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Tiles Table   20 Activation Medium: Blink Attack Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Attack Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Boss Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Burst Activation Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spell Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Channel Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Critical Strike Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports skills that hit the enemy.
This skill cannot support Summon Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Demolisher Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Elite Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Energy Shield Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, and Curse Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Instruction Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Active Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Life Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Lock On Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Active Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Minion Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Synthetic Troop Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Multistrike Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, Mobility, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Active Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Perpetual Motion Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Preparation Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Active Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Resonance Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Resonance Activation Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Rhythm Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Active Skill that deal damage.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Root Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Root Attack Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Attack Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Sentry Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Sentry Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Severe Injury Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, and Curse Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Spell Burst Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, and Curse Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Start Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Empower, Defensive, Restoration, Curse, and Warcry Skills.
Cannot support Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Still Attack Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Attack Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Track Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Active Skill that deal damage.
Cannot support Channeled Skills and Attack Mobility Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Activation Medium: Wind Rhythm Activation MediumSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spell Skills that deal damage.
Cannot support Passive Skills and Channeled Skills.
This skill can only be installed in the first Support Skill Slot of each Active Skill.

20 Aegis of Fire SpellPersistentFireActiveDefensiveTriggerableElemental
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 100%

Simple Casts the skill and gains the defensive effect: 37% Attack and Spell Block Chance for 5s.
While the skill lasts, counterattacks when blocking, dealing 20- 125 Indirect Fire Damage Damage to the enemy.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
+37% Attack Block Chance while the skill lasts
+37% Spell Block Chance while the skill lasts
Counterattack triggered on Block
Lasts 5s.

Deals 20- 125 Indirect Fire Damage Damage.
20 Aim SpellPersistentActiveTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: Ranged and Beam Skills 62% additional damage and Ailment Damage but additionally -35% Movement Speed for 4s.
DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
Ranged and Beam Skills +62% additional damage
Ranged and Beam Skills +62% additional Ailment Damage
-35% additional Movement Speed while the skill lasts. This effect is not affected by the effects of Empower Skills.
Lasts 4s.
20 Arcane Circle SpellPersistentAreaTriggerableEmpowerActive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and creates a 4s Arcane Circle around the caster.
Gains Euphoria when an enemy enters the Arcane Circle for the first time: 3.2% additional Spell Damage.
Gains Euphoria upon defeating an enemy in the Arcane Circle: 0.5% Elemental and Erosion Resistance Penetration for Spells.

DetailsArcane Circle:
Lasts 4s.

OtherGains Euphoria when an enemy enters the Arcane Circle for the first time:
Each buff grants +3.2% additional Spell Damage. Stacks up to 15 times.
Defeats enemies in the Arcane Circle and gains Euphoria:
+0.5% additional Elemental and Erosion Resistance Penetration for Spells per stack of buffs. Stacks up to 10 times.
20 Archery Bond ActiveSpellTriggerableAreaPersistentSentryEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and randomly places 1 Sentries that last for 6s within a certain area around the caster. Sentries grant Euphoria to Nearby allies within 4m:
Projectile Quantity is fixed at 1
+30% additional Projectile Damage
+30% additional Attack Speed for Attack Projectile Skills
+30% additional Cast Speed for Spell Projectile Skills

DetailsArchery Bond:
Sentry lasts 6s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
Sentry grants Euphoria to Nearby allies within 4m:
Projectile Quantity is fixed at 1
+30% additional Projectile Damage
+30% additional Attack Speed for Attack Projectile Skills
+30% additional Cast Speed for Spell Projectile Skills
20 Arrow Einherjar AttackPhysicalHitActivePersistentSentryProjectileVerticalRangedAreaDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to bows and crossbows
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 174%

Simple Casts the skill and places 1 Arrow Sentry at the target spot, who will shoot three arrows into the air. The arrows deal 174% Weapon Attack Damage to enemies within their range.
The Sentry placed by the skill deals additional damage every second.
Arrows shot by the Arrow Sentry are not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.

DetailsArrow Einherjar:
Deals 174% Weapon Attack Damage.
The Base Sentry Cast Frequency is equal to 100% average Weapon Attack Speed.
The Sentry lasts 8s.
The skill fires 3 Projectiles in its base state.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
Sentries placed by this skill deal +8% additional damage every 1s. Stacks up to 5 (multiplies).
-10% interval for every 1 Sentry/Sentries placed by this skill.
Projectiles fired by the skill are not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.

OtherThe Projectiles shot by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 70%.
20 Berserking Blade AttackMeleeAreaHitPhysicalActiveSlash-StrikePersistentSweep SlashSteep StrikeStrengthDexterity
Main Stat: Strength  Dexterity
Limited to swords, axes, and cudgels
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 136%

Simple Launches a Sweep Slash to attack enemies within a certain area around the caster, dealing 136% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
When having Steep Strike attempts, launches a Steep Strike to attack enemies within a certain area, dealing 268% Weapon Attack Damage and having a chance to gain a stack of buff on hit. The Skill Area will grant additional damage to the Steep Strike of the skill.
Gains the following buff when the skill defeats or hits an Elite: The skill gains Skill Area.

DetailsSweep Slash:
136% Weapon Attack Damage.
This skill +30% Steep Strike chance.

OtherSteep Strike:
268% Weapon Attack Damage
The skill has a 50% chance to obtain an additional stack of buff upon hitting an Elite with Steep Strikes
55% of the Skill Area bonus is also applied to the skill's additional Steep Strike Damage, up to +400% additional damage
This skill +2.5% Skill Area for each stack of buff
Lasts 10s.
Stacks up to 20 times.
Grant a stack of buff when this skill kills an enemy or hits an Elite
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
20 Biting Cold SpellAreaPersistentElementalColdActiveTriggerableCurseElemental
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed will take 19.5% additional Cold Damage and have a 19.5% chance to be Frostbitten.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
Cursed enemies +19.5% additional Cold Damage taken.
+19.5% chance to be Frostbitten when you are hit by a Cursed enemy
Lasts 5s.
20 Black Hole SpellAreaPersistentErosionActiveTriggerableDamage Over TimeEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and generates a Black Hole at the target spot, dealing 348 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage to enemies within a certain area every second and periodically launching a Reversed Knockback on enemies inside of it for 4s. Enemies hit will be inflicted When the skill deals DoT Damage, inflicts the enemy with 100 Affliction. Effect Cooldown: 1s Affliction. Cooldown: When the skill deals DoT Damage, inflicts the enemy with 100 Affliction. Effect Cooldown: 1ss.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
Deals + 3.9% additional DoT Damage to enemies in the Black Hole for every 10 Affliction they have for 4s.

DetailsBlack Hole:
Deals 348- 348 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage.
Knockback effect from this skill is reversed
When the skill deals DoT Damage, inflicts the enemy with 100 Affliction. Effect Cooldown: 1s
The Black Hole knocks back enemies inside of it every 0.5s.
Lasts 4s.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
Deals + 3.9% additional DoT Damage to enemies in the Black Hole for every 10 Affliction they have for 4s.
20 Blazing Bullet ActiveAttackElementalFireAreaHitRangedProjectileHorizontalStrengthDexterity
Main Stat: Strength  Dexterity
Limited to Bows, Crossbows, Firearms and Cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 168%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Blazing Bomb to the front, dealing 168% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
The Blazing Bomb causes Blazing Explosion when penetrating the enemy and deals 168% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
The Projectile penetration attempts grant additional damage to the skill.
The remaining Projectile Penetration attempts grant additional Skill Area to the skill.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Fire Damage.

DetailsBlazing Bomb:
Deals 168% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
+2 Penetration for this skill

OtherBlazing Explosion:
Deals 168% Weapon Attack Damage.
+30% Skill Area for each remaining Projectile Penetration attempts the skill has.
Projectiles and their explosion can hit the same enemy.
+7% additional damage dealt by this skill for every 1 Projectile Penetration(s) this skill has
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
20 Blind SpellAreaPersistentActiveTriggerableCurse
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed will be Blinded and gains -20% additional Movement Speed.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
-20% additional Movement Speed for Cursed enemies
Cursed enemies will become Blinded
Lasts 5s.
20 Blink MobilitySpellActiveTriggerable
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 3.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and moves in the target direction.
The skill and some Mobility Skills share the same cooldown.

DetailsCasts the skill and moves in the target direction.
The skill and some Mobility Skills share the same cooldown.
+24% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed for this skill
20 Blink Bow ActiveAttackHitPhysicalRangedProjectileHorizontalMobilityCamera Slow MotionDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to bows and crossbows
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 251%

Simple Casts the skill and jumps backward, firing Projectile forward and dealing 251% Weapon Attack Damage.
Projectiles fired by the skill always Penetrate targets.

DetailsBlink Bow:
Deals 251% Weapon Attack Damage.
Projectiles from this skill always Penetrate
20 Blizzard SpellHitActiveColdElementalAreaTriggerableBarrageIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.1
Added Damage Effectiveness 47%

Simple Casts the skill and channels down 3 waves of Blizzard on target spot, dealing 143- 214 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
The skill inflicts debuff on hit: -15% Lightning Resistance and Cold Resistance for 6s.

Deals 143- 214 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
+3 total waves of the skill
Enemies receive -15% Lightning and Cold Resistances when hit by this skill
20 Blurry Steps SpellPersistentActiveTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 4.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 55% Movement Speed. And upon casting another non-Channeled Main Skill next time, loses Blur and the Euphoria effect and gains additional Critical Strike Rating equal to 40% of the Critical Strike Rating of this skill for 2s.
Gains Blur upon casting the skill.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+55% Movement Speed while the skill lasts
The next use of a different Main Skill gains an additional +40% Critical Strike Rating while the skill lasts
This skill's effect and Blur will be lost if you cast another Main Skill
This effect does not apply to channeled skills
Lasts 2s.
20 Bombard AttackProjectileAreaFireElementalActiveHitRangedParabolicStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 53%

Simple Casts the skill and tosses 4 cannon shell(s) that auto-aim random enemies forward in a row. Each cannon shell will explode upon contacting its target, dealing 41% Weapon Attack Damage
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Fire Damage

DetailsCannon Shell:
Deals 41% Weapon Attack Damage.
Fires 4 Projectile(s) in a row.
The skill's Projectiles' effect after splitting -50% additional damage

Deals 41% Weapon Attack Damage.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
This skill cannot be triggered
20 Brisk Wind ActiveSpellTriggerablePersistentDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains a defensive effect: 3000 Evasion for 5s.
While the skill lasts, each evasion grants a buff: 3% Movement Speed for 6s. Stacks up to 8 time(s).

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
+3000 Evasion while the skill lasts
Gains a stack of buff for each Evasion while the skill lasts
Lasts 5s.

Buffs grant +3% character Movement Speed
Lasts 6s.
Stacks up to 8 time(s).
20 Bull's Rage PersistentSpellActiveTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: Melee skills deal 45% additional damage and have 30% Skill Area for 4s.
All Mana Costs of the skill will be converted to Life costs.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+45% additional Melee Skill Damage while the skill lasts
+30% Melee Skill Area while the skill lasts
Lasts 4s.

OtherThis skill costs Life instead of Mana
20 Burning Shot AttackRangedHitProjectileFireActiveElementalHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to Ranged weapons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 212%

Simple Casts the skill and shoots 1 Blazing Arrow, dealing 212% Weapon Attack Damage, adding Main-Hand Weapon's Physical and Fire Damage to Base Ignite Damage, and additionally increasing Ignite Damage dealt.
All Physical Damage of the skill will be converted to Fire Damage.

DetailsBurning Shot:
Deals 212% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
+70% additional Ignite Damage for this skill
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
+25% Ignite chance
Adds 100% of Physical Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon as Base Ignite Damage to the skill
Adds 550% of Fire Damage of the Main-Hand Weapon as Base Ignite Damage to the skill
20 Burst of Anger SpellPersistentActiveTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 20% additional Attack Speed, 10% Physique, and 10% additional Skill Area for 4s.
While the skill lasts, gain Euphoria when defeating an enemy: 1% Movement Speed, stacking up to 20 time(s).
While the skill lasts, defeating an enemy or hitting an Elite has a chance to refresh the skill cooldown.
Receives Indirect Physical Damage Damage equal to 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield every second.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+20% additional Attack Speed while the skill lasts
+10% Physique while the skill lasts
+10% Skill Area while the skill lasts. This effect is not affected by status effects
+100% chance to refresh Duration on kill while the skill lasts
+10% chance to refresh the skill's Duration upon hitting an Elite while the skill lasts
Lasts for 4s

OtherWhile the skill lasts, gains Euphoria when defeating an enemy:
+1% Movement Speed while the skill lasts
Stacks up to 20 time(s)
Loses this Euphoria effect after the skill ends
Takes 2% of the sum of Max Life and Energy Shield as Indirect Physical Damage Damage per second while the skill lasts
The DoT Damage dealt by this skill can't be Reaped
20 Centralized Loading ActiveAttackRangedMobilityCamera Slow Motion
Limited to Bows, Crossbows, Firearms and Cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 4.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and dashes forward, gaining three stacks of buff: 109% damage and 2 Projectile Quantity for the next Projectile Skill while the buff is in effect.
Casting Projectile Skills consumes one stack of the buff.

DetailsCasts the skill and dashes forward, gaining three stacks of buff.
Casting Projectile Skills consumes one stack of the buff.

+109% damage for this skill when casting a Projectile Skill while this buff is in effect
+2 Projectile Quantity for this skill when casting a Projectile Skill while this buff is in effect
Using Projectiles will remove 1 stack of the buff
20 Chain Lightning SpellLightningHitTriggerableActiveElementalChainDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 163%

Simple Casts the skill and fires one Chain of Lightning, dealing 62- 1174 Spell Lightning Damage Damage. The Chain of Lightning Jumps 2 time(s).
Each remaining Jump Attempt +15% additional damage for every 1 Jump(s) remaining of the skill (multiplies)% additional damage.

DetailsChain of Lightning:
Deals 62- 1174 SpellLightning Damage Damage.
The skill +2 Jump(s).
+15% additional damage for every 1 Jump(s) remaining of the skill (multiplies)
20 Charged Pummel AttackMeleeAreaHitActiveChanneledLightningDemolisherElementalPersistentStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to two-handed axes, two-handed hammers, cudgels, and tin staffs
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 308%

Simple Pummels the ground at the end of the skill channeling, dealing 308% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill will generate a Lightning Field at the spot pummeled when consuming Demolisher Charge, continuously hitting the enemies within the field for a period of time and dealing 2- 33 Attack Lightning Damage Damage.
Each channeled stack additionally increases the damage of the skill and extends the Base Duration of the Lightning Field.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.

Deals 308% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherLightning Field:
Deals 2- 33 Attack Lightning Damage Damage.
The Lightning Field lasts 2s.
Each channeled stack grants +0.5 Lightning Field Duration.
The Lightning Field deals damage once every 0s.
Attack Speed bonuses to the skill also apply to Lightning Field Damage Frequency.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
This skill +150% additional Attack Speed
The skill gains Demolisher Charge once every 3s.
Max channeled stacks: 5
Each channeled stack grants +70% additional damage to the skill.
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.
20 Charging Warcry WarcryAreaPersistentActive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 8.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and lets out a Warcry. Taunts Nearby enemies. Shadow Strike Skills gain 7.3% additional Attack Speed for every enemy affected by this skill. While the Warcry lasts, Shadow Quantity + 1 for 3s.
DetailsCasts the skill and lets out a Warcry:
Taunts Nearby enemies.
Shadow Strike Skills +7.3% additional Attack Speed for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
Shadow Quantity +1 while the skill lasts
Lasts 3s.
20 Chromatic Shot SpellProjectileHitActiveColdElementalErosionFireLightningPhysicalTriggerableHorizontalStrengthDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Dexterity  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 111%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 3 auto-tracing shots, dealing 63- 106 Spell Physical Damage Damage, 71- 132 Spell Fire Damage Damage, 9- 177 SpellLightning Damage Damage. 61- 91 Spell Cold Damage Damage, and 68- 68 Spell Erosion Damage Damage.
Shots fired by the skill can hit the same enemy.

