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Tiles Table   Alchemy Catalyst
Cost: 100

You can enhance Old Stuff 1 additional time in the Alchemy Workshop
Upgrade Cost: 100You can enhance Old Stuff for unlimited times in the Alchemy Workshop
Dig up the soil of a ■■, tear off the rotten ■■, rip out a complete ■■, and squeeze out the sticky and slippery juice.
Stir it, let it settle, then filter it and add a large handful of sugar.
The new Catalyst is ready, and it's sweeter than ■■.
Amnesia Patient's Key
Cost: 100

You cannot gain any more Old Stuff
Because I always lose things, I put them in boxes and swallow the keys.
Wait a minute, where are my boxes?
Amulet: Anorexia
Cost: 200

The special effect of Bad Omen Stele - Anorexia can't take effect
Upgrade Cost: 200The special effect of Bad Omen Stele - Anorexia becomes: Every time you consume Food, there is a 30% chance that the Food's quantity will not be reduced.
A nobleman who was suffering from stomach problems bought a green amulet.
He was cured immediately and found even the most ■■ food to be delicious.
He immediately wrote to the trader to say that he no longer needed expensive health foods.
Amulet: Anxiety
Cost: 200

The special effect of Bad Omen Stele - Anxiety can't take effect
Upgrade Cost: 200Removing Bad Omen Steles - Anxiety will no longer cost Sanity
A doctor who works at the Sanatorium bought a red amulet.
From then on, he no longer felt anxious about the insults and ■■ of patients.
He received the nobleman who was suffering from stomach problems with a smile and craftily prescribed a fake medicine for him.
Amulet: Blindness
Cost: 200

The special effect of Bad Omen Stele - Blindness can't take effect
Upgrade Cost: 200The special effect of Bad Omen Stele - Blindness becomes: The 8 Cells around it will be regarded as explorable.
The blind adventurer bought the white amulet.
When the familiar ■■ appeared in front of him again, he shed tears of excitement.
So on the night he regained his sight, he gave his doctor a proper ■■.
Amulet: Poverty
Cost: 200

The special effect of Bad Omen Stele - Poverty can't take effect
Upgrade Cost: 200The special effect of Bad Omen Steles - Poverty becomes: You obtain 8 Coins every time you reveal a Cell.
A trader who had gone bankrupt bought a golden amulet with the last of his money.
He gained endless wealth, making him more than thousands of times more well off than before.
He was finally rich and could now ■ that adventurer's eyeballs.
Anorexic Black Goat's Horn
Cost: 200

The Bad Omen Steles appeared are more likely to be Bad Omen Steles - Anorexia
Upgrade Cost: 200The Bad Omen Steles appeared are guaranteed to be Bad Omen Steles - Anorexia
There was once a black goat with green horns.
It was extremely skinny and would vomit after eating.
Fortunately, a trader brought it all kinds of delicious food to eat.
Anxious Black Goat's Horn
Cost: 200

The Bad Omen Steles appeared are more likely to be Bad Omen Steles - Anxiety
Upgrade Cost: 200The Bad Omen Steles appeared are guaranteed to be Bad Omen Steles - Anxiety
There was once a black goat with red horns.
It was extremely anxious and fearful.
Fortunately, a nobleman came to visit it often.
Apprentice Alchemist's Gloves
Cost: 200

Prices for upgrading Old Stuff in Alchemy Workshop -20%
Upgrade Cost: 200Prices for upgrading Old Stuff in Alchemy Workshop -40%
Three washed cockroach intestines, half a spoonful of dried spider legs, and sliced mice ■■. Mix evenly and pour into the residue of the mineral powder.
It's almost time for ■■. New apprentice, put your hand inside, quickly.
Baby Bear
Cost: 350

For every 1 Bad Omen Stele you remove, recover 10 Sanity
Upgrade Cost: 350For every 1 Bad Omen Stele you remove, recover 20 Sanity.
When mother buried the ■■ under the stele, its eyes were always looking at you.
You saw that too, right?
Cost: 300

Obtain 80 Coins when a new day begins
Clue 2: The banker is very rich and successfully acquired the last piece of vacant land in Mistville last month.
However, please note that the people who have lost their homes have hired an explorer to ■■ him.
Banker's IOU
Cost: 250

