By default, all Cold Damage has a 0% chance of inflicting Frostbite.
  • Frostbite reduces the Attack, Cast, and Movement Speed of the target by 10%, and 10 Frostbite Rating is inflicted every second indefinitely.
  • Frostbite Rating
  • There are 2 basic ways to inflict Frostbite Rating: When you deal Cold Damage to a Frostbitten target, 2 Frostbite Rating is inflicted for every 1% of the enemy's combined Max Life and Max Energy Shield that the damage reaches. Frostbitten targets are inflicted with 10 Frostbite Rating every second.
  • The maximum Frostbite Rating is 300, and Frostbite Rating will be cleared once the target is Frozen.
  • The target must be Frostbitten for you to inflict Frostbite Rating on them. Once the upper limit of Frostbite Rating is reached or the target is Frozen, the Frostbite Rating will not continue to increase.
  • Freeze
  • When a unit has more than 100 Frostbite Rating, the unit will be Frozen for a base duration of 1s.
  • The damage dealt by Frozen units will be reduced by 20%, and non-Legendary Boss units will be unable to act. This effect is not affected by effect bonuses.
  • All Frostbite Rating and the Frostbitten status will be removed when the duration of Frozen ends.
  • In general, Legendary Boss units are immune to the effect that makes units unable to act.

Crowd control effects
  • Forces the target to move back by a short distance. Knockback will not interrupt skills.
  • Knockback Distance = Base Knockback distance x (1 + all non-additional bonus percentages) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 1) x (1 + additional bonus percentage 2)...
  • Knockback Distance
  • The base Knockback Distance is 0.8m. This distance is affected by Knockback Distance bonuses.
  • Knockback Chance
  • There is a chance to knock back the hit unit on hit. The base Knockback Chance is 0%.

Crowd control effects
  • Paralysis increases the damage taken by 10%.
  • Paralysis increases damage taken by 10%. Stacks up to 1 time.
  • The base duration is 4s.

Crowd control effects
  • Each stack reduces Attack Speed, Cast Speed, and Movement Speed by 6%.
  • Each stack of Slow reduces Attack Speed, Cast Speed, and Movement Speed by 6%. Stacks up to 5 times.
  • The base duration is 4s.
  • The duration of the Slow status is refreshed whenever Slow is inflicted.

Crowd control effects
  • Forced to attack the taunting unit.
  • Forced to attack the taunting unit with a base duration of 4s.

Other Statuses
  • Focus provides different positive effects to different skills. Focus can stack 5 time(s) and lasts for 5s.
  • Focus provides various positive effects for different skills.
  • Focus can be stacked 5 time(s) and lasts for 5s. The duration of Focus is refreshed when obtaining Focus.

Other Statuses
  • Hardened makes damage taken additionally -25%.

Other Statuses
  • Players will enter the Moving status when they are moving.
Stand Still

Other Statuses
  • Players will enter the Standing Still status when they stand still on a spot.
  • Players will always be in either the Moving or Standing Still status. These two statuses are mutually exclusive.
Agility Blessing

Six Gods' Blessings
  • Each stack of Agility Blessing grants 6% Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed.
  • Additional Agility Blessing stacks will not count towards maximum Agility Blessing stacks.
  • Additional Agility Blessing stacks will not be consumed.
  • Each stack of Agility Blessing provides 6% Movement Speed, Attack Speed, and Cast Speed. The base max stacks of Agility Blessing is 4 stacks.
  • The base duration of Agility Blessing is 10s.
  • The duration of all stacks of Agility Blessing is refreshed when obtaining Agility Blessing. All stacks of Agility Blessing will be lost if the duration ends.

Six Gods' Blessings
  • Barrier provides a barrier that can absorb Hit Damage equal to 20% of Max Life and Max Energy Shield.
  • The Barrier's base duration is 10s.
  • New Barriers can't be obtained while a Barrier lasts.
  • A Barrier is lost when its duration ends
  • A Barrier is lost when the Barrier value drops to 0.
  • Barrier provides a barrier that can absorb Hit Damage equal to 20% of Max Life and Max Energy Shield.
  • The Barrier has a base absorption rate of 50%.