DetailsChromatic Shot:
Deals 63- 106 Spell Physical Damage Damage.
Deals 71- 132 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
Deals 9- 177 Spell Lightning Damage Damage.
Deals 61- 91 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
Deals 68- 68 Spell Erosion Damage Damage.
This skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +2.
The Projectiles fired by this skill can hit the same enemy.
This skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 85%.
20 Compound Source RestorationChargeActive
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains restoration: Restores Restores 48.5% Max Life within 2s% Max Life and Restores 732 Mana in 2s Mana within Restores 48.5% Max Life within 2ss. The effect disappears when Life and Mana are both fully restored.
Killing enemies will grant Charge.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains restoration:
Restores 48.5% Max Life within 2s
Restores 732 Mana in 2s

OtherKilling enemies can increase the Charging Progress of this skill. At 15 Charging Progress, gains 1 Charge. Killing a Normal/Magic/Rare/Boss enemy grants 1/3/6/100 Charging Progress.
20 Corrosive Shot ActiveAttackErosionAreaPersistentDamage Over TimeHitRangedProjectileParabolicTerraDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to guns and cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 20%

Simple Casts the skill and tosses a Corrosive Shot, dealing 20% Weapon Attack Damage.
The Corrosive Shot generates a Corrosion Terra upon touching the target, dealing 1143 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage every second to enemies in it.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Erosion Damage.

DetailsCorrosive Shot:
Deals 20% Weapon Attack Damage.
+1 SplitQuantity for every Terra Charge consumed
The skill's Projectiles' effect after splitting -50% additional damage

OtherCorrosion Terra:
Corrosion Terra lasts for 1s.
Deals damage for 2s, dealing 1143 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage every second.
There is no limit to the number of Terrae generated by the skill.
The DoT Damage status inflicted by this skill can't be spread (excludes Ailments)
The maximum stack of Terra Charge is 1.
Gain 1 stack of Terra Charge every 0.5s.
Every 1 times Terra upper limit is converted to +50% Terra Charge Recovery Speed
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Erosion Damage
This skill -20% additional Attack Speed
20 Corrosive Throw AttackRangedHitProjectileErosionActiveHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to one-handed swords, claws, daggers, sacrificial blades, and unarmed
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 234%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 3 Projectiles forward, dealing 234% Weapon Attack Damage and inflicting Base Wilt Damage.
The skill grants the following buff upon causing Wilt: Increases the chance for the skill to Multistrike.
The skill's Multistrike fires more Projectiles.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Erosion Damage.

DetailsCorrosive Throw:
Deals 234% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +2
+20% chance to Wilt
Gains a stack of buff for 3s and stacks up to 5 times when the skill inflicts Wilt.
+40% chance for the skill to Multistrike per stack of buff
Each Multistrike of this skill has +1 Projectile for each consecutive Attack. The Effect resets after the Multistrike ends
Adds 5 Base Wilt Damage to the skill
In general, the Projectiles shot by this skill cannot hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 75%
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Erosion Damage.
20 Corruption SpellAreaPersistentErosionActiveTriggerableCurse
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed will take 19.5% additional Erosion Damage and have a 19.5% chance to suffer Wilt.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
Cursed enemies +19.5% additional Erosion Damage taken.
+19.5% chance to Wilt when you are hit by a Cursed enemy
Lasts 5s.
20 Dark Gate SpellPersistentActiveSummonNon-MinionsTriggerableDark GateEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 5.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill, teleports all Minions to the character
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: The character gains 40.5 Command, 10% Command Return Speed, 14.75% additional Minion Damage, and Minions 20% Movement Speed for 2s.

DetailsCasts the skill and teleports all Minions to the character
OtherCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
Gains 40.5 Command
+10% Command Return Speed per Second while the skill lasts
+14.75% additional Minion Damage while the skill lasts
+20% Minion Movement Speed while the skill lasts
20 Dazzling Bloom SpellPersistentActiveSummonNon-MinionsTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 5.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and teleports all Spirit Magi to the designated location and makes them switch targets to the enemy with the highest Rarity within 5m.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: Spirit Magi deal up to 51% additional damage for 2s based on the enemy's Rarity.

DetailsCasts the skill, and teleports all Spirit Magi to the designated location.
After being teleported, all Spirit Magus will switch targets to the enemies with the highest Rarity within 5m.

OtherCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
While the skill lasts, Spirit Magi deal higher damage to rarer enemies, up to 51 additional damage
Lasts for 2s
20 Defensive Buffer ActiveSpellTriggerablePersistentDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains a defensive effect: additionally -16% Physical and Elemental Damage taken for 5s.
When having at least If at least 4 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing are active when casting the skill, loses all 4 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing and gains additional Defense: stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing upon casting the skill, consumes If at least 4 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing are active when casting the skill, loses all 4 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing and gains additional Defense: stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing, additionally -10.5% Physical and Elemental Damage taken.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
-16% additional Physical Damage taken while the skill lasts
-16% additional Elemental Damage taken while the skill lasts
Lasts 5s.

OtherIf at least 4 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing are active when casting the skill, loses all 4 stack(s) of Tenacity Blessing and gains additional Defense:
20 Delayed Pain ActiveSpellTriggerablePersistentDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains a defensive effect: 25% Injury Buffer for 5s.
DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
+25% Injury Buffer while the skill lasts
Lasts 5s.
20 Double Thrusts AttackMeleeHitPhysicalActiveShadow StrikeAreaShadow Strike True BodyShadow Strike ShadowsFirstSecondDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to duel-wielding one-handed swords, claws, daggers, and sacrificial blades
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 114%

Simple Casts the skill and thrusts forward twice, dealing 114% Weapon Attack Damage.
When the first thrust causes Trauma, the second thrust will also cause Trauma and deal additional damage.
When Shadows' first thrust causes Trauma, the Trauma caused by their second thrust will also affect the target's nearby enemies.

Deals 114% Weapon Attack Damage
If the first thrust inflicts Trauma, the second thrust deals +35% additional Trauma Damage
If the first thrust inflicts Trauma, the second thrust is guaranteed to inflict Trauma
If a Shadow's first thrust inflicts Trauma, the Trauma inflicted by its second thrust will spread to nearby enemies
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
+20% chance to inflict Trauma
20 Drinking Recovery ActiveRestoration
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains restoration: Restores Restores 470 Life in 4s Life within Restores 470 Life in 4ss. The effect disappears when Life is fully restored.
When the skill is granting Life Restoration, Life Regain will be increased to its upper limit and -20% additional Life Regain Interval during the skill's restoration effect% additional Life Regain Interval.
Using the skill will cost Consumes 30% of the current Life on skill use% of current Life

DetailsCasts the skill and gains restoration:
Restores 470 Life in 4s

OtherLife Regain is increased to the max during the skill's restoration effect
-20% additional Life Regain Interval during the skill's restoration effect
Consumes 30% of the current Life on skill use
Killing enemies can increase the Charging Progress of this skill. At 15 Charging Progress, gains 1 Charge. Killing a Normal/Magic/Rare/Boss enemy grants 1/3/6/100 Charging Progress.
20 Electrifying Shot AttackRangedHitProjectileLightningActiveElementalHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to guns and cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 289%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Electrifying Shot forward, dealing 289% Weapon Attack Damage.
The Electrifying Shot always Penetrates targets.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.

DetailsElectrifying Shot:
Deals 289% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+25% chance to Shock
Projectiles from this skill always Penetrate
20 Electrocute SpellAreaPersistentElementalLightningActiveTriggerableCurseElemental
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed will receive 19.5% additional Lightning Damage and have a 19.5% chance to suffer Shock.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
+19.5% additional Lightning Damage taken by Cursed enemies
+19.5% chance to be Shocked when you are hit by a Cursed enemy
Lasts 5s.
20 Elemental Destruction SpellAreaPersistentActiveTriggerableCurseElementalColdFireLightning
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed take 19.5% additional Elemental Damage.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
Cursed enemies +19.5% additional Elemental Damage taken.
Lasts 5s.
20 Elemental Shock SpellPersistentActiveElementalSummonNon-MinionsTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: Minions 19.5% additional Elemental Damage for 4s.
While the skill lasts, Minions inflict the following debuff on hit: -26% Elemental Resistance for 3s.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+19.5% additional Minion Elemental Damage while the skill lasts
Lasts 4s.

OtherMinions will inflict debuffs on the enemies they hit while the skill lasts
-26% Elemental Resistance granted by debuffs to enemies
Debuff lasts 3s.
20 Entangled Pain SpellAreaPersistentActiveTriggerableCurse
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed 19.5% additional DoT Damage taken.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
+19.5% additional DoT Damage taken by Cursed enemies
Lasts 5s.
20 Fearless Warcry WarcryAreaPersistentActive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 8.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and lets out a Warcry, Taunting nearby enemies and makes 1 Steep Strike attempts of the Slash Strike skill. For every enemy the skill affects, grants 10.7% additional Steep Strike Damage, 5% Steep Strike chance, and 10.7% additional Ailment Damage by Steep Strike for 3s.
DetailsCasts the skill and lets out a Warcry:
Taunts Nearby enemies.
+10.7% additional damage dealt by Steep Strike for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
+5% Steep Strike chance for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
+10.7% additional Ailment Damage dealt by Steep Strike per enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
+1 Steep Strikes for Slash-Strike Skills
Lasts 3s.
20 Fire Burst SpellAreaHitFireActiveTriggerableElementalStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 116%

Simple Casts the skill to unleash a burst of fire, dealing 309- 575 Spell Fire Damage Damage to enemies within a certain area.
+30% Skill Area for skills cast by Spell Burst when Spell Burst is activated by the skill
When this skill activates Spell Burst, +30% additional Critical Strike Damage every time the Spell Burst deals a Critical Strike

DetailsFire Burst:
Deals 309- 575 SpellFire Damage Damage.
+30% Skill Area for skills cast by Spell Burst when Spell Burst is activated by the skill
When this skill activates Spell Burst, +30% additional Critical Strike Damage every time the Spell Burst deals a Critical Strike
20 Fixate SpellAreaPersistentActiveTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Marks enemies within 10m.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: For each Marked enemy, there's 7% chance to deal Double Damage and 10% Mark Effect for 4s.

DetailsCasts the skill and Marks enemies within 10m
OtherCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+7% chance to deal Double Damage for each enemy affected, up to 10 stacks
+10% Mark Effect for each enemy affected, up to 10 times.
Lasts 4s.
20 Flame Core SpellAreaHitActiveFirePersistentTriggerableElementalSentryFlame CoreIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 159%

Simple Casts the skill and places 1 Fire Sentry at the target spot, who will deal 423- 785 Spell Fire Damage Damage to enemies within a certain area at intervals.
When the Sentry is within a certain area around the caster, gains buff: Gains additional Cast Frequency.

DetailsFlame Core:
Deals 423- 785 Spell Fire Damage Damage
Flame Core deals damage 1 time every 1s.
The Sentry lasts 8s
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
If you are within 10m from the Sentry placed by the skill, the Sentry has +20% additional Cast Frequency
20 Flame Jet ActiveSpellTriggerableElementalFireAreaPersistentDamage Over TimeHitProjectileParabolicTerraIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 0.5 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 118%

Simple Casts the skill and conjures a Flame Terra at the target spot, dealing 477 Indirect Fire Damage Damage every second.
The Flame Terra ejects at intervals, dealing 315- 585 Spell Fire Damage Damage to enemies in it.
When the Flame Terra ejects, locks enemies within a certain area and fires one Fire Bomb at them, dealing 315- 585 Spell Fire Damage Damage on hit.
The Flame Bomb generates a Small Flame Terra, dealing 176 Indirect Fire Damage Damage to enemies in it every second.
When the skill consumes Terra Charge, the number of Fire Bombs increases.

DetailsFlame Terra:
Flame Terra lasts for 3s.
Deals damage for 2s, dealing 477 IndirectFire Damage Damage every second.
For each 1 Terra Charge consumed, erupts Projectiles one more time in the duration.

OtherFire Terra Eruption:
Deals 315- 585 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
Fire Bomb:
Deals 315- 585 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
Small Flame Terra:
Small Flame Terra lasts for 1s.
Deals damage for 1s, dealing 176 Indirect Fire Damage Damage every second.
There is no limit to the number of Terrae generated by the skill.
The DoT Damage status inflicted by this skill can't be spread (excludes Ailments)
The maximum stack of Terra Charge is 1.
Gain 1 stack of Terra Charge per 0.5 second.
This skill's max base Terra quantity is 1.
20 Flame Slash AttackMeleeHitAreaFireActiveSlash-StrikeElementalSweep SlashSteep StrikeStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to swords, axes, and hammers
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 129%

Simple Launches a Sweep Slash to attack the fan-shaped area in front, dealing 129% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. Gains the following buff every time the skill's Sweep Slash hits an enemy: The Skill Area increases upon the next cast of the skill.
When having Steep Strike attempts, launches a Steep Strike and generates 3 flames, dealing 244% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. The Skill Area will increase the number of flames generated by a Steep Strike. Multiple flames can hit the same enemy at once.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Fire Damage.

DetailsSweep Slash:
Deals 129% Weapon Attack Damage.
This skill +30% Steep Strike chance.
Gains 1 stack of a buff per enemy Hit by Sweep Slash with the skill. Buff stacks up to 8 times
+10% Skill Area for the next skill used per stack of buff

OtherSteep Strike:
Deals 244% Weapon Attack Damage.
For every 65% Area bonus for this skill, the number of fire torrents +2.
For every 65% Area bonus for this skill, the distance of fire torrents +15%.
The damage from multiple fire torrents can be stacked.
This skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 80%.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
20 Focused Impact AttackMeleeAreaHitActiveEmpowerPersistent
Limited to swords, axes, hammers, cudgels, and tin staffs
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 225%

Simple Casts the skill and pummels the ground in front, dealing 225% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 200% Fervor Effect for 4s.

DetailsFocused Impact:
Deals 225% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+200% Fervor Effect while the skill lasts
Lasts 4s.
20 Focused Shot AttackRangedPhysicalHitProjectileActiveHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to Ranged weapons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 273%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Projectile forward, dealing 273% Weapon Attack Damage on hit and gaining Fervor and Gains 5 Fervor Rating when this skill hits Fervor Rating.
DetailsWhile Fervor is active, the skill +2 Projectile Penetration(s) for the skill when having Fervor Projectile Penetration(s). For every For every 10 Fervor Rating, the skill deals more damage based on the distance between the character and the enemy, up to +9% additional damage against Distant enemies. This skill is affected by Fervor Effect Fervor Rating, the skill deals more damage based on the distance between the character and the enemy, up to For every 10 Fervor Rating, the skill deals more damage based on the distance between the character and the enemy, up to +9% additional damage against Distant enemies. This skill is affected by Fervor Effect% additional damage to a distant enemy.
OtherFocused Shot:
Deals 273% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Gains Fervor when this skill hits
Gains 5 Fervor Rating when this skill hits
+2 Projectile Penetration(s) for the skill when having Fervor
For every 10 Fervor Rating, the skill deals more damage based on the distance between the character and the enemy, up to +9% additional damage against Distant enemies. This skill is affected by Fervor Effect
20 Focused Slash AttackMeleeAreaHitPhysicalActiveSlash-StrikeSweep SlashSteep StrikeStrengthDexterity
Main Stat: Strength  Dexterity
Limited to swords, axes, and hammers
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 99%

Simple Sweep Slashes the fan-shaped area in front, dealing 99% Weapon Attack Damage on hit and gaining Fervor.
When having Steep Strike attempts, launches a Steep Strike to attack the square area in front, dealing 248% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
Fervor Rating increases the skill's additional damage.

DetailsSweep Slash:
Deals 99% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherSteep Strike:
Deals 248% Weapon Attack Damage.
+0.9% additional damage for this skill for every 1 Fervor Rating. This skill is affected by Fervor Effect
20 Forced Start SpellPersistentActiveDefensiveTriggerable
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains defensive effect: 24% Energy Shield Charge Speed for 3s.
The Energy Shield starts to charge upon casting the skill.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
+24% Energy Shield Charge Speed while the skill lasts
Energy Shield starts to Charge immediately
Lasts 3s.
20 Frigid Transmission ActiveSpellTriggerableElementalColdAreaHitMobilityIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 4.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 159%

Simple Casts the skill to move to the target spot, leaving cold ice at the start point and the drop point, dealing 484- 726 Spell Cold Damage Damage, and inflicting a stack of Slow.
Refreshes skill Cooldown upon inflicting Freeze in any situation.