The number of Coins you obtain from Banks increases
Upgrade Cost: 250The number of Coins you obtain from Banks greatly increases
"I-I borrowed ■■. Good ■. Good ■!
Coins. Coins are ■ down. Coins!
My ■! My ■! It's so ■■! I'm going to be ■■! I'm going to be ■■!"
Beak Mask
Cost: 200

Sanity cost for exploring a Cell -1
Upgrade Cost: 300The Sanity cost of exploring a Cell -3.
I bought a mask to prevent myself from breathing in too much Mist.
It was an ugly mask that looked like a silent crow.
One day, I hurried out and saw a crow's head on the glass.
Suddenly, I remembered that I didn't wear a mask today.
Beak Mask
Cost: 250

Sanity cost for exploring a Cell -1
Upgrade Cost: 250The Sanity cost of exploring a Cell -3.
I bought a mask to prevent myself from breathing in too much Mist.
It was an ugly mask that looked like a silent crow.
One day, I hurried out and saw a crow's head on the glass.
Suddenly, I remembered that I didn't wear a mask today.
Black Crow Bonsai
Cost: 400

Sanity cost for exploring a Cell +4
Sanity cost for exploring a Cell -2 when a new day begins

Upgrade Cost: 400Sanity cost for exploring a Cell +4
Sanity cost for exploring a Cell -3 when a new day begins

Plant crows, plant crows, let's plant crows together.
If you plant a black crow in the soil, what will grow there the next day?
Blind Black Goat's Horn
Cost: 200

The Bad Omen Steles appeared are more likely to be Bad Omen Steles - Blindness
Upgrade Cost: 200The Bad Omen Steles appeared are guaranteed to be Bad Omen Steles - Blindness
There was once a black goat with white horns.
It has no eyes and can't see the path ahead of it.
Fortunately, a good doctor will continue to take care of it.
Brain in a Jar
Cost: 100

Your Sanity cannot drop below 0
This Old Stuff will vanish when a new day begins

Your thoughts start to boil after the soft ■■ falls into the water.
Since your body can't escape the cage of the mist, let your spirit take root and sprout.
Please help me think of something before the night on which the ■■ arrives.
Burnt Map
Cost: 150

Preview 2 random Cells when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 150Preview 4 random Cells when a new day begins
Everything has been burned.
Where are you going?
Burnt Map
Cost: 150

Preview 2 random Cells when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 150Preview 4 random Cells when a new day begins
Everything has been burned.
Where are you going?
Cost: 500

Preview 5 random Cells when a new day begins
Clue 4: The cartographer has a photographic memory and can draw everything in front of them on paper.
However, please note that the diviner has already found out that he has been using ■■ as ink.
Cartographer's Medicine Bottle
Cost: 350

Recover 5 Sanity when revealing a previewed Cell
Upgrade Cost: 350Max Sanity +5 when revealing a previewed Cell
Streets filled with rats, lakes with floating teeth, and flowerbeds with eyes.
The cartographer kept depicting the scenery in front of them for a moment until the image of themself being ■■ appeared in the drawing.
He quickly pulled out a medicine bottle in a panic, only to find it filled with black ■.
Cartographer's Purse
Cost: 300

Obtain 12 Coins when revealing a previewed Cell
Upgrade Cost: 300Obtain 25 Coins when revealing a previewed Cell
The impoverished cartographer tore off the skin of ■■ and sewed a purse with it.
He believes that ■■ will jump out of the purse by itself during his future journeys.
Cartographer's Quill
Cost: 300

50% chance to preview 1 additional random Cell when revealing a previewed Cell
Upgrade Cost: 300Preview 1 additional random Cell when revealing a previewed Cell
Draw a picture of the ■■ hanging from the ceiling of the First Bank. The sunlight has roasted ■■ perfectly.
Add the ■■ buried in the flower bed of the Sanatorium. ■■ will rot soon.
The cartographer is running out of ink, so go to ■ a few more.
Cartographer's Stool
Cost: 300

Recover 6 Sanity when revealing a previewed Cell
Upgrade Cost: 300Recover 12 Sanity when revealing a previewed Cell
When the cartographer goes to a place where he has ■■ before, he always takes out a bench and sits on it to ■■.
However, he accidentally fell asleep while sitting on it one time.
As a result, he fell off the bench like a completely burned candle.
Chief Trader's Statue
Cost: 100

You can spend Coins to refresh the Old Stuff and Food sold by the Mistville Trader
Upgrade Cost: 100You can spend Coins to refresh the Old Stuff and Food sold by the Mistville Trader.
The cost of refreshing them decreases greatly.