Six Gods' Blessings
  • Each Blur Rating grants 0.3% Evasion and 0.3% Chance to Avoid Damage.
  • Blur's basic Duration is 10s.
  • Gains 100 Blur Rating when obtaining Blur. No more Blur Rating can be gained at this time.
  • 10% of the Max Blur Rating is lost per second. Blur is lost once Blur Rating drops to 0.
  • Max Blur Rating is 100.
  • Blur Base Effect: Each Blur Rating grants 0.3% Evasion and 0.3% Chance to Avoid Damage. This effect is affected by Blur effects.
  • Blur can be upgraded later to obtain additional base effects.
  • Additional base effects will also be affected by Blur effects.
Fighting Will

Six Gods' Blessings
  • Each point of Fervor Rating grants 2% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating.
  • While Fervor is active, you'll gain 1 Fervor Rating when hitting an Elite.
  • The base duration is 10s.
  • Fervor Rating Base Effect: Each Fervor Rating provides 2% Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating. The maximum amount of Fervor Rating is 100. And this effect is affected by Fervor.
  • Fervor can be upgraded later to obtain additional base effects.
  • Additional base effects will also be affected by Fervor effects.
Focus Blessing

Six Gods' Blessings
  • Each stack of Focus Blessing grants a 4% chance to deal Double Damage.
  • Each stack of Focus Blessing provides a 4% chance to deal Double Damage. The base max stacks of Focus Blessing is 4 stacks.
  • The base duration of Focus Blessing is 10s.
  • The duration of all stacks of Focus Blessing is refreshed when obtaining Focus Blessing. All stacks of Focus Blessing will be lost if the duration ends.
  • Additional Focus Blessing stacks will not count towards maximum Focus Blessing stacks.
  • Additional Focus Blessing stacks will not be consumed.
Tenacity Blessing

Six Gods' Blessings
  • Each stack of Tenacity Blessing provides an additional 4% damage reduction.
  • Each stack of Tenacity Blessing provides an additional 4% reduction in damage taken. The base max stacks of Tenacity Blessing is 4 stacks.
  • The base duration of Tenacity Blessing is 10s.
  • The duration of all stacks of Tenacity Blessing is refreshed when obtaining Tenacity Blessing. All stacks of Tenacity Blessing will be lost if the duration ends.
  • Additional Tenacity Blessing stacks will not count towards the maximum Tenacity Blessing stacks.
  • Additional Tenacity Blessing stacks will not be consumed.
Basic Rules

Talent Related
Statue of The New God
  • You can install Divinity Slates on the Statue of The New God screen to provide the character with additional Talent Node Stats.
  • Non-Legendary Divinity Slate
  • Non-Legendary Divinity Slates will only show Talent Nodes of the corresponding Six Gods Talent Panel.
  • Non-Legendary Divinity Slates can have 1 to 2 fixed Talent Nodes when dropped and can be added up to 3 Brand Talent Nodes by Branding Divinity Slates .
  • Legendary Divinity Slate
  • Each Legendary Divinity Slate has its unique Talent Nodes.
  • Divinity Slates can be divided into Non-Legendary Divinity Slates and Legendary Divinity Slates.
  • Each Divinity Slate occupies a certain quantity of slate grids. The slate grids that can be installed will increase with your level.
  • If you can't put the Divinity Slate into a slate grid, you can spend a certain quantity of Flame Fuel to rotate the slate or change its shape.
  • After the Statue of The New God is unlocked as you progress through the main story, you can install Divinity Slates on the Talent screen.
  • All Non-Legendary Divinity Slates belong to one of the Six Gods.
  • You cannot Brand a Legendary Divinity Slate.
Brand Divinity Slate

Talent Related
Statue of The New God
  • Brand Divinity Slate to add additional Brand Talent Nodes to a Divinity Slate.
  • You can use Unifying Wedges to restore Divinity Slates and remove all the Brand Talent Nodes on them.
  • The Unifying Wedges required will go up along with the number of restorations of the slate.
  • After the Statue of The New God is unlocked as you progress through the main story, you can Brand Divinity Slates at Arms Dealer - Geely.
  • All Branded Divinity Slates (including those restored with Unifying Wedges) cannot be traded or gifted.
  • Divinity Slots
  • Divinity Slates come with 1 to 3 Divinity Slots when dropped.
  • The number of Divinity Slots on a Divinity Slate determines the maximum number of Brand Talent Nodes it can have.
  • Divinity Slots are divided into three qualities: Magic (Blue), Rare (Purple), and Legendary (Gold). Medium Talent Nodes can only be Branded on Rare (Purple) and Legendary (Gold) Divinity Slots. Legendary Medium Talent Nodes and New God Talent Nodes can only be Branded on Legendary (Gold) Divinity Slots.
  • Inscribe Divinity
  • Inscribe Divinity to add Micro Talent Nodes to Divinity Slots.
  • If there are already Micro Talent Nodes in the Divinity Slots, the inscription will upgrade them to Medium Talent Nodes.
  • If there are already Medium Talent Nodes in the Divinity Slots, the inscription will upgrade them to Legendary Medium Talent Nodes or New God Talent Nodes.
  • Overwrite Divinity
  • Overwrite Divinity to re-roll the existing Micro Talent Nodes or Medium Talent Nodes in the Divinity Slots.
  • Legendary Medium Talent Nodes and New God Talent Nodes cannot be Overwritten.
  • Restore
Basic Rules