DetailsFrigid Transmission:
Deals 484- 726 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
Inflicts a stack of Slow on hit.
Refreshes skill Cooldown upon inflicting Freeze in any situation.
20 Frost Core ActiveSpellTriggerableElementalColdPersistentHitProjectileHorizontalSentryIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 140%

Simple Casts the skill to place 1 Ice Sentry at the target spot, who will throw Frost at enemies periodically, dealing 426- 639 SpellCold Damage Damage.
Frost consumes enemies' Frostbite Rating and increases damage on hit. When the Icy Sentry is within a certain area around the character, If you are within 10m from the Sentry placed by the skill, the Sentry has +16% additional damage% additional damage.
The Icy Sentry cannot cause Frostbite and is not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.

DetailsFrost Core:
Deals 426- 639 SpellCold Damage Damage.
Deals damage once every 1s.
The Sentry lasts 8s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
Reduces the enemy's Frostbite Rating by 15 points on hit. +3% additional damage for every point of Frostbite Rating consumed.
If you are within 10m from the Sentry placed by the skill, the Sentry has +16% additional damage
+2 Jumps for this skill
This skill cannot inflict Frostbite
Projectiles fired by the skill are not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.
20 Frost Impact AttackMeleeAreaHitActiveColdDemolisherElementalStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Limited to swords, axes, hammers, cudgels, tin staffs, and unarmed
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 142%

Simple Casts the skill, pummels the ground in front, and generates a wave of Ice Spikes within a certain area, dealing 142% Weapon Attack Damage.
When the skill consumes Demolisher Charge, generates additional three waves of Ice Spikes with each wave dealing additional damage and having a bigger Skill Area.
Demolisher Charge additionally increases the skill's damage.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Cold Damage.

DetailsIce Spike:
Deals 142% Weapon Attack Damage.
+45% additional damage for each wave of Ice Spikes.
+20% additional Skill Area for each wave of Ice Spikes.
The skill's Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed bonuses are also applied to Ice Spike generation interval.
The skill gains 1 Demolisher Charge every 3s.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Cold Damage
+33% additional damage when the skill consumes Demolisher Charge
20 Frost Shield ActiveSpellPersistentColdElementalHitTriggerableDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 18%

Simple Casts the skill and gains the defensive effect: Additionally -32% Physical Damage and Fire Damage taken for 5s.
While the skill lasts, generates three Frost Shields around the caster, dealing 56- 84 Spell Cold Damage Damage.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
-32% additional Physical Damage taken while the skill lasts
-32% additional Fire Damage taken while the skill lasts
Lasts 5s.

OtherFrost Shield:
Deals 56- 84 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
+29.5% chance to Frostbite enemies
20 Frost Spike AttackMeleeHitProjectileShadow StrikeColdActiveAreaElementalHorizontalDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Limited to one-handed swords, claws, daggers, and sacrificial blades
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 168%

Simple Casts the skill and thrusts forward, dealing 168% Weapon Attack Damage.
Fires 2 Icy Blades on hit, dealing 168% Weapon Attack Damage.
The enemy's Frostbite Rating will increase the number of Icy Blades fired by the skill.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Cold Damage.

Deals 168% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherIcy Blade:
Deals 168% Weapon Attack Damage.
This skill fires 2 Projectiles in its base state.
This skill gains +1 Projectile Quantity for every 35 Frostbite Rating of the enemy on hit
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Cold Damage
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
+1 Projectile Quantity for this skill
+25% chance for this skill to inflict Frostbite on enemies
The max amount of Projectiles that can be fired by this skill is 5
20 Frost Terra ActiveSpellTriggerableElementalColdAreaPersistentDamage Over TimeTerraIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Cooldown 0.5 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 149%

Simple Casts the skill and generates a Frost Terra at the target spot, dealing 565 Indirect Cold Damage Damage every second.
Terra Charge and the enemy's Frozen status grant additional damage to the skill.

DetailsFrost Terra:
Frost Terra lasts for 3s
Deals damage for 2s, dealing 565 IndirectCold Damage Damage every second
This skill deals This skill deals +25% additional damage to Frozen enemies% additional damage to Frozen enemies.
For every 1 Terra Charge consumed, the skill +40% additional damage for this skill for every Terra Charge consumed% additional damage
The DoT Damage status inflicted by this skill can't be spread (excludes Ailments)

OtherThe maximum stacks of Terra Charge are 1
Gain 1 stack of Terra Charge per 0.5s
This skill's max base Terra quantity is 1.
20 Frost Touch SpellAreaPersistentColdErosionActiveTriggerableElementalCurse
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed will take 19.5% additional Wilt Damage.
When the Cursed enemies are in the Frozen state, they have a 20% chance to suffer 1 stack(s) of Wilt.

DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
+19.5% additional Wilt Damage taken by Cursed enemies
When Cursed enemies are Frozen, they have a 20% chance to be additionally inflicted with 1 stack(s) of Wilt. This effect is not affected by Curse Effect bonuses
Lasts 5s.
20 Ghost Blade Einherjar AttackRangedHitActiveErosionPersistentSentryProjectileHorizontalAreaDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to one-handed swords, claws, daggers, and sacrificial blades
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 125%

Simple Casts the skill and places 1 Ghost Blade Sentry, who will throw a Ghost Blade at 1 enemy within its range, dealing 125% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
The Sentry can Multistrike. Upon the last strike of the Multistrike, causes an explosion and deals 249% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. Multistrike chance grants additional explosion damage.
The number of Sentries placed grants Multistrike damage.
Part of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Erosion Damage.

DetailsGhost Blade Einherjar:
Base Sentry Cast Frequency is 100% of average Weapon Attack Speed.
The Sentry lasts 8s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
+100% Multistrike chance for the Sentry/Sentries placed by this skill
Sentries placed by this skill can Multistrike
Multistrike damage increases by 15% for every 1 Sentry/Sentries placed by this skill
Sentries placed by this skill can only attack again 1s after launching a Multistrike
The interval is affected by Sentry Cast Frequency bonus
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity bonuses also apply to Target Quantity.

OtherGhost Blade:
Deals 125% Weapon Attack Damage.
Projectiles fired by the skill are not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.
Deals 249% Weapon Attack Damage.
+1% additional Detonation damage for every 5% Multistrike chance of the Sentry placed by the skill
Converts 100% of the Physical Damage dealt by the Sentries placed by this skill to Erosion Damage
20 Groundshaker AttackMeleeAreaHitPhysicalActiveDemolisherStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to swords, axes, hammers, cudgels, tin staffs, and unarmed
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 172%

Simple Casts the skill and pummels the area in front, causing fissure and dealing 172% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
When the skill consumes Demolisher Charge, Skill Area increases by +10% additional Skill Area when the skill consumes Demolisher Charge and the fissure expands additionally. When the fissure expands to the maximum, deals 861% Weapon Attack Damage again.

Deals 172% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherFissure Secondary Damage:
Deals 861% Weapon Attack Damage
This skill gains 1 Demolisher Charge every 3s.
This skill's Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed bonuses are also applied to the speed at which the fissure spreads.
In any situation, when inflicting Paralysis, the skill immediately gain Demolisher Charge. Interval: 3s
+10% additional Skill Area when the skill consumes Demolisher Charge
20 Hammer of Ash AreaFireElementalHitAttackProjectileMeleeDemolisherActiveHorizontalStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to swords, axes, hammers, cudgels, tin staffs, and unarmed
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 5.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 221%

Simple Casts the skill and pummels the ground in front, dealing 221% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
When pummeling, generates 3 auto-tracing Ember Projectiles, dealing 221% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
When the skill consumes Demolisher Charge, Embers cause explosion on hit, dealing 221% Weapon Attack Damage. Each explosion leaves one Secondary Ember Projectile behind, which will deal 221% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
Demolisher Charge additionally increases the skill's damage.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Fire Damage.

Deals 221% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherEmber Projectile:
Deals 221% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +2
Deals 221% Weapon Attack Damage.
Secondary Ember Projectile:
Deals 221% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires one Projectile in its base state.
The Projectile always Penetrates the target.
The Projectile fired by the skill is not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.
The skill gains Demolisher Charge once every 3s.
+215% additional damage when the skill consumes Demolisher Charge.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage.
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill.
The pummel and explosion caused by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 70%.
20 Harmonious Field ActiveSpellChanneledAreaPersistentEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 6.7
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple At the end of the skill channeling, Sentries within a certain area gain Euphoria: 25% additional damage for 4s. +33% additional Empower Effect for this skill for every 1 channeled stack.
If the channeling of this skill stops at max channeled stacks, +3s duration for the affected Sentries.
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.

DetailsAt the end of the skill channeling, Sentries within a certain area gain Euphoria:
+25% additional damage
Lasts for 4s
+33% additional Empower Effect for this skill for every 1 channeled stack
If the channeling of this skill stops at max channeled stacks, +3s duration for the affected Sentries
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled
20 Haunting Abomination ActiveSpellTriggerableErosionAreaHitPersistentTerraIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 0.5 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 10%

Simple Casts the skill and deals 36- 36 SpellErosion Damage Damage to the target enemy and generates a Haunting Terra to follow the enemy around.
The Haunting Terra deals Secondary Damage equal to 500% of the initial Hit Damage to enemies within it every 0s.
Terra Charge grants additional damage to the skill.

DetailsHaunting Abomination:
Deals 36- 36 Spell Erosion Damage Damage.

OtherHaunting Terra:
Haunting Terra lasts 6s.
Deals Secondary Damage equal to 500% of the initial Hit Damage to enemies within it every 0s.
Bonuses and additional bonuses for Cast Speed are also applied to the Interval
The maximum stacks of Terra Charge are 1.
Gain 1 stack of Terra Charge every 0.5s.
This skill deals higher damage to rarer enemies, up to +12% additional damage
+60% additional damage for this skill for every Terra Charge consumed
Max Terra Quantity of the skill is fixed at 1
This skill +80% additional damage for every +1 Max Terra Quantity
This skill's max base Terra quantity is 1.
20 Howling Gale ActiveSpellChanneledPhysicalAreaPersistentHitIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 3.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 205%

Simple When channeling the skill, generates a Gale at the target spot, launching multiple strikes at enemies within a certain area with each strike dealing 586- 975 Spell Physical Damage Damage.
Each channeled stack extends Gale's Duration, additionally increases its damage, expands its Skill Area, and increases its Movement Speed.

DetailsHowling Gale:
Deals 586- 975 Spell Physical Damage Damage.
Base Attack Frequency: 1
Max Channeled Stacks: 5
Each channeled stack +2s Duration for Gale.
Each channeled stack +10% Skill Area for Gale.
Each channeled stack increases Movement Speed for Gale.
This skill +21.5% additional damage for every +1 additional Max Channeled Stack(s)
Bonuses and additional bonuses for Cast Speed are also applied to Gale's Attack Frequency
20 Ice Bond SpellPersistentElementalColdTriggerableHitActiveEmpowerSentryAreaBeam
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 1.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 35%

Simple Casts the skill to place 1 Ice Sentry at the target spot, who will shoot a Cold Beam that ends at the character, dealing 108- 162 Spell Cold Damage Damage to enemies along the path.
Gains Euphoria when the Sentry is within a certain area around the character: Other skills deal 28% additional Cold Damage to Frostbitten enemies.

DetailsIce Sentry:
Deals 108- 162 SpellCold Damage Damage.
Deals damage once every 0.25s.
The Sentry lasts 8s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
+100% chance to Frostbite enemies
The Beams fired by the skill are not affected by beam quantity bonuses.

OtherThe Ice Sentry grants Euphoria to the character:
While the buff is active, the character's other skills +28% additional Cold Damage against Frostbitten enemies
20 Ice Lances SpellHitProjectileColdActiveTriggerableElementalHorizontalIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 175%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Ice Lance to the front, dealing 532- 798 Spell Cold Damage Damage. The Ice Lance Jumps +2 Jumps for this skill times.
The skill deals additional damage to enemies on Frost Terrae.

DetailsIce Lances:
Deals 532- 798 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
+2 Jumps for this skill
This skill deals +35% additional damage against units in a Frost Terra
20 Ice Shot ColdElementalProjectileAttackHitRangedActiveAreaHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to Bows, Crossbows, Firearms and Cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 350%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Ice Lance forward, dealing 350% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
The Ice Lance explodes behind the enemy on hit, dealing 175% Weapon Attack Damage.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Cold Damage.

DetailsIcy Lances:
Deals 350% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.

Deals 175% Weapon Attack Damage.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Cold Damage
+49% chance to Frostbite enemies
+100% Duration for Frostbite inflicted by this skill
20 Icebound Beam ActiveSpellChanneledElementalColdHitProjectileHorizontalBeamIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 4.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 52%

Simple Channels the skill and fires 1 Cold Beam forward, hitting the enemy at the end point and dealing 157- 236 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
At max channeled stacks, loses all channeled stacks and fires 2 Icy Blades to the end point of the beam, dealing 472- 708 Spell Cold Damage Damage.

DetailsCold Beam:
Deals 157- 236 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
Not affected by beam quantity bonuses and refraction attempt bonuses.

OtherIcy Blade:
Deals 472- 708 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +1
Every 1 Beam reflections of this skill will be converted into 2 Projectile Jumps
Projectile Quantity +1 for every 1 additional Beams
Channels up to 5 stacks.
The Projectiles shot by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 40%.
20 Icy Blade AttackMeleeHitAreaColdActiveSlash-StrikeElementalSweep SlashSteep StrikeStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Limited to swords, axes, and hammers
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 321%

Simple Launches a Sweep Slash to attack the fan-shaped area in front, dealing 321% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
When having Steep Strike attempts, launches a Steep Strike and generates 1 wave of Icy Blades, dealing 321% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. Upon hitting a Frozen enemy with Steep Strike, gains a Steep Strike attempt and causes an explosion, dealing 482% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. Multiple explosions and Steep Strikes can hit the same enemy.
Upon hitting a Frozen enemy with Steep Strike, When this skill's Steep Strike hits a Frozen enemy, -0.1s to this enemy's Freeze Duration. The effect has a 0.01s Interval against the same targets to the duration of Frozen on the enemy
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Cold Damage.

DetailsSweep Slash:
Deals 321% Weapon Attack Damage.
This skill +40% Steep Strike chance.

OtherSteep Strike:
Deals 321% Weapon Attack Damage.
+100% chance to grant 1 Steep Strike attempt(s) when this skill's Steep Strike hits a Frozen enemy. Interval: 0.01s
When this skill's Steep Strike hits a Frozen enemy, -0.1s to this enemy's Freeze Duration. The effect has a 0.01s Interval against the same target
Deals 482% Weapon Attack Damage.
Explosions are considered a part of Steep Strike.
Multiple explosions and Steep Strikes can hit the same enemy.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Cold Damage
The explosion and Steep Strike caused by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 70%.
20 Inexhaustible Barrage AttackProjectileHitPhysicalActiveChanneledAreaPersistentVerticalRangedBarrageDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to guns
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 174%

Simple At the end of the channeling of the skill, drops multiple waves of barrage at enemies within a certain area, attacking random enemies within range, with each wave dealing 174% Weapon Attack Damage.
The channeled stacks will increase the number of barrage waves, Critical Strike Damage, and Projectile Quantity.
Projectile Speed will increase the skill's damage.

DetailsInexhaustible Barrage:
Deals 174% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill drops 1 wave of barrage in its base state.
Each wave of barrage fires 1 Projectile by default.
Each channeled stack will grant a wave of barrage at the end of the channeling process.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +5
+10% Critical Strike Damage for each wave of the skill
Projectile Quantity +1 for each wave of the skill
50% of the skill's Projectile Speed bonus is also applied to the skill Projectile Damage
This skill +150% additional Attack Speed

OtherMovement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.
Channels up to 5 stacks.
20 Leap Attack MobilityAttackMeleeHitPhysicalActiveDemolisherAreaCamera Slow MotionStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to unarmed, swords, axes, hammers, cudgels, and tin staffs
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 246%

Simple Casts the skill and leaps up to the target spot to pummel the ground, dealing 246% Weapon Attack Damage to enemies within a certain area.
The skill grants the following buff upon consuming Demolisher Charge: Hitting enemies will increase the skill's Damage and Area.