It's said that this is the statue of the greatest trader of Mistville.
Although it's just a statue, it can still bring you some power.
For some reason, I get the feeling I've seen you somewhere other than Mistville.
Coin-Filled Golden Goblet
Cost: 200

Obtain additional Coins equal to 12% of your current Coins when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 200Obtain additional Coins equal to 25% of your current Coins when a new day begins
There's a full golden goblet in the Second Bank.
The Coins in the goblet clatter as they ■■.
The sound of Coins clinking fills the air as they bounce up and down in the goblet.
Delicious Condiment
Cost: 250

Every time you consume Food, you recover 5 Sanity
Upgrade Cost: 250Every time you consume Food, your Max Sanity +5
Peel the skin, ■■, remove the flesh, ■■ the marrow, and burn the bones to ashes. Sift carefully and store it in bottles.
It's because it has the smell of ■■ that it's so familiar and reassuring.
Cost: 500

You can preview the locations of all Bad Omen Steles
Clue 1: The diviner can discern all potential misfortune.
However, please note that you shouldn't enter the banker's private territory.
Doctor's Lantern
Cost: 300

Max Sanity +40
Upgrade Cost: 300Max Sanity +40
Max Sanity +10 when a new day begins

Drip the ■ liquid into a lantern and light a fire.
The young ■■ held up the lantern, which made the shadow of ■■ on the wall of the Sanatorium shake again and again.
Finally, the annoying roaring could no longer be heard.
Egg of the Deep Mist
Cost: 300

Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele -25
Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele +5 when a new day begins

Upgrade Cost: 300Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele -25
■■ was born from the union of the mist and ■.
It's beating, and he is ■■.
Don't let it hatch.
Egg of the Shallow Mist
Cost: 300

Sanity cost for exploring a Cell -5
Sanity cost for exploring a Cell +1 when a new day begins

Upgrade Cost: 300Sanity cost for exploring a Cell -5
■■ was born from the union of the mist and ■.
It's breathing, and he is trembling.
Don't let it hatch.
Cost: 500

Reveal 5 random Cells when a new day begins
Clue 3: The explorer moves quickly and can come and go freely in various areas.
However, please note that the cartographer records everything he does on paper.
Explorer's Glasses
Cost: 100

You can explore 8 instead of 4 Cells around a revealed Cell
Upgrade Cost: 300You can explore all Cells
The greatest explorers never lose their way no matter how thick the Mist is.
However, he looked so intently that his eyes popped out of the lenses.
Filth Eater's Dinner
Cost: 300

30% chance to obtain 1 random Food when removing a Bad Omen Stele.
Upgrade Cost: 30060% chance to obtain 1 random Food when removing a Bad Omen Stele.
Mistville provides dinner to the Filth Eaters once every day.
A few slices of moldy black bread spread with a little expired jam.
Every Filth Eater thinks that they will get meat and soup in the future if they work hard.
Filth Eater's Map
Cost: 300

50% chance to preview 1 random Cell when removing a Bad Omen Stele
Upgrade Cost: 300100% chance to preview 1 random Cell when removing a Bad Omen Stele
Filth Eaters can't read, but they might be able to understand simple maps.
It's okay if you get lost. Just hire another one.
Filth Eater's Token
Cost: 300

10% chance to obtain 1 random Old Stuff when removing a Bad Omen Stele.
Upgrade Cost: 30020% chance to obtain 1 random Old Stuff when removing a Bad Omen Stele.
Nails are sticking out of the ■■ of the Filth Eaters. This is a symbol of their profession.
On the day a child comes of age, they must burn their ■■ into ashes and take the nails out of the ■■.
From this moment on, their profession has been passed on to their children.
Filth Eater's Wages
Cost: 300

50% chance to obtain additional Coins when removing a Bad Omen Stele.
Upgrade Cost: 300100% chance to obtain additional Coins when removing a Bad Omen Stele.
Filth Eaters are the cleaners of Mistville.
They don't mind the dirtiest of jobs and will eat everything.
Hire a few more Filth Eaters to keep Mistville clean and tidy.
Remember to pay them their wages.
First Bank's Shackles
Cost: 100