Talent Related
Talent System
  • A Talent Panel provides various progression branches.
  • You can select three different Talent Panels.
  • The first Talent Panel needs to be selected from a set of six Basic Talent Panels.
  • The second Talent Panel can be selected from two Advanced Talent Panels corresponding to the Basic Talent Panels.
  • You can select the third Talent Panel without any restrictions.
Oblivion Point Related

Talent Related
Talent System
  • Oblivion Points can reset selected Talent Nodes.
  • Activated Talent Nodes can be reset at the cost of Oblivion Points. Oblivion Points can be obtained by using Elixir of Oblivion.
  • Resetting Talent Nodes does not cost Oblivion Points before you reach Lv. 80.
Talent Node Related

Talent Related
Talent System
  • Talent Nodes grant you better stats and abilities.
  • Each Talent Panel includes multiple Talent Nodes.
  • Activating each Talent Node on the Talent Panel costs Talent Points.
  • You gain 1 Talent Node every time when you level up. Additionally, you can obtain additional Talent Nodes by completing key quests.
  • Talent Nodes in the Talent Panel consist of Minor Nodes, Medium Nodes, and Major Nodes.
  • To unlock a Medium Talent Node, you need to activate its prerequisite Minor Talent Node.
  • When a certain amount of Medium Nodes has been unlocked on a Talent Panel, Major Talent Nodes can be unlocked: You can select and activate one of the three Major Talent Nodes. You can switch the activated Major Talent Node anytime.
Aeterna Construction

The City of Aeterna
The City of Aeterna
  • The Aeterna Map displays the current status of the City of Aeterna. Place Marks of the Ruins on the revealed areas to gradually construct the City of Aeterna.
  • So please cover as many reward rooms as possible and connect them with the starting point when constructing the City of Aeterna to maximize the benefits.
  • Once the construction is complete, the City of Aeterna will become accessible to you, and its terrain will match the completed Aeterna Map.
  • Aeterna Tiles
  • After placing all Marks of the Ruins, you can still use Aeterna Tiles to fill the Aeterna Map.
  • You have 1 Aeterna Tile(s) by default. You can obtain up to 3 Aeterna Tiles by upgrading Psalms of Aeterna .
Psalms of Aeterna

The City of Aeterna
The City of Aeterna
  • By spending Pages of Aeterna, you can upgrade the nodes in Psalms of Aeterna, which increases rewards from the City of Aeterna and Ruins of Aeterna, as well as unlocks significant gameplay features.
  • Psalms of Aeterna Nodes can only be reset altogether.
  • Psalms of Aeterna Nodes can only be reset to Lv. 1 not to Lv. 0.
  • Resetting a node will only refund a portion of the cost.
  • Pages of Aeterna are mainly dropped by the bosses in the City of Aeterna.
  • Psalms of Aeterna Nodes can be reset but with the following limits:
  • Psalms of Aeterna have many unknown nodes. You can only reveal the detailed content of a node by upgrading the node connected to it.
Ruins of Aeterna