DetailsLeap Attack:
Deals 246% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherThe skill gains Demolisher Charge once every 4s.
The skill grants the following buff upon consuming Demolisher Charge: Gains a buff once for each enemy hit, up to 20 times.
The buff lasts 2s.
+20% damage to the skill per bonus gained
+10% Skill Area to the skill per bonus gained
20 Life Source RestorationChargeActive
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains restoration: Restores Restores 60% Max Life within 2s% Max Life within Restores 60% Max Life within 2ss. The effect disappears when Life is fully restored.
Killing enemies will grant Charge.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains restoration:
Restores 60% Max Life within 2s

OtherKilling enemies can increase the Charging Progress of this skill. At 15 Charging Progress, gains 1 Charge. Killing a Normal/Magic/Rare/Boss enemy grants 1/3/6/100 Charging Progress.
20 Lightning Beam ActiveSpellTriggerableElementalLightningAreaPersistentHitBeamIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 43%

Simple When casting the skill, fires 1 Lightning Beam forward at enemies within the Beam Area in front, dealing 16- 312 Spell Lightning Damage Damage on hit.
Every 5 time(s) this skill is cast, generates a Thunderbolt around the caster that follows the caster and automatically casts this skill at enemies within a certain area.
The Thunderbolt lasts for 6s. Up to Thunderbolt(s) can be generated.

DetailsLightning Beam:
Deals 16- 312 Spell Lightning Damage Damage
Every 5 time(s) this skill is cast, generates a Thunderbolt around the caster that follows the caster
This skill generates up to Thunderbolt(s)
The Thunderbolts last for 6s
For every +1 Beam(s), increases this skill's Thunderbolt generation upper limit by +1
The number of Beams generated by this skill is not affected by Quantity bonuses
The Beams fired by this skill are not affected by Beam Length bonuses
100% of the bonuses and additional bonuses for the skill's Beam Length is also applied to the skill's Skill Area
No more Thunderbolts will be generated after reaching the upper limit.
20 Lightning Shot AttackRangedHitProjectileLightningActiveElementalChainHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to Bows, Crossbows, Firearms and Cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 320%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Lightning Arrow forward, dealing 320% Weapon Damage on hit.
The Lightning Arrow splits into three lightning bolts on hit, dealing 320% Weapon Attack Damage to 3 random enemies within a certain area.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.

DetailsLightning Arrow:
The enemy deals 320% Weapon Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.

Deals 320% Weapon Attack Damage.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
20 Lightning Storm SpellHitActiveTriggerableElementalLightningAreaPersistentIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 2.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 65%

Simple Casts the skill and generates a Lightning Storm that can track enemies at the target spot, continuously attacking the enemies within its range and dealing 25- 470 Spell Lightning Damage Damage each time.
DetailsLightning Storm:
Deals 25- 470 Spell Lightning Damage Damage
Strike once every 0s.
Lasts 5s
20 Machine Army SpellPersistentActiveSummonNon-MinionsTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: For each Minion on the field, all Minions 7.85% additional damage and 4% additional Movement Speed, stacking up to This skill +100% additional Status Effect for every 1 Minion owned, stacking up to 7 time(s). time(s). Lasts 4s.
DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 7.85% additional damage.
For each Minion on the field, all Minions 4% additional Movement Speed.
Stacks up to This skill +100% additional Status Effect for every 1 Minion owned, stacking up to 7 time(s). time(s).
Lasts 4s.
20 Mana Boil SpellActiveTriggerableEmpower
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 10.0 sec

Simple Gains Euphoria upon casting the skill: Consumes Mana over time and permanently grants 14.6% additional Spell Damage. Loses the Euphoria effect when Mana drops to 0.
DetailsGains Euphoria upon casting the skill:
+14.6% additional Spell Damage while the skill lasts
Consumes +14.6% additional Spell Damage while the skill lasts Mana every second.
Loses the Euphoria effect when Mana drops to 0.
20 Mana Source RestorationChargeActive
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains restoration: Restores Restores 100% Max Mana within 2s% Max Mana within Restores 100% Max Mana within 2ss. The effect disappears when Mana is fully restored.
Killing enemies will grant Charge.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains restoration:
Restores 100% Max Mana within 2s

OtherKilling enemies can increase the Charging Progress of this skill. At 10 Charging Progress, gains 1 Charge. Killing a Normal/Magic/Rare/Boss enemy grants 1/3/6/100 Charging Progress.
20 Marked Rain of Arrows ActiveAttackElementalFireAreaPersistentHitRangedProjectileHorizontalVerticalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to Ranged weapons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 35%

Simple Casts the skill and fires a Marked Arrow, dealing 35% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. The Marked Arrow has a chance to Mark the enemy.
When the Marked Arrow marks the enemy or hits a Marked enemy, channels down 5 Explosive Arrows around the enemy with each Explosive Arrow dealing 162% Weapon Attack Damage.

DetailsMarked Arrow:
Deals 35% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
+50% chance for the Marked Arrows to Mark the enemy on hit
The Projectile is not affected by Projectile Quantity bonuses.

OtherExplosive Arrow:
Deals 162% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +4
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
The Explosive Arrows fired by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 70%.
20 Mind Control SpellErosionChanneledDamage Over TimePersistentActiveIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple When channeling the skill, links to multiple enemies within a certain area, dealing 884 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage per second to them.
Each link of the skill restores 0.5% Max Life every second.
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.
Max channeled stacks can grant additional damage to the skill and increase the number of the links.

Deals 884 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage every second.
DoT Damage lasts 4s.
Initially starts with 3 maximum links.
Maximum links +1 per channeled stack.
+10% additional skill damage for every link less than maximum links.
This skill +5.5% additional damage for every +1 additional Max Channeled Stack(s)
0.5% Max Life per second per link

OtherChannels up to 5 stacks.
Each stack increases Max Links by +1.
20 Moon Strike ActiveAttackAreaPersistentPhysicalHitMeleeSlash-StrikeSweep SlashSteep StrikeDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Limited to dual-wielding one-handed swords, one-handed axes, daggers, sacrificial blades, canes, and wands
Mana Cost 1
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 114%

Simple Launches a Sweep Slash to attack the fan-shaped area in front and deal 114% Weapon Attack Damage on hit. When a certain amount of Mana has been consumed, the skill will gain a buff. While having this buff, the skill is guaranteed to launch a Steep Strike.
Casts the skill and launches a Steep Strike to attack the square area in front, dealing 237% Weapon Attack Damage on hit and granting additional Attack Speed to the skill.
The skill is affected by bonuses and additional bonuses for Spell Damage, and its damage increases based on the Mana consumed each time.
This skill cannot obtain Steep Strike attempts with Steep Strike chance.

DetailsSweep Slash:
Deals 114% Weapon Attack Damage.
For every 20% Mana consumed, this skill gains a special status for 5s

OtherSteep Strike:
Deals 237% Weapon Attack Damage.
Steep Strike form +1% additional Attack Speed for this skill's Steep Strike form for every +1% Steep Strike chance% additional Attack Speed for every +1% additional Attack Speed for this skill's Steep Strike form for every +1% Steep Strike chance% of the skill's Steep Strike chance.
This skill is guaranteed to perform Steep Strike under the state
When being cast, this skill +1.25% additional damage for every 10 Mana consumed, up to +50%
Spell Damage bonus and additional bonus also apply to the skill's Attack Damage
20 Nourishment of Life SpellPersistentActiveAreaSummonNon-MinionsTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and creates an area that follows the caster for 4s.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: Spirit Magi within the area have 107.5 initial Growth. When they are at Stage 4 or higher, 64% Skill Area, with a 40% chance to 2 Projectile Quantity when casting the skill.

DetailsCasts the skill and creates an area that follows the caster for 4s.
Casts the skill and gains Euphoria:
While the skill lasts, Spirit Magi within range +107.5 initial Growth
While the skill lasts, when Spirit Magi within range are at Stage 3 or higher, +64% Skill Area
While the skill lasts, when Spirit Magi within range are at Stage 3 or higher, casting a skill has a 40% chance to +2 Projectile Quantity
20 Obscure PersistentActiveTriggerableDefensiveSpell
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple When casting this skill, gains a defensive effect: Upon evading or avoiding damage, Blur Rating 5% of Max Blur Rating for 6s.
When casting this skill, Blur Rating +20% Blur Rating above its max stack when casting skills% of Max Blur Rating.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
Blur Rating +5% of Max Blur Rating every time you evade or avoid damage while the skill lasts. Interval: 0.2s

Other+20% Blur Rating above its max stack when casting skills
20 Path of Flames SpellFireChanneledPersistentAreaActiveElementalDamage Over TimeMobilityCamera Slow MotionIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 4.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 67%

Simple Channeling this skill leaves a fire path and allows you to pass through enemies, dealing 1463 Indirect Fire Damage Damage every second to enemies in it.
Each channeled stack +20% additional Duration for this skill for every +1 additional Max Channeled Stack(s), up to 7 time(s)% additional Duration. Stacks up to +20% additional Duration for this skill for every +1 additional Max Channeled Stack(s), up to 7 time(s) time(s).

DetailsFire Path:
Deals 1463 Indirect Fire Damage Damage every second.
DoT Damage lasts 4s.

Other+20% Movement Speed while channeling this skill
+20% additional Duration for this skill for every +1 additional Max Channeled Stack(s), up to 7 time(s)
20 Prayer SpellPersistentActiveSummonNon-MinionsTriggerableDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains defensive effect: Minions restore 14% of Max Life for 6s.
DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
Minions restore +14% of Max Life per second while the skill lasts
Lasts 6s.
20 Raging Warcry WarcryAreaPersistentActive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 8.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and lets out a Warcry. Taunts nearby enemies. Gains 4% Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed for every enemy affected by the skill, and skills that consume Demolisher Charge deal 3% additional damage and have 3% more Skill Area for 3s
DetailsCasts the skill and lets out a Warcry:
Taunts Nearby enemies.
+3% additional damage for the skill when Demolisher Charge is consumed for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
+4% Demolisher Charge Recovery Speed for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
+3% Skill Area for the skill when Demolisher Charge is consumed for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
Lasts 3s.
20 Rain of Arrows AttackRangedHitPhysicalAreaProjectileActiveVerticalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to bows and crossbows
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 128%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 15 Projectiles into the air, which will attack enemies within a certain area, dealing 128% Weapon Attack Damage.
The Projectile Speed grants additional skill damage.

DetailsRain of Arrows:
Deals 128% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +14
72.5% of the skill's additional Projectile Speed bonus also applies to the skill's additional damage

OtherThe Projectiles shot by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 70%.
20 Reform ActiveSpellTriggerablePersistentDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains defensive effect: Refreshes the Barrier and gains 15% additional Barrier Shield for 6s.
While the skill lasts, Weakens Nearby enemies upon gaining Barrier.

DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect:
Weakens Nearby enemies when you gain Barrier while the skill lasts
+15% additional Barrier Shield while the skill lasts
Lasts 6s.

OtherRefreshes the Barrier owned upon casting the skill
20 Resurrection Warcry WarcryAreaPersistentActiveRestoration
Mana Cost 19.5
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 8.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and lets out a Warcry: Weakens Nearby enemies. For each enemy affected, receives -3% additional damage for 3s.
Casts the skill and gains restoration: Restores Restores 1160 Life in 4s Life within Restores 1160 Life in 4ss. The effect is not affected by Warcry effects.

DetailsCasts the skill and lets out a Warcry:
Weakens Nearby enemies.
-3% additional damage taken for each enemy affected, stacking up to 8 times
Lasts 3s.

OtherCasts the skill and gains restoration: Restores Restores 1160 Life in 4s Life within Restores 1160 Life in 4ss.
The effect is not affected by Warcry effects.
20 Ring of Blades ActiveSpellChanneledPhysicalAreaPersistentHitProjectileHorizontalIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 4.0
Cooldown 0.2 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 82%

Simple When channeling the skill, generates ring blades around the caster, dealing 234- 390 Spell Physical Damage Damage to enemies within range.
The ring blades will remain for 5s after the channeling is over.
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.
Each channeled stack will increase the number of ring blades and Skill Area.

DetailsRing of Blades:
Deals 234- 390 Spell Physical Damage Damage
For the same enemy, Projectiles can deal damage once every 0.25s at the fastest
Max channeled stacks: 5
Generates 1 Projectile when gaining a channeled stack. Projectile Quantity will not exceed the number of max channeled stacks, up to 12 Projectile(s) can be owned at a time
After channeling, Projectiles will remain for 5s
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled

OtherThis skill +40% Skill Area for every +1 Projectile Quantity
The orbiting radius of Projectiles is also affected by the skill's Skill Area bonuses.
This skill is not affected by Projectile Size
20 Ring of Ice SpellColdHitActiveTriggerableElementalAreaIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 133%

Simple Casts the skill and generates an Icy Ring within a certain area around the caster, dealing 405- 608 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
Upon defeating an enemy, the skill has a When defeating the enemies, +58% chance to be triggered again where the enemy is; Each icy ring may only trigger once% chance to trigger another Icy Ring where the enemy is. Each Icy Ring can only trigger the effect once.

DetailsIcy Ring:
Deals 405- 608 Spell Cold Damage Damage.
+20% chance to Frostbite enemies
When defeating the enemies, +58% chance to be triggered again where the enemy is; Each icy ring may only trigger once
20 Rocket Jump MobilityRangedAttackHitActiveAreaFireElementalCamera Slow MotionStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Limited to cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 223%

Simple Casts the skill and bombards the ground under the caster's feet, dealing 223% Weapon Attack Damage, and then jumps backward.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Fire Damage.

DetailsRocket Jump:
Deals 223% Weapon Attack Damage.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
+50% Ignite chance
Adds 195 Base Ignite Damage to the skill
20 Safeguard Ring ActiveSpellTriggerableAreaPersistentSentryDefensive
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and place a Safeguard Sentry at the target spot, who will generate a Safeguard Field, knock back enemies within it, and periodically knock back them during its effect.
Allies within the Safeguard Field gains the defensive effect: -15% additional damage taken and -12% additional damage taken from enemies outside the Safeguard Field.

DetailsIsolation Sentry:
Knocks back the enemies within range every 2s.
The Sentry lasts 6s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
The skill can only place 1 Sentry.

OtherThe Safeguard Sentry grants defensive effect to allies:
-15% additional damage taken as the buff lasts
-12% additional damage dealt by enemies outside the circle as the buff lasts
20 Savage Charge AttackMeleeHitPhysicalActiveDemolisherChanneledAreaStrengthDexterity
Main Stat: Strength  Dexterity
Limited to two-handed axes, two-handed hammers, cudgels, and tin staffs
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 42%

Simple When channeling the skill, charges forward, passing through the enemies while moving, dealing 42% Weapon Attack Damage continuously, and knocking them back.
If the channeling of this skill stops at max channeled stacks, a Savage Strike will be launched, dealing 417% Weapon Attack Damage to the enemies in front and knocking them back. Demolisher Charge will grant additional damage to the attack.
Channeled stacks will increase the Movement Speed and Skill Area of the skill when the character is charging using this skill.