You cannot obtain any more Coins
From today on, you're an official teller of the First Bank.
All your income will be dedicated to the great ■■!
Fluffy Old Blanket
Cost: 200

Recover 8% Max Sanity when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 200Recover 16% Max Sanity when a new day begins
Roast the skin of the ■■ until it is half cooked, then beat it until it is soft and fluffy.
Fill it with the skin of ■■ and the meat scraps of ■■.
Last of all, add a handful of the softest hair on a cat's belly.
You can now have a good sleep on the bench in the Clock Tower.
Gourmet's Knife and Fork
Cost: 100

The number of available Food choices in each Food Cell +1 (Revealed Cells will not be affected)
Upgrade Cost: 400The number of available Food choices in each Food Cell +1 (Revealed Cells will not be affected)
Initial quantity of Food +1

"Today, the dining table is covered with foods that we've eaten before."
Sitting at the dining table, the greatest gourmet of Mistville raises the knife and fork in his hand.
The ■■■ that has beheld all ingredients tastes the most succulent, and the ■■■■■■ that has sampled every delicacy tastes the most flavorful.
Let's use the ■■■■■■■ as the ingredient of the last meal.
Guild Medal - Food
Cost: 200

Prices of Food sold by the Mistville Trader -30%
Upgrade Cost: 200Prices of Food sold by the Mistville Trader -60%
The guild medals issued by the city hall can be used to get discounts when purchasing Food.
This is strange. I've saved a lot of money, so why do I have fewer and fewer Coins in my pocket?
Guild Medal - Old Stuff
Cost: 200

Prices of Old Stuff sold by the Mistville Trader -30%
Upgrade Cost: 200Prices of Old Stuff sold by the Mistville Trader -60%
The guild medals issued by the city hall can be used to get discounts when purchasing Old Stuff.
This is strange. I've saved a lot of money, so why do I have fewer and fewer Coins in my pocket?
Healthy Condiment
Cost: 250

Every time you consume Food, you recover 6 Sanity
Upgrade Cost: 250Every time you consume Food, you recover 12 Sanity
Bury a ■■ in the garden, and lots of green ■■ will grow the next day.
Pluck it, cut it into pieces, grind it into a fine powder, and put it into a glass bottle.
You should be able to become healthy again now, right?
Map: Alchemy Workshop
Cost: 100

You can preview the locations of Alchemy Workshops
Upgrade Cost: 200All Alchemy Workshops will be revealed
Alchemy Workshops aren't uncommon in Mistville.
You can use the things here to freshen up your Old Stuff.
How to do it exactly? You should already be familiar with that.
Oh, I said the wrong thing. Please forget it.
Map: Bad Omen Stele - Anorexia
Cost: 100

Preview the location of 1 Bad Omen Stele - Anorexia when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 100You can preview the locations of all Bad Omen Steles - Anorexia
It's disgusting and tastes terrible. I can't swallow it.
I want to vomit. I can't eat it. I really will ■.
Map: Bad Omen Stele - Anxiety
Cost: 100

Preview the location of 1 Bad Omen Stele - Anxiety when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 100You can preview the locations of all Bad Omen Steles - Anxiety
I'm so annoyed and scared, and I can't breathe.
Who is talking? Who is looking at me? Who is knocking on the door?!
Don't come over here! Don't come over here! They're all ■■! They're all ■■!
Map: Bad Omen Stele - Blindness
Cost: 100

Preview the location of 1 Bad Omen Stele - Blindness when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 100You can preview the locations of all Bad Omen Steles - Blindness
I didn't see anything. I didn't see anything. I really didn't see anything.
I really didn't see you ■ people.
Map: Bad Omen Stele - Poverty
Cost: 100

Preview the location of 1 Bad Omen Stele - Poverty when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 100You can preview the locations of all Bad Omen Steles - Poverty
There are two silver coins left in the box.
One was given to send off a debt collector, and the other was exchanged for ten ■■■ and eaten together with the ■ in the moat.
I can at least survive for another half a month.
Map: Bank
Cost: 100

Preview the location of 1 Bank when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 150You can preview the locations of all Banks
There are many banks in Mistville.
You're always able to find some Coins in the bank's ■■. To this day, you still don't understand why they don't have any tellers there.
Map: Food
Cost: 100