The City of Aeterna
The City of Aeterna
  • You must pay one Aeterna Reverberation every time you enter the Ruins of Aeterna.
  • Aeterna Reverberation - Fleeting can unlock Lv. 83 Ruins of Aeterna, while Aeterna Reverberation - Eternal can unlock Lv. 85 Ruins of Aeterna.
  • After selecting a certain number of grids and paying Aeterna Reverberations, the Ruins of Aeterna will be generated in a randomized shape with the selected number of grids.
  • Mark of the Ruins
  • After entering Ruins of Aeterna, you need to complete as many Candelabrum Challenges as possible to activate the grid where the Candelabrum is located.
  • Regardless of the result, a Mark of the Ruins with the same shape as the Ruins of Aeterna will be generated after you exit the ruins. Its completeness will correspond to the number of activated grids within the Ruins of Aeterna.
  • Marks of the Ruins will be fitted into the Aeterna Map in Aeterna construction later to construct the City of Aeterna.
  • You can reset Marks of the Ruins that have a low degree of completion. After the reset, you can challenge the previous Ruins of Aeterna again for Marks of the Ruins that have a higher degree of completion.
  • Options
  • Only the 6-grid option is available by default when you select the number of grids for the Ruins of Aeterna. The 4-grid option needs to be unlocked through Psalms of Aeterna.
  • The 4-grid option sacrifices coverage but doubles the covered room's rewards.
  • The 4-grid option and the 6-grid option both have their advantages and disadvantages. Click the small button at the right upper corner of the screen to check the current Aeterna Map before you make your choice.
Starting a Gameplay

The City of Aeterna
The City of Aeterna
  • Find Heretic Candlelight - Kandel in the Town and pay Aeterna Reverberations to start the City of Aeterna gameplay.
  • You might encounter Aeterna monsters who have a chance to drop Aeterna Reverberations in the Netherrealm.
The City of Aeterna

The City of Aeterna
The City of Aeterna
  • Once the construction is complete, the City of Aeterna will become accessible to you, and its terrain will match the completed Aeterna Map.
  • Kill the monsters in the City of Aeterna to obtain keys and use them to unlock Candelabrums in reward rooms to obtain rewards and eventually activate the boss in the City of Aeterna.
  • Clearing the City of Aeterna will increase the highest selectable tier by 5 based on the tier of the current stage
  • The higher the Aeterna tier, the more difficult the stages and the better the rewards.
  • The Boss of the City of Aeterna
  • The boss of the City of Aeterna will appear when all Candelabrums have been unlocked. Kill the boss to complete the City of Aeterna.
  • Boss Strength +1 for every reward room connected.
  • Boss Strength +2 for every double reward room connected.
  • Bosses are significantly stronger upon reaching 5/10/15/20 Strength and will also drop additional rewards.
  • The Stage Level of the City of Aeterna
  • The stage level of the City of Aeterna is the average level of all Ruins of Aeterna this round. The higher the stage level of the City of Aeterna, the greater the rewards.
  • Aeterna Tier
  • Once the City of Aeterna is completed, a City of Aeterna of higher tier will be unlocked. You can then challenge a higher tier next time.
  • Aeterna tier does not affect Aeterna's terrains or reward room layout but only affects the difficulty level of the monsters and the rewards in it.
  • The default highest Aeterna tier upper limit is only 20. The Aeterna tier upper limit can be increased via Psalms of Aeterna .
Buy Items

Trade House
Buy Items
  • When you find an item you like, simply select and click to purchase it, However, there are still some important considerations to keep in mind when making a purchase.
  • On the item display screen, clicking on an item will bring up a page with its details. You can make a purchase by clicking the Buy button.
  • History
  • Items will not be directly added to your Inventory after purchase but attached to an entry in History.
  • You can view and claim them from [History] at the upper right corner of Trade House.
  • Notes
  • The item price and currency type are displayed under the icon. The item quantity is displayed in the upper right corner. Check if the item price and currency type fits your expectations when making purchases.
  • If you find it hard to find the items you want, use [Price Filter] to filter out unwanted items.
  • Trade Tax will be calculated and deducted when you claim a trade item, so it's natural to see different item quantities when you click on different history entries. This is just a preview. You will find out the exact quantity deducted for Trade Tax after claiming an item.
Collecting Items

Trade House
Buy Items
  • If you find it hard to decide among multiple items when browsing items, you can add them to the Collection for comparison later.
  • Click the circled star icon on the item to add it to your collection. You can collect up to 20 item(s) now.
  • Items in your collection can be checked under the My Collection tab at the upper right corner of the Trade House screen. Collected items can also be viewed in Detailed Mode and Simplified Mode .
Trade Tax

Trade House
Buy Items
  • A certain amount of currency will be deducted from your trade income when you trade in Trade House.
  • Whenever you gain multiple currency items of the same type through sales, 1 currency item will be deducted by the system as a tax.
  • Open [My Booth] and click the hyperlink at the bottom of the Inventory area on the right to view details.
My Booth