Deals 42% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherSavage Strike:
Deals 417% Weapon Attack Damage.
When consuming Demolisher Charge, the skill deals +90% additional damage.
On hit, the skill knocks back the enemy.
This skill +150% additional Attack Speed
The skill gains Demolisher Charge once every 3s.
Max channeled stacks: 5.
+10% Movement Speed per channeled stack when charging
+12% Skill Area per channeled stack
The character will be forced to move forward when channeling the skill.
You can pass through enemies while channeling this skill
20 Scorch SpellAreaPersistentElementalFireActiveTriggerableCurseElemental
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed receive 19.5% additional Fire Damage and have a 19.5% chance to be Ignited.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
+19.5% additional Fire Damage taken by Cursed enemies
+19.5% chance to be Ignited when you are hit by a Cursed enemy
Lasts 5s.
20 Scorching Beam SpellFireChanneledHitActiveElementalAreaBeamIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 4.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 29%

Simple Channels the skill and fires 1 Fire Beam forward, dealing 76- 141 Spell Fire Damage Damage to the enemy at the end of the beam on hit.
At max channeled stacks, loses all channeled stacks and denotates explosion at the end of the beam, dealing 228- 423 Indirect Fire Damage Damage.

DetailsFire Beam:
Deals 76- 141 Spell Fire Damage Damage.

OtherFire Explosion:
Deals 228- 423 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
Channels up to 5 stacks.
The beams fired and explosions caused by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 0%.
20 Scorching Pulse SpellHitAreaFireActiveTriggerableElementalIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.5
Cooldown 5.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 275%

Simple Casts the skill and unleashes a Fire Surge, dealing 731- 1357 Spell Fire Damage Damage to enemies within a certain area and reaping Reap 1.25s of DoT Damage when the skill hitss DoT Damage.
If there is a Flame Core within 15m when the skill is cast, then triggers the skill again one second later.

DetailsScorching Pulse:
Deals 731- 1357 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
If there's any Flame Core within 15m when this skill is cast, then this skill is triggered again after 1s
Reap 1.25s of DoT Damage when the skill hits
20 Secret Origin Unleash SpellPersistentActiveTriggerableEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains Euphoria: 35% additional Cast Speed, and 4% Cast Speed for each stack of Focus Blessing owned for 4s
DetailsCasts the skill and gains Euphoria:
+4% Cast Speed for every stack of Focus Blessing you have while the skill lasts. Stacks up to 8 time(s)
+35% additional Cast Speed while the skill lasts
Lasts 4s.
20 Shackles of Malice SpellErosionHitTriggerableActiveChainAreaDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 109%

Simple Casts the skill and fires a Malice Chain, dealing 416- 416 Spell Erosion Damage Damage. The chain Jumps 2 time(s).
Upon hitting a Cursed enemy, the chain causes an explosion and deals 416- 416 Spell Erosion Damage Damage to enemies within a certain area, then it removes all Curse Effects from the Cursed enemy.
The explosion deals more damage to enemies that are inflicted with more Curse Effects.

DetailsMalice Chain:
Deals 416- 416 Spell Erosion Damage Damage

Deals 416- 416 Spell Erosion Damage Damage
The explosion removes all Curse Effects from the enemy hit by the chain
For every 1 Curse Effect inflicted on the enemy hit by the chain, the explosion 40% additional damage (multiplies)
20 Shadow Dash SpellMobilityPersistentErosionActiveTriggerableCharge
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 4.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and moves in the target direction, leaving a Shadow Path behind and inflicting Slow on enemies on the path.
The skill and some Mobility Skills share the same cooldown.

DetailsCasts the skill and moves in the target direction, leaving a Shadow Path behind.
The Shadow Path lasts 5s.
Inflicts 1 stack of Slow on enemies on the path every second.
20 Shadow Shot ActiveSpellTriggerableErosionAreaHitProjectileHorizontalIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 129%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Shadow Shot that travels forward and detonates on hit, dealing 393- 590 Spell Erosion Damage Damage. The Shadow Shot has a chance to launch Reversed Knockback on the enemy on hit.
The Shadow Shot can move the existing Shadow Swamp.

DetailsShadow Shot:
Deals 393- 590 Spell Erosion Damage Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.

Deals 393- 590 Spell Erosion Damage Damage.
Knockback effect from this skill is reversed
+10% chance for the skill to cause a Knockback
The skill moves an existing Shadow Swamp to the target's location on hit. The minimum Interval of this effect is 0s.
20 Shadow Swamp ActiveSpellTriggerableErosionAreaPersistentDamage Over TimeHitTerraIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Cooldown 0.6 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 62%

Simple Casts the skill and generates Erosion Explosion at the target spot, dealing 236- 236 Spell Erosion Damage Damage to enemies within a certain area.
The Erosion Explosion will leave a Swamp Terra afterwards, dealing 593 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage to enemies in it. The Swamp Terra lasts 3s.
The Swamp Terra can be moved by Shadows. After that, there will be another Erosion Explosion and the duration will be refreshed.

Deals 236- 236 Spell Erosion Damage Damage.

OtherSwamp Terra:
Swamp Terra lasts for 3s
Deals 593 Indirect Erosion Damage Damage every second for 2s
The skill can only generate 1 Terra
Enemies on a Swamp Terra are Weakened
On hit, Shadow Shot moves the existing Swamp Terra to the location of the hit and causes another explosion
Each movement grants +10% additional Skill Area for the Swamp Terra
Stacks up to 1 time(s)
For every stack of Terra Charge consumed, the Swamp Terra gains an additional effect every time it moves: +45% additional damage
For every +1 Max Terra Quantity, the number of times this effect can be stacked +2
Max Terra Quantity of the skill is fixed at 1
The DoT Damage status inflicted by this skill can't be spread (excludes Ailments)
The maximum stacks of Terra Charge are 1
Gain 1 stack of Terra Charge per 0.5s
20 Sparkle SpellHitProjectileLightningActiveAreaTriggerableElementalHorizontalIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 63%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Sparkle forward, continuously attacking enemies within its range with each time dealing 24- 456 Spell Lightning Damage Damage. The speed of the Sparkle decreases gradually.
Deals 24- 456 Spell Lightning Damage Damage.
20 Speed Phantom ActiveSpellTriggerablePhysicalAreaPersistentHitEmpowerMobility
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3
Cooldown 4.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and moves in the target direction, leaving behind a Remnant before and after moving, and inflicting Reversed Knockback and 1 stack of Slow on nearby enemies within a certain distance.
The Remnant explodes after 0s, dealing damage to enemies once. Gains 1 stack of Euphoria for every enemy hit:
For every 1 stack(s) of Euphoria, +5% additional Spell Damage, up to 8 stacks, lasting for 1.6s.

Remnant lasts 0s.
You can have up to Remnant(s).
Remnant explosions deal 206- 343 Spell Physical Damage Damage on hit.
Gains 1 stack of Euphoria for every enemy hit by a Remnant explosion.
For every 1 stack(s) of Euphoria, +5% additional Spell Damage, up to 8 stacks, lasting for 1.6s
20 Spiral Strike ActiveAttackErosionAreaHitMeleeMobilityCamera Slow MotionDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to one-handed swords, claws, daggers, and sacrificial blades
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 88%

Simple Casts the skill and dashes forward, dealing 88% Weapon Attack Damage multiple times to enemies on the path.
The caster's Attack Speed makes the skill deal damage more times.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Erosion Damage.

DetailsSpiral Strike:
Deals 88% Weapon Attack Damage multiple times.
The caster's Attack Speed makes the skill deals damage more times.
+20% chance to Wilt
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Erosion Damage
20 Split Firebolt SpellProjectileHitActiveFireElementalAreaTriggerableHorizontalIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 155%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 fireball to the front, which will explode upon reaching its destination. The fireball will deal 470- 706 Spell Fire Damage Damage on hit and upon explosion respectively.
On hit, the fireball will split into three small fireballs, which will explode upon hitting an enemy and deal 235- 353 Spell Fire Damage Damage on hit and upon explosion respectively.

Deals 470- 706 Spell Fire Damage damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.

OtherFireball Explosion:
Deals 470- 706 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
Small Fireball:
Deals 235- 353 SpellFire Damage Damage.
Small Fireball Explosion:
Deals 235- 353 Spell Fire Damage Damage.
20 Split Shot AttackProjectileHitPhysicalActiveRangedHorizontalDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to Bows, Crossbows, Firearms and Cannons
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 337%

Simple Casts the skill and shoots 7 arrows forward, dealing 337% Weapon Attack Damage.
DetailsSplit Shot:
Deals 337% Weapon Attack Damage.
The skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
Projectile Quantity of this skill +6
In general, the Projectiles shot by this skill cannot hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 67%.
20 Star Stalker ActiveSpellTriggerableProjectileAreaPersistentEmpower
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.5
Cooldown 12.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Projectile forward. The Projectile will generate an area that follows itself. While inside this area, the character gains Euphoria: 62% additional DoT Damage.
The Projectile will continue to track Elites and will attach itself to the tracked target when it reaches them. After this unit is killed, it will track another unit.
The Flying Speed of the Projectile is 100% of the Character's Movement Speed, and it lasts for 4s.

DetailsStar Stalker:
While inside the area, the character gains Euphoria:
+62% additional DoT Damage
The Flying Speed of the Projectile is 100% of the character's Movement Speed
The Projectile lasts for 4s
The Projectiles launched by this skill are not affected by Penetrate, Jump, or Return effects
20 Stoneskin PersistentActiveTriggerableDefensiveSpell
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 6.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill and gains defensive effect: Absorbs 70% of damage taken, up to 1800. Lasts 6s.
DetailsCasts the skill and gains defensive effect: Absorbs 70% of damage taken.
Absorbs up to 1800 damage.
Lasts 6s.
20 Summon Grim Phantom ActiveSpellTriggerablePersistentSummonMinionsSynthetic Troop SkillSynthetic TroopGrim PhantomIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.0
Cooldown 5.0 sec

Simple The skill automatically summons 1 Grim Phantom to the caster every This skill will automatically summon Minion(s) every 1ss, up to the upper limit.
Casting the skill will teleport all Grim Phantoms to the target spot and cast Destructive Light Cannon.
All Physical Damage by Grim Phantoms will be converted to Lightning Damage.

DetailsSummon Grim Phantom:
Summons 1 Grim Phantom to the caster every This skill will automatically summon Minion(s) every 1ss
Can only summon up to 4 Grim Phantom(s)
+5% additional damage for Minions summoned by this skill for every 20 Command
+10% Skill Area for Minions summoned by this skill for every 20 Command
Converts 100% of Physical Damage dealt by the Minions summoned by this skill to Lightning Damage
20 Summon Machine Guard SpellSummonPersistentActiveSynthetic TroopMachine GuardMinionsSynthetic Troop SkillTriggerableStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3

Simple Casts the skill and summons 1 Machine Guard to the target spot.
DetailsSummon Machine Guard:
Summons 1 Machine Guard
Can only summon up to 4 Machine Guard(s)
+0.5% Skill Area for Minions summoned by this skill for every 1 Command

OtherNo more Minions will be summoned by this skill after reaching its Max Minion Quantity.
20 Summon Spider Tank SpellSummonPersistentActiveSynthetic TroopSpider TankMinionsSynthetic Troop SkillTriggerableDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3

Simple Casts the skill and summons 1 Spider Tank to the target spot.
DetailsSpider Tank Summoning:
Summons 1 Spider Tank
Can only summon up to 4 Spider Tank(s)
+6% additional Spider Tank Damage for every Spider Tank summoned by this skill
Projectiles fired by the Minions summoned by this skill always Penetrate enemies when having at least 30 point(s) of Command
+2 Projectile Quantity for Minions summoned by this skill when having at least 50 Command
The max amount of Projectiles that can be fired by Minions summoned by this skill are 5

OtherNo more Minions will be summoned by this skill after reaching its Max Minion Quantity.
20 Swift Shadow Raid ActiveAttackAreaPhysicalHitMeleeMobilityCamera Slow MotionDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to one-handed swords, one-handed axes, canes, and wands
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 4.0
Cooldown 3.0 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 351%

Simple Casts the skill and dashes forward, dealing 351% Weapon Attack Damage to enemies on the path. If the caster has Agility Blessing, then reduces one stack of Agility Blessing and refreshes the skill cooldown.
DetailsSwift Shadow Raid:
Deals 351% Weapon Attack Damage.
If Agility Blessing is active when casting the skill, consume 1 stacks of Agility Blessing and reset skill CD
20 Thunder Core SpellHitActiveLightningPersistentTriggerableElementalSentryChainAreaIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.3
Added Damage Effectiveness 111%

Simple Casts the skill and places 1 Lightning Sentry at the target spot, who will channel down a lightning strike at an enemy within the range at intervals and deal 42- 803 SpellLightning Damage Damage.
If the Lightning Sentry is within a certain area around the character, the lightning strike can Jump at the same enemy repetitively.

DetailsThunder Core:
Deals 42- 803 SpellLightning Damage Damage.
Deals damage once every 1s.
The Sentry lasts 8s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1
If the player is within 10m from the Sentry, the skills cast by the Sentry can Jump at the same enemy repetitively.

OtherThe skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 70%.
20 Thunder Slash ActiveAttackElementalLightningAreaHitMeleeSlash-StrikeSweep SlashSteep StrikeDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to swords, axes, and hammers
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 142%

Simple Launches a Sweep Slash to attack the fan-shaped area in front, dealing 142% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
When having Steep Strike attempts, launches a Steep Strike to attack the square area in front, dealing 356% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
Multistrikes of the skill gains one Steep Strike attempt for every two Sweep Slashes but cannot gain Steep Strike attempts from Steep Strike Chance.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.

DetailsSweep Slash:
Deals 142% Weapon Attack Damage.
Gains a Steep Strike for every 2 Multistrikes performed during Sweep Slash

OtherSteep Strike:
Deals 356% Weapon Attack Damage.
This skill cannot obtain Steep Strike attempts with Steep Strike Chance
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
+20% Multistrike Chance for this skill
The skill's Multistrike deals 0.8% additional damage with each strike for every +1% Steep Strike chance.
+6% Attack Speed for this skill for every attack made during Multistrike
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
20 Thunder Spike ActiveAttackElementalLightningAreaHitMeleeShadow StrikeShadow Strike True BodyShadow Strike ShadowsDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to one-handed swords, claws, daggers, and sacrificial blades
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 186%

Simple Casts the skill and thrusts forward, dealing 186% Weapon Attack Damage.
When the skill launches a Critical Strike, inflicts Shock on enemies within a certain area. The effect's interval is 0.01s.
When the skill's Shadows cause a Critical Strike, settles Shock on enemies hit one additional time.
The skill This skill +30% additional max damage% additional max damage. All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.

DetailsThunder Spike:
Deals 186% Weapon Attack Damage.
When the skill's Shadow Strike True Body hit an enemy with a Critical Strike, it inflicts Shock on enemies within 1000m of the enemy hit. Interval: 0.01s.
Settles Shock 1 additional times when Shadows of this skill land Critical Strikes
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
This skill +30% additional max damage
20 Thunderbolt Overload SpellAreaHitLightningProjectileActiveTriggerableElementalParabolicPhysicalDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Added Damage Effectiveness 59%

Simple Casts the skill and throws a Thunderbolt that can jump twice. The Thunderbolt explodes on hit, dealing 169- 282 Spell Physical Damage Damage.
All of the skill's Physical Damage will be converted to Lightning Damage.

DetailsThunderbolt Overload:
Deals 169- 282 Spell Physical Damage Damage.
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage
The skill's Projectiles' effect after splitting -50% additional damage
20 Thundercloud SpellPersistentLightningElementalHitActiveChanneledAreaChainIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 4.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 69%

Simple When channeling the skill, generates a Thundercloud above the caster, which will continuously attacking enemies within a certain area at intervals with each time dealing 27- 501 Spell Lightning Damage Damage.
Channeled stacks will increase the Duration and Attack Frequency of Thundercloud.

Deals 27- 501 SpellLightning Damage Damage.

OtherChannels up to 5 stacks.
Thundercloud Duration +2s for every stack.
Thundercloud attacks up to 3 targets.
+1 Jumps for the skill
Thundercloud's Attack Frequency reaches max at 9 channeled stacks.
20 Thunderlight Bond SpellPersistentLightningTriggerableEmpowerActiveAreaElementalSentry
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 5.0 sec

Simple Casts the skill to place 1 Thunderlight Sentry at the target spot, who will generate a Thunderlight Area on the spot.
Allies will gain Euphoria when in the Thunderlight Area: Damage triggers Lucky and gains 2% of the Hit Damage as Base Shock Damage.