You can preview the locations of all Food
Upgrade Cost: 200All Food will be revealed
You can taste all kinds of delicious food in Mistville, giving you a wonderful experience beyond your imagination.
However, please note that some food can be eaten, and some food is only for "others" to eat.
Map: Mistville Trader
Cost: 100

You can preview the locations of Mistville Traders
Upgrade Cost: 200All Mistville Traders will be revealed
Most shops in Mistville are ■■.
If you want to buy the items you like, you'll need to learn to find the real shops.
Don't go someplace you shouldn't, or else you'll be the next one to be placed on a ■■.
Map: Sanatorium
Cost: 100

Preview the location of 1 Sanatorium when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 150You can preview the locations of all Sanatoriums
There are many Sanatoriums in Mistville, and it is generally free to stay in one.
You'll receive excellent care here. Come now. Come now. ■■■■, come here now.
Map: Unknown Old Stuff
Cost: 100

You can preview the locations of all Old Stuff
Upgrade Cost: 200All Old Stuff will be revealed
Old Stuff is everywhere to be found in Mistville, and they can greatly improve your quality of life.
When encountering any Old Stuff, please keep and use them properly to avoid ■■ because of them.
Mr. Misfortune
Cost: 350

For every 1 Bad Omen Stele you remove, recover 8 Sanity.
Upgrade Cost: 350For every 1 Bad Omen Stele you remove, your Max Sanity +8.
Cut off a piece of cloth from ■■'s ■, sew it carefully, and stuff ■■'s hair into it.
Wrap it up with ■'s bandage and cut it open to reveal ■'s eyes.
We're still a family.
Ms. Grumpy
Cost: 300

Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele -10
Upgrade Cost: 300Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele -20.
Little sister, come and play hide and seek with me.
Are you hiding behind the Sanatorium? Nope.
Are you hiding on top of the bank? Nope.
Creak... Click...
Oh, I see. You're hiding under the stele.
Poor Black Goat's Horn
Cost: 200

The Bad Omen Steles appeared are more likely to be Bad Omen Steles - Poverty
Upgrade Cost: 200The Bad Omen Steles appeared are guaranteed to be Bad Omen Steles - Poverty
There was once a black goat with gold horns.
It was poor and completely destitute.
Fortunately, it was encouraged by an adventurer's brave and determined eyes.
Resident's Old Bowl
Cost: 250

50% chance to obtain 1 Food when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 250100% chance to obtain 1 Food when a new day begins
This symbolizes that you've become an official ■■ of Mistville.
You sometimes find some food in your bowl. At least it ensures that you won't get ■■.
It should be able to ensure that.
Resident's Wooden Box
Cost: 250

15% chance to obtain 1 Old Stuff when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 25030% chance to obtain 1 Old Stuff when a new day begins
Residents of Mistville can all go to the city hall to claim their own wooden boxes.
If you find a piece of Old Stuff that you've never seen before in the box, you can just keep it.
After all, the previous owner has ■■ long ago.
Rusty Cranial Nail
Cost: 100

You cannot recover any more Sanity
Get the longest cranial nail you can find and soak it in ■■ for one night before letting it dry.
Drill it in above the eye socket, then stir it gently and rotate it hard.
The operation is a great success. You won't feel scared or anxious again from now on.
Sanatorium Contract
Cost: 300

Sanatorium restores 7 additional Sanity for you.
Upgrade Cost: 300Sanatorium additionally makes your Max Sanity +7.
This is the pact signed between ■■ and the Sanatorium.
■■ can enjoy the best medical treatment here, but after ■, ■■ will let the ■■ of the Sanatorium conduct research on their ■■.
As both parties have confirmed that this is correct, it will be executed from now on.
Scavenger's Boots
Cost: 100

You can ignore the effect of Ruins
Upgrade Cost: 500You can ignore the effect of Ruins
Exploring the 8 Cells around Ruins will not cost Sanity

The old scavenger has left behind a pair of smelly boots.
A new scavenger puts them on and walks freely in the ruins.
After a day's work, his feet are so tired that they feel weak.
He takes off the shoes and shakes them, leaving a pool of black ■.
Haha, your feet were eaten too.
Scavenger's Pliers
Cost: 100

The number of available Old Stuff choices in each Old Stuff Cell +1 (Revealed Cells will not be affected)
Upgrade Cost: 400The number of available Old Stuff choices in each Old Stuff Cell +1 (Revealed Cells will not be affected)
You can obtain Old Stuff 2 times from Old Stuff Cells