Trade House
Manage Items
  • You can list items that you want to sell in Trade House via Trade House - [My Booth].
  • Booth Types
  • There are two types of booths: [Normal Booth Tabs] and [Premium Booth Tabs]. The only difference between them is the number of items allowed to be listed.
  • Premium Booth Tabs are available for purchase in [Shop] - [Account], and there's a cap on how many of them you can buy each season.
  • Normal Booth Tabs are free, but the number of slots you get to unlock depends on your level, You start off with 3 slot(s). As you reach Lv. 70, you unlock 6 slots, and by Lv. 90, you'll have 9 slots at your disposal.
Place Items for Sale

Trade House
Manage Items
  • Items can be found by other players by searching in Trade House after they have been listed for a while.
  • Listing Delay
  • There is a delay after an item has been listed. The item can only be searched in Trade House by other players after the delay.
  • Valid Time
  • Listed items will be valid for 24 hour(s) and need to be refreshed after they expire.
Remove Items

Trade House
Manage Items
  • Click any item in the booth to remove it. Once the item is removed, other players will not be able to find it by searching in Trade House.
  • Click any item in the booth to remove it. Once the item is removed, other players will not be able to find it by searching in Trade House. You will also need to remove an item if you want to change its info.

Trade House
Search Items
  • Find items with certain conditions in Trade House by selecting item stats and affixes.
  • Use the category menu to locate a type of item, then specify certain attributes and their values that are likely to appear on that item to refine your search.
  • After you find a category, you can further filter the stats or affixes under [Search Criteria] by selecting a specific item in [Base Gear].
  • After selecting [Search Criteria], you can also click the [Search Criteria] bar on the right to enter parameters.
  • Condition Group
  • If you're looking to find items that match at least one of several conditions, you can utilize the [Condition Group] feature. Just make sure to activate the first condition in the [Condition Group] to enable this feature.
  • You can set up several [Condition Groups], and they work in conjunction with each other. Essentially, an item must meet the requirements of all [Condition Groups] for it to show up in your search.
  • Selecting [Affix Quantity] allows you to find gear of specific quality.
  • [Search Criteria] are retained (including condition group); their info will be stored in your device. As long as you don't delete the game client, you can continue to use these conditions the next time you open the Trade House, unless you manually remove them.
  • When entering parameters for [Search Criteria], if the condition is [Affix], you can find the [Affix Level] drop-down box in the [Parameter Entry Keypad]. By using this, you can select a specific [Affix Level] to quickly fill in the parameter value.
  • Entering keywords in the [Search Criteria] search bar can help you quickly locate the corresponding conditions.
  • Tips
Normal Search

Trade House
Search Items
  • Search for items in Trade House with the help of item categories.
  • Select a specific item from the category menu to find all such items that other players are currently selling in the Trade House.
  • In addition to the category menu, you can also quickly find a specific item by [searching] the item name.
Filter Items

Trade House
View Items
  • You can highlight specific items by setting a price filter when browsing items. The [Price Filter] button can be found in the bottom right corner of the item screen.
  • Click the [Price Filter] button to bring up the Settings screen and select to filter by [Total Price] or [Unit Price]. Also, remember to select the currency type you want to filter. After that, items that fit the conditions will be highlighted.
Item Viewing Mode

Trade House
View Items
  • Trade House offers two item browsing modes - [Simplified Mode] and [Detailed Mode]. You can find the [Switch Mode] button at the bottom right corner of the item screen.
  • Simplified Mode
  • The [Simplified Mode] displays more items on one page with only their icons, names, quantities, and prices. You need to click on a specific item for more details.
  • Detailed Mode
  • The [Detailed Mode] displays more item info for you to make purchase decisions at the cost of showing fewer items.
Treasure Chest

Treasure Chest
Treasure Chest
  • A little surprise in the battle.
  • Mystery Chests will randomly appear in Netherrealm stages. Open them to get rewards.
  • These chests have a chance to evolve into Chest Mimics. Kill them to obtain even greater rewards.
Star Talent

Void Chart
Void Chart
  • Can be obtained by completing Confusion Cards and challenging Plane Watchers and Travelers.
  • Star Talents can be obtained by completing Confusion Cards and challenging Plane Watchers and Travelers in various planes.
Talent Constellation

Void Chart
Void Chart
  • Through the Talent Constellations, you can tailor your experience in various gameplay and loot drops.
  • The Void Chart features around twenty Talent Constellations, each with its own theme and Talent tree. These themes range from season-exclusive gameplay and the Six Gods gameplay to various loot drop themes.
  • Through talent constellations, you can tailor your experience in various gameplay and loot drops.