DetailsThunderlight Sentry:
The Sentry lasts 5s.
Skill's max base Sentry quantity is 1

OtherThe Thunderlight Sentry grants Euphoria to allies:
While the buff is active, gains 2% of Hit Damage as Base Shock Damage
Damage triggers Lucky when buffs are persistent
20 Vulnerability SpellAreaPersistentPhysicalActiveTriggerableCurse
Mana Cost 15
Cast Speed 1.7
Cooldown 0.5 sec

Simple Casts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area. Enemies Cursed will receive 19.5% additional Physical Damage and have a 19.5% chance to suffer Trauma.
DetailsCasts the skill and Curses enemies within the target area.
+19.5% additional Physical Damage taken by Cursed enemies
+19.5% chance to be Traumatized when hit by a Cursed enemy
Lasts 5s.
20 Whirlwind AttackMeleeAreaChanneledHitPhysicalActiveSlash-StrikeSweep SlashSteep StrikeStrengthDexterity
Main Stat: Strength  Dexterity
Limited to swords, axes, hammers, cudgels, and tin staffs
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 78%

Simple When channeling the skill, continuously deals 78% Weapon Attack Damage to enemies within a certain area around the caster.
At max channeled stacks, loses all channeled stacks and has a chance to cast Wind Blade, dealing 140% Weapon Attack Damage on hit.
The skill also deals Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill-Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill Physical Damage. Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.

DetailsSweep Slash:
Deals 78% Weapon Attack Damage.

OtherWind Blade:
Deals 140% Weapon Attack Damage.
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
This skill +100% additional Attack Speed
+5% Steep Strike chance for each channeled stack.
Movement is not restricted when the skill is being channeled.
Max channeled stacks: 5
At max channeled stacks, has a chance to cast Wind Blade to enemies within 17m.
The chance of casting Wind Blade is equal to the chance of the skill gaining Steep Strike Attempts.
20 Whirlwind Blade ActiveSpellTriggerablePhysicalPersistentAreaHitProjectileHorizontalWhirlwind BladeIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 1.5
Cooldown 0.8 sec
Added Damage Effectiveness 67%

Simple Casts the skill and fires 1 Projectile that always Penetrates in the target direction, dealing 192- 320 Spell Physical Damage Damage. The Projectile deals damage once every 0.25s and stops on the spot after traveling a fixed distance or hitting an Elite.
After casting this skill, casting it again will recall the Projectile that has been fired, but this skill is not deemed to have been cast again.
Projectiles can only be fired again after all previous Projectiles have been recalled. Projectiles will be automatically recalled after 5s. If a Projectile is more than 40m away from the character, the Projectile will be forcibly removed and won't need to be recalled.
The Projectiles fired by this skill can hit the same enemy.

DetailsWhirlwind Blade:
Deals 192- 320 Spell Physical Damage Damage.
This skill fires 1 Projectile in its base state.
It deals damage once every 0.25s. This interval is affected by Cast Speed.
Projectiles from this skill always Penetrate

Projectiles will be automatically recovered after 5 s.

OtherThe Projectiles shot by the skill can hit the same enemy.
The skill's Shotgun Effect falloff coefficient is 75%.
20 Wilt Spike AttackMeleeHitShadow StrikeErosionActiveAreaPersistentDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Limited to one-handed swords, claws, daggers, and sacrificial blades
Mana Cost 5
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 178%

Simple Casts the skill and thrusts forward, dealing 178% Weapon Attack Damage.
When the skill hits the target, gains buff: The skill deals additional Erosion Damage. At max buff stacks, the skill has more Shadows.
When the skill's Shadows hit, inflicts the following debuff on enemies: Reduces Erosion Resistance.

Deals 178% Weapon Attack Damage.

Other+20% chance to Wilt
Gains 1 stack of buff when this skill hits. Lasts 4s. Stacks up to 5 times
+3% additional Erosion Damage (multiplies) for every stack of buffs
Shadow Quantity +1 when buff reaches max stacks
Enemies gain 1 stack of debuff when hit by Shadows of this skill. The debuff lasts 4s and stacks up to 5 times.
-5% Erosion Resistance for each stack of debuff
Adds 5 Base Wilt Damage to the skill
Converts 100% of the skill's Physical Damage to Erosion Damage
Adds 54 - 66 Physical Damage to this skill
20 Wilting Beam SpellChanneledErosionActiveDamage Over TimePersistentAreaBeamIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Mana Cost 8
Cast Speed 4.0

Simple Channels the skill and fires 1 Wilting Beam forward, dealing 3093 Spell Erosion Damage Damage to enemies within its range every second.
At max channeled stacks, loses all channeled stacks and Reaps enemies within the Wilting Beam's range once.

DetailsWilting Beam:
Deals 3093 Spell Erosion Damage Damage every second
Lasts for 1s
The DoT Damage status inflicted by this skill can't be spread (excludes Ailments)

Reaps enemies within the Beam Area, dealing 0s DoT Damage.
Cooldown: 1s.
Channels up to 5 stacks.
20 Acuteness Imbue ImbuePassivePhysicalHitAttackAcuteness ImbueStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 100%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
+13.5% additional Physical Damage
+24.5% chance to inflict Trauma
Adds 5 Base Trauma Damage
Inflicting Trauma triggers Acute Strike. Acute Strike Interval: 0.25s, dealing 70% 70 Imbue Physical Damage Damage

DetailsActivates Imbue and gains buff:
+13.5% additional Physical Damage
+24.5% chance to inflict Trauma
Adds 5 Base Trauma Damage
Triggers an Acute Strike to the enemy upon inflicting Trauma

OtherAcute Strike:
Deals 70% 70 ImbuePhysical Damage Damage.
Acute Strike Interval: Inflicting Trauma triggers Acute Strike. Acute Strike Interval: 0.25ss
20 Precise: Acuteness Imbue ImbuePassivePhysicalHitAttackPreciseAcuteness ImbueStrength
Main Stat: Strength
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 100%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
+15.6% additional Physical Damage
+24.5% chance to inflict Trauma
Adds 5 Base Trauma Damage
Inflicting Trauma triggers Acute Strike. Acute Strike Interval: 0.25s, dealing 70% 70 Imbue Physical Damage Damage

DetailsActivates Imbue and gains buff:
+15.6% additional Physical Damage
+24.5% chance to inflict Trauma
Adds 5 Base Trauma Damage
Triggers an Acute Strike to the enemy upon inflicting Trauma

OtherAcute Strike:
Deals 70 70 Imbue Physical Damage% Damage
Acute Strike Interval: Inflicting Trauma triggers Acute Strike. Acute Strike Interval: 0.25ss
20 Charged Flames AuraAreaPassiveFireElementalCharged Flames Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Attack Fire Damage with 109-202 Spell Fire Damage, and 20.5% additional Ignite Damage.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Attack Fire Damage
Adds 109 - 202 Fire Damage to Spells
+20.5% additional Ignite Damage
20 Precise: Charged Flames AuraAreaPassiveFireElementalCharged Flames AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Attack Fire Damage with 109-202 Spell Fire Damage, 20.5% additional Ignite Damage, and 4% Fire Penetration.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Attack Fire Damage
Adds 109 - 202 Fire Damage to Spells
+20.5% additional Ignite Damage
+4% Fire Penetration
20 Corrosion Imbue AreaPassiveImbueErosionPersistentSpellHitCorrosion ImbueDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 15%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 68 - 68 Erosion Damage to Attacks
Adds 48 - 48 Erosion Damage to Spells
+24.5% Wilt chance
Adds 26 Base Wilt Damage
Hitting a Wilt enemy generates spores under the target's feet.
The spore explodes 1s later, dealing 57- 57 Imbue Erosion Damage Damage. And enemies attached by the spore gains the following debuff: -5% Erosion Resistance for 3s.

DetailsActivates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 68 - 68 Erosion Damage to Attacks
Adds 48 - 48 Erosion Damage to Spells
+24.5% Wilt chance
Adds 26 Base Wilt Damage
Hitting a Wilt enemy generates spores under the target's feet.
20 Precise: Corrosion Imbue AreaPassiveImbueErosionPersistentSpellHitPreciseCorrosion ImbueDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 19%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 83 - 83 Erosion Damage to Attacks
Adds 58 - 58 Erosion Damage to Spells
+24.5% Wilt chance
Adds 32 Base Wilt Damage
Hitting a Wilt enemy generates spores under the target's feet.
The spore explodes 0s later, dealing 71- 71 Imbue Erosion Damage Damage. And enemies attached by the spore gains the following debuff: -4% Erosion Resistance for 3s.

DetailsActivates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 83 - 83 Erosion Damage to Attacks
Adds 58 - 58 Erosion Damage to Spells
+24.5% Wilt chance
Adds 32 Base Wilt Damage
Hitting a Wilt enemy generates spores under the target's feet.

Deals 71- 71 Imbue Erosion Damage Damage.
The spore explodes 0s later, granting the following debuff to enemies attached by it: -4% Erosion Resistance.
Debuff lasts 3s.
20 Deep Pain AuraAreaPassiveDeep Pain Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional DoT Damage, and 8% DoT Damage Duration.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional DoT Damage
+8% DoT Damage Duration
20 Precise: Deep Pain AuraAreaPassiveDeep Pain AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional DoT Damage, 8% DoT Damage Duration, and inflicts Affliction every 16s.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional DoT Damage
+8% DoT Damage Duration
+16 Affliction inflicted per second
20 Electric Conversion AuraAreaPassiveLightningElementalElectric Conversion Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Lightning Damage.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Lightning Damage
20 Precise: Electric Conversion AuraAreaPassiveLightningElementalElectric Conversion AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Lightning Damage and 4% additional Lightning Penetration.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Lightning Damage
+4% Lightning Penetration
20 Elemental Amplification AuraAreaPassiveFireColdElementalLightningElemental Amplification Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Elemental Damage for Spell Skills.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Spell Elemental Damage
20 Precise: Elemental Amplification AuraAreaPassiveFireColdElementalLightningElemental Amplification AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
Spell Skills 20.5% additional Elemental Damage and 4% Elemental Resistance Penetration.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Spell Elemental Damage
Spell Skills can Penetrate 4% of Elemental Resistance
20 Elemental Resistance AuraAreaPassiveFireColdElementalLightningElemental Resistance Aura
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area will gain the following buff:
10% Elemental Resistance.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+10% Elemental Resistance
20 Precise: Elemental Resistance AuraAreaPassiveFireColdElementalLightningElemental Resistance AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area will gain the following buff:
4% Max Elemental Resistance and 10% Elemental Resistance.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+10% Elemental Resistance
+4% Max Elemental Resistance
20 Energy Fortress AuraAreaPassiveEnergy Fortress Aura
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
27% Max Energy Shield.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+27% Max Energy Shield
20 Precise: Energy Fortress AuraAreaPassiveEnergy Fortress AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
27% Max Energy Shield and 3% additional Max Energy Shield.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+27% Max Energy Shield
+3% additional Max Energy Shield
20 Erosion Enhancement AuraAreaPassiveErosionErosion Amplification Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
15% additional Erosion Damage and 6% Erosion Penetration

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+15% additional Erosion Damage
+6% Erosion Penetration
20 Precise: Erosion Enhancement AuraAreaPassiveErosionErosion Amplification AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
15% additional Erosion Damage and 11% Erosion Penetration

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+15% additional Erosion Damage
+11% Erosion Penetration
20 Fearless AuraAreaPassiveMeleeFearless Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activate the Aura, you and all your allies within a certain area gain the following Aura: 7.9% additional Melee Skill Critical Strike Rating, 62% additional Melee Skill Critical Strike Damage, and 20% additional Melee Skill Area.
DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+7.9% additional Critical Strike Rating for Melee Skills
+62% Melee Skill Critical Strike Damage
+20% Melee Skill Area
20 Precise: Fearless AuraAreaPassiveMeleeFearless AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
Melee Skills have 7.9% additional Critical Strike Rating, 62% Critical Strike Damage, 20% Area, and 8% Attack Speed.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+7.9% additional Critical Strike Rating for Melee Skills
+62% Melee Skill Critical Strike Damage
+20% Melee Skill Area
+8% Melee Attack Speed
20 Flame Imbue AreaPassiveImbueFirePersistentDamage Over TimeElementalFlame ImbueStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 42%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 72 - 133 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 72 - 133 Fire Damage to Spells
+24.5% chance to Ignite targets
Adds 73 Base Ignite Damage
+20% Skill Area for the skill
When killing an Ignited enemy, generates a Fire Terra that deals Fire DoT Damage equal to 100% of the overflown damage every second to enemies within its range. Fire Terra cooldown: 1s
The Terra lasts 2s
20 Precise: Flame Imbue AreaPassiveImbueFirePersistentDamage Over TimeElementalPreciseFlame ImbueStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 50%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 84 - 156 Fire Damage to Attacks
Adds 84 - 156 Fire Damage to Spells
Adds 86 Base Ignite Damage
+20% Skill Area for the skill
When killing an Ignited enemy, generates a Fire Terra that deals Fire DoT Damage equal to 100% of the overflown damage every second to enemies within its range. Fire Terra cooldown: 1s
The Terra lasts 2s
20 Frigid Domain AuraAreaPassiveColdElementalFrigid Domain Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, enemies within a certain area gain the following debuff:
22% additional Cold Damage taken.

DetailsActivates the Aura, enemies within a certain area gain the following debuff:
+22% additional Cold Damage against enemies affected by the skill
20 Precise: Frigid Domain AuraAreaPassiveColdElementalFrigid Domain AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, enemies within a certain area gain the following debuff:
22% additional Cold Damage taken and -4% additional Cold Resistance.

DetailsActivates the Aura, enemies within a certain area gain the following debuff:
+22% additional Cold Damage against enemies affected by the skill
-4% Cold Resistance for enemies affected by Aura
20 Ice Imbue AreaSpellPassiveImbueColdElementalIce ImbueIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 168%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
+44% chance to inflict Frostbite
Frozen enemies will explode when defeated, dealing Secondary Cold Damage equal to 10% of their Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius
20 Precise: Ice Imbue AreaPassiveSpellImbueColdElementalPreciseIce ImbueIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 168%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains buff:
+44% chance to inflict Frostbite
Frozen enemies will explode when defeated, dealing Secondary Cold Damage equal to 12% of their Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius
Enemies have a 20% chance to explode when defeated, dealing Secondary Cold Damage equal to 12% of their Max Life to enemies within a 3m radius
20 Magical Source AuraAreaPassiveMagical Source Aura
Sealed Mana 10%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
140 Mana Regeneration per Second.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+140 Mana regeneration per second
20 Precise: Magical Source AuraAreaPassiveMagical Source AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 10%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
140 Mana Regeneration per Second. 15% Mana Regeneration Speed.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+140 Mana regeneration per second
+15% Mana Regeneration Speed
20 Nimbleness AuraAreaPassiveNimbleness Aura
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
60% Evasion.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+60% Evasion
20 Precise: Nimbleness AuraAreaPassiveNimbleness AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
60% Evasion. 6% additional Evasion.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+60% Evasion
+6% additional Evasion
20 Precise: Precise Projectiles AuraAreaPassiveProjectilePrecise Projectiles AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Projectile Damage, 20.5% additional Ailment Damage by Projectiles, and 10% Projectile Speed. While using a Projectile Skill, the skill has 50% chance to gain 2 additional Projectile Quantity.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Projectile Damage
+20.5% additional Ailment Damage dealt by Projectiles
+10% Projectile Speed
50% chance to +2 Projectile Quantity when using Projectile Skills
20 Precise Projectiles AuraAreaPassiveProjectilePrecise Projectiles Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Projectile Damage, 20.5% additional Ailment Damage by Projectiles, and 10% Projectile Speed.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Projectile Damage
+20.5% additional Ailment Damage dealt by Projectiles
+10% Projectile Speed
20 Rejuvenation AuraAreaPassiveRejuvenation Aura
Sealed Mana 10%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
95 Life Regeneration per Second.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+95 Life Regeneration per second
20 Precise: Rejuvenation AuraAreaPassiveRejuvenation AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 10%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
95 Life Restoration per Second, and 5% Life Restoration Speed

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+95 Life Regeneration per second
+5% life restoration speed
20 Steadfast AuraAreaPassiveSteadfast Aura
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
60% Armor.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+60% Armor
20 Precise: Steadfast AuraAreaPassiveSteadfast AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
60% Armor and 6% additional Armor.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+60% Armor
+6% additional Armor
20 Summon Flame Spirit SpellPassiveSummonFireElementalSpirit MagusFire SpiritMinionsSpirit Magus SkillStrengthIntelligence
Main Stat: Strength  Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the skill and summons 1 Fire Spirit.
Activating the skill grants the character Origin of Spirit Magus: 115 Critical Strike Rating.