Try out the pliers you just picked up.
Pull out the teeth of ■■. Pull out the fingers of ■■. Pull out your ■■.
It's just so useful! Go scavenging now.
Shopping List
Cost: 100

Quantity of Old Stuff and Food sold by the Mistville Trader +1 (Revealed Cells will not be affected)
Upgrade Cost: 100Quantity of Old Stuff and Food sold by the Mistville Trader +1 (Revealed Cells will not be affected)
Old Stuff and Food sold by the Mistville Trader will be automatically replenished

"After today's work is done, go to the shop to help out.
First, go to the ■■■ to catch a young dreamfish, and then slice it while it's hot.
After that, spend 4 silver coins to buy back several pieces of Old Stuff from scavengers, and don't forget to give them a coating of ■ oil.
The smell of the ■■ buried in the backyard is too strong. Hire a Filth Eater to clean it up."
Sleeping Spice
Cost: 250

Recover 20 Sanity when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 250Recover 40 Sanity when a new day begins
■ always keep a handful of spices in ■ coat pocket to cleanse the smell of ■ in the air.
One day, ■ fell asleep while sitting on a chair by the roadside. When ■ was half asleep, ■ heard someone say that ■ tastes so good after being seasoned with spices.
Special Protection Pass
Cost: 250

Sanatorium restores 10 additional Sanity for you
Upgrade Cost: 250Sanatorium restores 20 additional Sanity for you
You have an intensive care unit in the Sanatorium.
The reason isn't that you're wealthy, but that you have a disease that no one has ever seen before.
Of course, they don't know that your disease has already been ■■.
Do they really not know?
Spoiled Sauce
Cost: 500

Every time you consume Food, there is a 30% chance that the Food's quantity will not be reduced
Swallow the gold powder and the ■■ at the same time.
Gargle and let it ferment before spitting it out.
Voila! A luxurious golden sauce has been made. Try adding it to ■■'s dinner!
Sterling Silver Lunch Box
Cost: 100

Food Slot Upper Limit +2
Upgrade Cost: 300Food Slot Upper Limit +2
You can obtain Food 2 times from Food Cells

Melt the purest silver nugget and quench it with the bone powder of ■■, then beat it repeatedly to shape it and carve the pattern of a ■■ onto it.
It's said that the food inside a lunch box made according to this method will never rot.
Torn Map
Cost: 100

Preview 1 random Cell when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 300Preview the location of the Clock Tower when a new day begins
Tear it up quickly. Tear it up right now.
Don't let your future self find it.
Uncanny Tales: Gaze
Cost: 100

Gain 1 stacks of Mistosis
The Sanity cost of exploring a Cell +2

Upgrade Cost: 200Gain 3 stacks of Mistosis
The Sanity cost of exploring a Cell +2

The black goat has a book in its belly.
The eye on the title page of the book follows you wherever you move.
The pages of the book that have been soaked by ■■ are filled with a familiar name.
However, I no longer use this name.
Uncanny Tales: Secret
Cost: 100

30% chance to gain 1 stack of Mistosis when a new day begins
Upgrade Cost: 20060% chance to gain 1 stack of Mistosis when a new day begins
"Escape and never return!"
"The ■■ is fake! ■■ never existed in the first place!"
"You've been deceived! Escape if you see this!"
As you flip through the pages, you see the same message repeated even though the handwriting and tone are all different.
Watchful Purse
Cost: 250

From now on, you recover 1 Sanity for every 10 Coins obtained
Upgrade Cost: 250From now on, you recover 1 Sanity for every 5 Coins obtained
Every eager eye is keeping count of every gold coin you put in.
White Crow Bonsai
Cost: 200

Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele +10
Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele -4 when a new day begins

Upgrade Cost: 200Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele +10
Sanity cost of removing a Bad Omen Stele -5 when a new day begins

Plant crows, plant crows, let's plant crows together.
If you plant a white crow in the soil, what will grow there the next day?
Wriggling Money Jar
Cost: 300

From now on, you recover 1 Sanity for every 10 Coins obtained
Upgrade Cost: 300From now on, your Max Sanity +1 for every 10 Coins obtained
You throw all the Coins you earned inside the mouth of the money jar, which then extends several sticky ■■ to caress you.
The jingling sounds made by the Coins mixed with the ■ liquid inside its belly are really intoxicating.