DetailsSummon Flame Spirit:
Summons 1 Flame Spirit
This skill summons up to 1 Minions

Spirit Magi become undefeatable
When Spirit Magi become undefeatable, they gain Reconjuring

OtherOrigin of Spirit Magus:
Gains Origin of Fire, giving the summoner +115 Attack and Spell Critical Strike Rating
Fire Spirit:
Base Skill: Blazing Dance.
Empower Skill: Blazing Spin.
Enhanced Skill: Blazing Incineration.
Ultimate: Rising Molten.
20 Summon Frost Spirit SpellPassiveSummonColdElementalSpirit MagusFrost SpiritMinionsSpirit Magus SkillIntelligence
Main Stat: Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the skill and summons 1 Frost Spirit.
Activating the skill grants the character Origin of Spirit Magus: Restores 5.1% Max Life and Max Energy Shield every second.

DetailsSummon Frost Spirit:
Summons 1 Frost Spirit
This skill summons up to 1 Minions
Spirit Magi become undefeatable
When Spirit Magi become undefeatable, they gain Reconjuring

OtherOrigin of Spirit Magus:
Gains Origin of Ice, restoring 5.1% of Max Life and Max Energy Shield per second to the summoner
Frost Spirit:
Base Skill: Glacier Ripples.
Empower Skill: Frost Release.
Enhanced Skill: Permafrost Cast.
Ultimate: Ice Earthshaker.
20 Summon Thunder Spirit SpellPassiveSummonLightningElementalSpirit MagusThunder SpiritMinionsSpirit Magus SkillDexterityIntelligence
Main Stat: Dexterity  Intelligence
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the skill and summons 1 Thunder Spirit.
Activating the skill grants the character Origin of Spirit Magus: 27.5% Attack and Cast Speed.

DetailsSummon Thunder Spirit:
Summons 1 Thunder Spirit.
This skill summons up to 1 Minions
Spirit Magi become undefeatable
When Spirit Magi become undefeatable, they gain Reconjuring
Converts 100% of Spirit Magi's Physical Damage to Lightning Damage.

OtherOrigin of Spirit Magus:
Gains Origin of Thunder: +27.5% Attack and Cast Speed.
Thunder Spirit:
Base Skill: Lightning Star.
Empower Skill: Thundercloud Surge.
Enhanced Skill: Thunderlight Arrow.
Ultimate: Lightning Surge.
20 Swiftness AuraAreaPassiveSwiftness Aura
Sealed Mana 10%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
10% Movement Speed.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+10% Movement Speed
20 Precise: Swiftness AuraAreaPassiveSwiftness AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 10%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
10% Movement Speed, and 4% Cooldown Recovery Speed.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+10% Movement Speed
+4% Cooldown Recovery Speed
20 Thunder Imbue PassiveImbueLightningHitSpellElementalThunder ImbueDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 21%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains a buff:
Adds 10 - 195 Lightning Damage to Attacks
Adds 10 - 195 Lightning Damage to Spells
+24.5% Shock chance
Triggers a thunderstrike when hitting a Shocked enemy. The effect has a 1s cooldown against the same target
Thunderstrike cannot cause Shock
Thunderstrikes deal 8- 152 Imbue Lightning Damage Damage.

DetailsActivates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 10 - 195 Lightning Damage to Attacks
Adds 10 - 195 Lightning Damage to Spells
+24.5% Shock chance
Triggers a thunderstrike when hitting a Shocked enemy. The effect has a 1s cooldown against the same target

Thunderstrikes deal 8- 152 Imbue Lightning Damage Damage.
Thunderstrikes cannot cause Shock
20 Precise: Thunder Imbue PassiveImbueLightningHitSpellElementalPreciseThunder ImbueDexterity
Main Stat: Dexterity
Sealed Mana 20%
Cast Speed 1.0
Added Damage Effectiveness 25%

Simple Activates Imbue and gains a buff:
Adds 12 - 229 Lightning Damage to Attacks
Adds 12 - 229 Lightning Damage to Spells
+24.5% Shock chance
Triggers a thunderstrike when hitting a Shocked enemy. The effect has a 1s cooldown against the same target
Thunderstrikes deal 8- 152 Imbue Lightning Damage Damage.

DetailsActivates Imbue and gains buff:
Adds 12 - 229 Lightning Damage to Attacks
Adds 12 - 229 Lightning Damage to Spells
+24.5% Shock chance
Triggers a thunderstrike when hitting a Shocked enemy. The effect has a 1s cooldown against the same target

Thunderstrikes deal 8- 152 Imbue Lightning Damage Damage
20 Weapon Amplification AuraAreaPassiveWeapon Amplification Aura
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Physical Damage.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Physical Damage
20 Precise: Weapon Amplification AuraAreaPassiveWeapon Amplification AuraPrecise
Sealed Mana 30%
Cast Speed 1.0

Simple Activates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
20.5% additional Physical Damage. 30% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit.

DetailsActivates the Aura, you and allies within a certain area gain the following buff:
+20.5% additional Physical Damage
+30% chance to inflict Paralysis on hit
20 Abysmal Hatred SupportCurse
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Curse Skills.
The supported skill +25.5% additional Curse Effect
20 Added Cold Damage HitColdElementalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
Adds 87 - 130 Cold Damage to the supported skill
20 Added Erosion Damage HitErosionSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
Adds 108 - 108 Erosion Damage to the supported skill
The supported skill gains 76% of its damage as Base Wilt Damage
20 Added Fire Damage HitFireElementalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
The supported skill adds undefined - undefined Fire Damage
The supported skill gains 108% of its damage as Base Ignite Damage
20 Added Lightning Damage HitLightningElementalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
The supported skill adds undefined - undefined Lightning Damage
20 Added Physical Damage HitPhysicalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
Supported skills add 81 - 135 physical damage
The supported skill gains 178% of its damage as Base Trauma Damage
20 Additional Ignite HitSupportFireElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
The supported skill can inflict 1 additional stack(s) of Ignite.
For each stack of Ignite an enemy has, the supported skill deals +10% additional Ignite Damage to the enemy, up to +40%.
+30% Ignite chance for the supported skill
20 Ailment Termination SupportHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
-10% additional damage for the supported skill
The supported skill deals +8.6% additional damage for every type of Ailment on enemy (multiplies)
20 All In SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Defensive Skills.
When casting the supported skill, gains the buff:
+29.5% additional Evasion. It drops to 0 gradually within 4s.
20 Armor Infusion SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
While the supported Defensive Skill lasts, the supported Defensive Skill +6.8% Effect every time you take damage, up to 3 stacks
20 Assault Command SummonSupportNon-MinionsSynthetic Troop
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Synthetic Troops.
+20.25% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+56 Critical Strike Rating for Minions summoned by the supported skill when having at least 40 Command
20 Attack Focus SupportAttackHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Attack Skills.
Gains 2 Fervor Rating when the supported skill hits an enemy
The supported skill +2.6% additional damage for every 10 Fervor Rating
For every 10 Fervor Rating, the supported skill +3% Critical Strike Rating
20 Aura Amplification SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
+12% Aura effect for the supported skill
+100% Skill Area for the supported skill
20 Auto-Charge SupportRestoration
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
The supported skill gains 0.98 Charging Progress every second.
20 Blinding SupportHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+10% chance to inflict Blind when the supported skill hits targets
+38.25% Blinding Duration caused by the supported skill
20 Carpet Bombardment SupportBarrage
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Barrage Skills.
+1 total waves for the supported skill
The supported skill +14.5% damage increase per wave
-29% Wave Interval for the supported skill
20 Cataclysm PersistentSupportDamage Over Time
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skill that deals DoT Damage or Ailment.
When the supported skill deals DoT Damage, gives the enemy 8 Affliction. Effect Cooldown: 1s
Affliction grants an additional +36% effect to the supported skill
20 Ceaselessness SupportEmpower
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Empower Skills. Cannot support Summon Skills.
When you or your Minion kills an Elite, the supported skill's current cooldown -39%. The effect can only work once per skill.
20 Channel Preparation SupportChanneled
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Channeled Skills.
+11.6% additional damage for the supported skill
+2 initial channeled stacks for the supported Channeled Skill
20 Charge MobilitySupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Support Mobility Skills.
When casting the supported skill, gains a buff
Buffs grant +118% Warcry Cast Speed for the next Warcry
20 Cold Penetration ColdElementalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+31.4% Cold Resistance Penetration for the supported skill
20 Concentrated SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill +115% Aura Effect when the character is only affected by 1 Aura
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Concentrated SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill +115% Aura Effect when the character is affected by no more than 2 Auras
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Concentration Warcry SupportWarcry
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Warcry Skills.
-15% Skill Area for the supported skill
+19.5% Cooldown Recovery Speed for the supported skill
20 Control Spell SpellSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Spell Skills.
-100% Critical Strike Rating for the supported skill
+37.5% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Cost Conversion Support
Mana Cost Multiplier 155%

Simple Supports Active Skills.
Replace Mana Cost from the supported skill with Life cost
20 Critical Charge SupportRestoration
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
The supported skill gains 7.85 Charging Progress when suffering Severe Injury.
20 Critical Strike Damage Increase HitSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+35.5% additional damage for the supported skill when it lands a Critical Strike
20 Critical Strike Rating Increase HitSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+230% Critical Strike Rating for the supported skill
20 Deep Wounds HitSupportPhysical
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+25% additional Trauma Damage for the supported skill
+30% chance for the supported skill to inflict Trauma
20 Defense Form SummonSupportNon-MinionsSynthetic Troop
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Synthetic Troops.
+14.75% additional Life for Minions summoned by the supported skill
-14.5% additional damage taken for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+10% chance to Weaken the enemy for every 20 Command when hit by a Minion summoned by the supported skill
20 Defense Layers SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Defensive Skills.
When casting the supported skill, Energy Shield cannot be interrupted by damage for 1s
+8% Energy Shield Charge Speed while the supported skill lasts
20 Devastator SupportAttackMeleeDemolisher
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Demolisher Skills.
+61% additional damage for this skill when the supported skill consumes Demolisher Charge
+10% additional Skill Area when the supported skill consumes Demolisher Charge
20 Disciplined SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
-15% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
The supported skill -11.4% additional Aura Effect
20 Precise: Disciplined SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
-25% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
The supported skill -19% additional Aura Effect
20 Efficient Cast SpellSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Spell Skills.
-29% Mana Cost for the supported skill
+22% additional Cast Speed for the supported skill
20 Electric Overload SupportLightningElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+15% additional Lightning Damage for the supported skill
The supported skill gains a buff on Critical Strike. The buff lasts 2s.
Buffs grant +15% additional Lightning Damage to this skill
20 Electric Punishment SupportLightningElementalHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
The supported skill settles Shock Damage 2 additional times on hit
+10% additional Attack and Cast Speed for the supported skill
20 Elemental Duo SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit Magus
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Spirit Magus.
+1 Max Summonable Minions for the supported skill
+25% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
20 Elemental Fusion SupportElementalFireLightningCold
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
The supported skill cannot inflict Ignite, Frostbite or Shock
+30% additional Elemental Damage for the supported skill
20 Elemental Impact SupportAttackElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Attack Skills.
+20% additional Elemental Damage for the supported skill
When the supported skill hits a target, if at least 2 types of Elemental Damage are dealt, then +11% Elemental Resistance Penetration for the supported skill next time
20 Emergency Avoidance SupportMobility
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Support Mobility Skills.
Gains a stack of buff when you use the supported skill: +4.5% Evasion per stack of buffs
The buff lasts Gains 1 stack of buff when you use the supported skill.
The buff lasts 4s, stacking up to 4 timess, stacking up to 4 times.
20 Emergency restoration RestorationSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
+55% restoration effect at Low Life for the supported skill
+10% Restoration Effect for the supported skill at Low Mana
20 Enhanced Ailment SupportHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+25% additional Ailment Damage for the supported skill
20 Erosion Penetration SupportErosion
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+31.4% Erosion Resistance Penetration for the supported skill
20 Extended Duration PersistentSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports DoT Skills.
+24.5% Duration for the supported skill
20 Fire Explosion FireSupportElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+22% additional Fire Damage for the supported skill
+4% additional Ignite Damage for the supported skill
20 Fire Penetration FireElementalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+31.4% Fire Resistance Penetration for the supported skill
20 Focused Beam SpellSupportBeam
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Beam Skills.
+15% additional Beam Length for the supported Beam Skill
+25% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Focused Charge SupportRestoration
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
+1 Max Charges for the supported skill
When casting the supported skill, gains 14.5% of the skill's Charging Progress
20 Fragile Resurrection SupportRestoration
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
+40% Restoration effect for the supported skill
-20% Restoration Duration for the supported skill
+10% additional damage taken during the supported skill's restoration effect
20 Freeze Chance SupportColdElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+25% additional Cold Damage for the supported skill
+50% Frostbite chance for the supported skill
20 Friend of Spirit Magi SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit Magus
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spirit Magus Skills.
When having at least 2 type(s) of Spirit Magus at the same time, Origin of Spirit Magus provided by the supported skill +55% Effect
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Friend of Spirit Magi SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit MagusPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spirit Magus Skills.
When having at least 3 type(s) of Spirit Magus at the same time, Origin of Spirit Magus provided by the supported skill +128% Effect
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Gladiator's Roar WarcrySupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Warcry Skills.
+59% Skill Area for the supported skill
When casting the supported skill, Reverse Knocks Back nearby enemies with a Knockback Distance of 2 m
The effective area of this effect is affected by Skill Area bonuses
20 Greater Multiple Projectiles ProjectileSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Projectile Skills.
Projectile Quantity of the supported skill +4
+5% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Ground Divide SupportTerra
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Terra Skills.
+1 Max Terra Charge stacks for the supported skill
-5% additional Duration for the supported skill
+22% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Grudge SpellSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Spell Skills.
The supported skill deals +25% additional damage to Cursed enemies
+0.3s of Curse Duration when the supported skill hit Cursed enemies
20 Guard SupportChanneled
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Channeled Skills.
+25% additional damage for the supported skill
Every 5 time(s) the supported skill is used, gains a Barrier if there's no Barrier. Interval: 6s
20 Hardened AttackMeleeSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Skills.
+25% additional damage for the supported skill
+100% chance to gain Hardened when the supported skill hits an enemy
20 Harvest Time SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit Magus
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Spirit Magus.
When Minions summoned by the supported skill are at Stage 2 or higher, +15% chance to use an Enhanced Skill
When Minions summoned by the supported skill are at Stage 3 or higher, +15% additional Empower Duration for them
When Minions summoned by the supported skill are at Stage 3 or higher and Empowered, +15.6% additional damage for them
20 Haunt AttackMeleeShadow StrikeSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Shadow Strike Skills.
+2 Shadow Quantity for the supported skill
+7.8% additional damage for the supported skill
20 High Voltage HitSupportLightningElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+25% additional Lightning Damage for the supported skill
+30% Shock chance for the supported skill
+68% Shock Duration for the supported skill
20 Hunting Tempo SupportAttackProjectile
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Attack Projectile Skills.
Gains 3 stacks of buffs after moving for more than 0.32s. Stacks up to 3 times
While this buff is in effect, +40% additional damage when casting the supported skill
While this buff is in effect, +29.5% Skill Area when casting the supported skill
While this buff is in effect, +40% Knockback chance when casting the supported skill
While this buff is in effect, +15% Knockback Distance when casting the supported skill
Lose 1 stack of buffs when using the supported skill
20 Imbue Buff SupportImbue
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Imbue Skills.
+64.5% buff effect for the supported skill
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Imbue Buff SupportImbuePrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Imbue Skills.
+64.5% buff effect for the supported skill
+18% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Imbue Enhancement SupportImbue
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Imbue Skills.
+107% additional damage for the supported skill
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
The supported skill -100% additional Imbue Effect
20 Precise: Imbue Enhancement SupportImbuePrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Imbue Skills.
+107% additional damage for the supported skill
+15% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
The supported skill -100% additional Imbue Effect
20 Improved Corrosion HitSupportErosion
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+39% chance for the supported skill to inflict 1 additional stacks of Wilt
+30% Wilt chance for the supported skill
-10% additional Wilt Damage for the supported skill
20 Increased Area AreaSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Area Skills.
+70% Skill Area for the supported skill
+13.8% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Instant restoration RestorationSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
The supported skill's Restoration effect becomes instant
-10.5% additional Restoration Effect from the supported skill
20 Iron Fortification SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Defensive Skills.
+1360 Armor while the supported skill lasts
+2% Armor Effective Rate against non-Physical Damage while the supported skill lasts
20 Jump ProjectileSupportHitChainHorizontal
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Horizontal Projectile Skills or Chain Skills.
+2 Jumps for the supported skill
+7.8% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Lightning Penetration LightningElementalSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+31.4% Lightning Resistance Penetration for the supported skill
20 Lightning to Cold HitSupportLightningColdElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
Converts 100% of the supported skill's Lightning Damage to Cold Damage
+25% additional Lightning Damage for the supported skill
20 Limber Stretch RestorationSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
+20% Restoration Duration for the supported skill
+34.5% Movement Speed for 3s after casting the supported skill
20 Lion's Roars SupportWarcry
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Support Warcry Skills.
+20% Warcry Cast Speed for the supported skill
+2 Max Charges for the supported skill
-10.25% Cooldown Recovery Speed for the supported skill
Gains a stack of buff when you use the supported skill. The buff lasts 5s, stacking up to 5 times
This skill +10% Skill Area for each stack of buff
20 Magic Dash SupportMobility
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Mobility Skills.
+1 Max Charges for the supported skill
Gains the following buff upon casting the supported skill: 4.8% Movement Speed
The buff lasts Gains a 2s buff after casting the supported skills.
20 Malleable SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill +45% Aura Effect if there is a boss within 10m. Otherwise, -15% additional Aura Effect
+20% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Malleable SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill +45% Aura Effect if there is an Elite within 10m. Otherwise, -15% additional Aura Effect
+20% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Mania SupportEmpower
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Empower Skills.
The supported skill +50% Empower Effect
-15% additional Duration for the supported skill
20 Maniacal Army SummonSupportMechanical MinionsNon-MinionsSynthetic Troop
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Synthetic Troops.
+1 Max Summonable Minions for the supported skill
Gains a buff when Minions summoned by the supported skill land a Critical Strike. Lasts 4s. Interval per Minion: 8s
While the buff lasts, +6.25% additional Damage, stacking up to +37.5% , for every 10 point(s) of Command the Summoner has
While the buff lasts, +3.5% additional Attack and Cast Speed, stacking up to +21% , for every 10 point(s) of Command the Summoner has
20 Mark SupportHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
+40% chance to Mark enemies when hit by the supported skill
The supported skill deals +17.8% additional damage to Marked enemies
20 Mass Effect SupportEmpower
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Empower Skills.
+1 Max Charges for the supported skill
+22% effect for the status provided by the skill per Charge when you use the supported skill
-15% Cooldown Recovery Speed for the supported skill
20 Mechanical Modification SummonSupportMechanical MinionsNon-MinionsSynthetic Troop
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Synthetic Troops.
+40% Physique for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+40% additional Skill Area for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+150% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+19.5% additional Life for Minions summoned by the supported skill
Halve the max number of Synthetic Troop Minions that can be summoned by you, rounding up to at least 1. This effect will take effect once
20 Meditation SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Defensive Skills.
While standing still, the supported Defensive Skill +9.8% the Defensive Effect every 0.5s, up to 4 stacks. Loses the bonus Defensive Effect when moving
20 Melee Knockback AttackMeleeSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Attack Skills.
+39% Knockback chance for the supported skill
+25% additional damage for the supported skill
+59% Knockback distance for the supported skill
20 Multifaceted Guard SupportSpellSentry
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Sentry Skills.
+1 Sentries that can be deployed at a time by the supported skill
+20% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Multiple Projectiles ProjectileSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Projectile Skills.
Projectile Quantity of the supported skill +2
+15% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Multistrike AttackSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Attack Skills. Cannot support Mobility or Channeled Skills.
+120% chance for the supported skill to trigger Multistrike
Multistrike of the supported skill deals 27% increased damage per hit
20 Nova Shot SupportProjectileVertical
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Vertical Projectile Skills.
+27% additional damage for the supported skill
-24.5% Skill Area for the supported skill
+24.5% additional Projectile Speed for the supported skill
20 Overclock SupportEmpower
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Empower Skills. Cannot support Sentry and Summon Skills.
While the supported skill lasts, when using other non-Channeled Main Skills, other skills +15% additional damage
Loses statuses provided by the supported skill upon using other Main Skills 3 time(s) while the supported skill lasts
20 Overload SupportSpell
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Spell Skills.
+4.55% additional damage for the supported skill for every stack of Focus Blessing, stacking up to 8 times
Inflicts debuffs to enemies when the supported skill hits them, granting them +100% debuff Effect per stack of Focus Blessing
-2% additional Movement, Attack, and Cast Speed dealt by debuffs.
Debuff lasts 0.5s
20 Pain Amplification SupportDamage Over TimePersistent
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports DoT Skills and skills that can inflict Ailment.
The supported skill deals +22% additional DoT Damage to enemies with Max Affliction
+10% additional Duration for the supported skill
20 Passivation SupportErosion
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
The supported skill cannot inflict Wilt
The supported skill deals more damage to enemies with more Life, up to +60% additional Erosion Damage
20 Periodic Burst SupportMobility
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Support Mobility Skills.
Gains a stack of buff when using the supported skill every Gains a stack of buff when using the supported skill every 6s. The buff lasts 2ss: 30 % Attack and Cast Speed after using a Mobility Skill
The buff lasts 2s
20 Physical to Fire HitSupportPhysicalFireElemental
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hit enemies.
Converts 100% of the supported skill's Physical Damage to Fire Damage
Adds 25% of Physical Damage as Fire Damage to the supported skill
20 Powerful Warcry SupportWarcry
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Warcry Skills.
+4.85% Warcry effect for every enemy the supported skill affect. Gains 1 to 8 bonus effect
-10.25% Warcry Cast Speed for the supported skill
20 Precision Strike AreaSupportAttackMeleeHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Attack Skills.
-30% Skill Area for the supported skill
+21% additional Area Damage for the supported skill
+21% additional Ailment Damage for the supported skill
+13.8% Attack Speed for the supported skill
20 Preparation Support
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Active Skills. Cannot support Channeled Skills or Attack Skills.
Prepares the supported skill every 8s
20 Projectile Penetration ProjectileSupportHorizontal
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Horizontal Projectile Skills.
+4 Horizontal Projectile Penetration(s) of the supported skill
+15% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Projectile Split ProjectileSupportParabolic
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Parabolic Projectile Skills.
+2 Parabolic Projectile Split Quantity for the supported skill
+7.8% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Protection Field SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit Magus
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spirit Magus Skills.
Transfers 9% of damage taken to the Minions summoned by the supported skill. This effect is affected by Origin of Spirit Magus Effect
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Protection Field SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit MagusPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spirit Magus Skills.
Transfers 9% of damage taken to the Minions summoned by the supported skill. This effect is affected by Origin of Spirit Magus Effect
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
Minions summoned by the supported skill Taunt nearby enemies every 6s.
20 Psychic Burst SupportSpell
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Spell Skills.
+55% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst when Spell Burst is activated by the supported skill
-10% additional Cast Speed for the supported skill
20 Psychic Surge SupportSpellMobility
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Mobility Skills.
+10% additional damage for skills cast by Spell Burst during the next 1 Spell Burst(s) activated after casting the supported skill
20 Quick Mobility MobilitySupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Mobility Skills.
+20% Attack and Cast Speed for the supported skill
+30% Cooldown Recovery Speed for the supported skill
20 Quick Return SupportAttackMeleeDemolisher
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Demolisher Skills.
+101% Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed for the supported skill
+25% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Raging Slash SupportAttackMeleeSlash-Strike
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Slash Strike Skills.
The supported skill +35% Steep Strike chance.
+40.7% additional damage for the supported skill's Steep Strike form
+40.7% additional Ailment Damage for the supported skill's Steep Strike form
20 Raid SupportAttackHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Attack Skills on hit.
+2% additional Critical Strike Rating for the supported skill per stack of Agility Blessing
When Agility Blessing reaches its max stacks, +5.5% chance for the supported skill to deal Double Damage per stack of Agility Blessing
20 Reaping Agony Support
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that hits the enemy or deals DoT Damage.
Reaps 0.8s of DoT Damage when the supported skill deals damage. The effect has a 4s cooldown against the same target
20 Recklessness AttackSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Attack Skills.
3% of current Life will be consumed when the supported skill is cast
+14.5% additional Attack Speed for the supported skill
Adds 5% of Missing Life as Physical Damage to the supported skill; Only has 30% effect on Minion Skills
20 Reclusion SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Defensive Skills.
-40.5% Duration for the supported skill
Gains buff: Does not lose Deflection when you are hit while the supported skill lasts. Loses the buff after taking 3 hits
20 Refracted Prism SpellSupportBeam
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Beam Skills.
+2 additional refractions for the supported Beam Skill
+22% additional damage for the supported skill
-10% additional Beam Length for the supported Beam Skill
20 Residues SupportRestoration
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Restoration Skills.
+70% Restoration Duration for the supported skill
The Restoration Effect from supported skills cannot be removed
20 Restrain Support
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Skills with Sealed Mana.
-11% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Safety in Numbers SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
+11% Aura Effect for each ally affected by the supported skill, up to 5 time(s)
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Safety in Numbers SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
+9% Aura Effect for each ally affected by the supported skill, up to 7 time(s)
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Savage Growth SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit Magus
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Spirit Magus.
+0.02% additional damage for every 1 point(s) of Growth Minions summoned by the supported skill have
Gains a buff when Minions summoned by the supported skill cast skills 8 time(s). Lasts 5s. You will not receive another buff while the buff is active
While a buff is active, Spirit Magi +150 initial Growth. The buff will reduce to +60 in 5s
20 Scattershot Beam SpellSupportBeam
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Beam Skills.
+7.8% additional damage for the supported skill
+2 additional Beams for the supported Beam Skill
20 Seal Conversion Support
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Passive Skill.
Replaces Sealed Mana of the supported skill with Sealed Life
+195% additional Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Seal Conversion SupportPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 266%

Simple Supports Passive Skill.
Replaces Sealed Mana of the supported skill with Sealed Life
20 Self-Sacrifice SupportEmpower
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Empower Skills.
The supported skill's Duration will not decrease when there is a boss within 10m.
The supported skill +70% Empower Effect
-80% additional Duration for the supported skill
The supported skill -50% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed
20 Selfishness SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill does not take effect on other allies
+38.4% Aura effect for the supported skill
+20% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Selfishness SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill does not take effect on other allies
+38.4% Aura effect for the supported skill
+16% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Selfless SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
-90% additional Aura Effect received from the supported skill.
+41.4% Aura effect for the supported skill
+20% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Selfless SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
-90% additional Aura Effect received from the supported skill.
+41.4% Aura effect for the supported skill
+16% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Sentry Modification SupportSpellSentry
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Sentry Skills.
+1 Sentries that can be deployed at a time by the supported skill
+25% additional Cast Frequency for Sentries deployed by the supported skill
20 Servant Damage SummonSupportNon-Minions
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Minions.
+25% additional damage for Minions summoned by the supported skill
20 Servant Life SummonSupportNon-Minions
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Minions.
+25% additional Life for Minions summoned by the supported skill
20 Servant Speed SummonSupportNon-Minions
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that summon Minions.
+25% additional Attack and Cast Speed for Minions summoned by the supported skill
+48.5% Movement Speed for Minions summoned by the supported skill
20 Shadow Will SupportShadow Strike
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Shadow Strike Skills.
+29% Skill Area for the supported skill
+33% Tracking Area of Shadows for the supported skill
+17.8% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Shadowmask AttackMeleeShadow StrikeSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Shadow Strike Skills.
-50% additional damage for the supported skill
+47% additional Shadows Damage for the supported skill
20 Shortened Duration PersistentSupportDamage Over Time
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports DoT Skills and skills that can inflict Ailment.
-8.1% Duration for the supported skill
+32% additional DoT Damage for the supported skill
20 Silhouette SupportShadow Strike
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Shadow Strike Skills.
+2 additional Shadows for the supported skill for every 2 time(s) the supported skill is used
+30.2% additional Shadows Damage for the supported skill
20 Slash Duet SupportAttackMeleeSlash-Strike
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Slash Strike Skills.
+34% chance to obtain an additional Steep Strike and +200% additional Attack Speed for the next supported skill's Steep Strike when the supported skill is Steep Strike
20 Slow Projectile ProjectileSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Projectile Skills.
-30% additional Projectile Speed for the supported skill
+29% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Speed-up Formation SupportTerra
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Terra Skills.
+65% Terra Charge Restoration Speed for the supported skill
+25% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Spell Concentration SpellAreaSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Area Spell Skills.
-30% Skill Area for the supported skill
+32% additional damage for the supported skill
20 Stand as One SupportAura
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill +18.3% Aura Effect for every Aura that affects the character, up to 3 time(s)
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Stand as One SupportAuraPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Aura Skills.
The supported skill +15% Aura Effect for every Aura that affects the character, up to 5 time(s)
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Steamroll AttackMeleeAreaSupportHit
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Melee Attack Skills.
+29% Skill Area for the supported skill
+40.5% additional Melee Damage for the supported skill
+40.5% additional Ailment Damage for the supported skill
-15% additional Attack Speed for the supported skill
20 Strategic Strike SupportBarrage
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Barrage Skills.
+22% additional damage for the supported skill
+19.5% Skill Area for the supported skill per wave
20 Superpower SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit Magus
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports skills that summon Spirit Magus.
+52% Origin of Spirit Magus effect for the supported skill
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Superpower SummonSupportElemental SummonNon-MinionsSpirit MagusPrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Spirit Magus Skills.
+52% Origin of Spirit Magus effect for the supported skill
+20% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Tendonslicer SupportPhysical
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports skills that deal damage.
+17% additional Physical Damage for the supported skill
Supported skill +7% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration
20 Terrain of Malice SupportCurse
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Curse Skills.
The supported Curse Skill becomes an instant-cast skill. Upon being cast, it inflicts its Curse Effect persistently on enemies within an area centered around the caster. The Duration of the area is equal to the Duration of the Curse Effect of the supported skill. CD of the supported skill is changed to 8s
+500% Skill Area for the supported skill
The supported skill +80% additional Curse Effect
20 Torrent SupportImbue
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Imbue Skills.
The supported skill +9.05% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed every time it has dealt damage recently, up to 10 time(s)
+30% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Precise: Torrent SupportImbuePrecise
Mana Cost Multiplier 100%

Simple Supports Imbue Skills.
The supported skill +9.05% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed every time it has dealt damage recently, up to 10 time(s)
+14.5% Sealed Mana for the supported skill
20 Uplifting SupportDefensive
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Defensive Skills.
-10.5% Duration for the supported skill
+32% defensive effect for connected Defensive Skills
20 Well-Fought Battle SupportEmpower
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Empower Skills. Cannot support Summon Skills.
The supported skill +15% Effect every time it is cast, up to 3 time(s)
-15% additional Duration for the supported skill
The supported skill +15% additional Cooldown Recovery Speed
20 Wind Projectiles ProjectileSupport
Mana Cost Multiplier 110%

Simple Supports Projectile Skills.
+20% Projectile Speed for the supported skill
+25% additional damage for the supported skill