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Input Candles Fusion Result (one of (random))
 Any 2 Affixes (T1 or T0)

* Random chance to get a T0 result from the right when fusing ANY 2 T1/T0 inputs (instead of a result from below)
 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 20 Hardened
-14% Weapon Attack Speed

 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 30 Grudge
+5% Elemental and Erosion Resistance Penetration every second for Cursed enemies. Stacks up to 4 times.

 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 20 Cataclysm
-18% additional damage taken for enemies when their Affliction reaches the upper limit

 Main Skill is supported by Lv. 20 Attack Focus
Unlucky Critical Strike

-10% Elemental Resistance

 Poisoned Relief
-10% Elemental Resistance

-10% Elemental Resistance

 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 20 Servant Damage
Minions deal Unlucky Critical Strikes

 Full Defense
-10% Elemental Resistance

 Barrier of Radiance
-10% Elemental Resistance

 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 20 Control Spell
non-Critical Strikes -55% additional Hit Damage

 The character gains Blind, Weaken, or Paralyze upon the disappearance of the Sentry when the Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 25 Multifaceted Guard
 Poison Immunity
-10% Elemental Resistance

 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 20 Wind Projectiles
-2 Projectile Quantity

 The Main Skill is supported by a Lv. 20 Critical Strike Damage Increase
-70% Critical Strike Damage

-10% Elemental Resistance

 Shrink Back
-10% Elemental Resistance

-10% Elemental Resistance
 -8% Sealed Mana for Aura Skills
 +20% Aura Effect
 -12% Sealed Mana for Aura Skills
 +5% Aura effects for every ally affected by Aura
 +(36 - 40)% Warcry Cast Speed
 +(44 - 48)% Warcry Area
 While Warcry is active, refresh the cooldown of the Warcry Skill whenever a number of enemies equal to the number of Warcry buff stacks are killed
 +(55 - 60)% damage for Triggered Skills
 +(55 - 60)% Area for Triggered Skills
 The triggered skill +25% Effect Duration
 +20% chance to gain 1 stack of any Blessing when triggering a skill.
 +30% Imbue's buff effect
 +(44 - 48)% Imbue Skill Damage
 -12% Sealed Mana for Imbue Skills
 For each Imbue triggered recently, +10% Imbue buff, stacking up to 10 time(s)
 Max Channeled Stacks +1
 +20% Attack and Cast Speed for Channeled Skills
 Min Channeled Stacks +1
 For every 1 channeled stack(s), +8% Channeled Skill Damage
 +7% Armor DMG Mitigation Penetration
 +(44 - 48)% Physical Damage
 +2 Physical Skill Level
 Adds 40 - 45 Physical Damage to the Main-Hand Weapon
 +(44 - 48)% Lightning Damage
 +(9 - 10)% Lightning Penetration
 +5% Lightning Damage for every +2% excess Lightning Resistance
 +2 Lightning Skill Level
 +(9 - 10)% Cold Penetration
 +(44 - 48)% Cold Damage
 +2 Cold Skill Level
 -4% enemy Cold Resistance for each type of control effect the enemy has
 +(9 - 10)% Fire Penetration
 +(44 - 48)% Fire Damage
 +2 Fire Skill Level
 +12% additional Fire Damage
 +(44 - 48)% Erosion Damage
 +(9 - 10)% Erosion Penetration
 +1% Erosion Damage for every 1% Energy Shield(s) lost
 +2 Erosion Skill Level
 +15% Skill Duration
 +(44 - 48)% DoT Damage
 +30% Reaping Duration
 Whenever a Nearby enemy reaches Max Affliction, Movement Speed +25%
 +(52 - 56)% Shadow Damage
 +(44 - 48)% Shadow Strike Skill Damage
 +12% additional Shadow Strike Damage
 Shadow Quantity +1
 +(26 - 30)% Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed
 +(44 - 48)% Demolisher Skill Damage.
 +36% Demolisher Charge Restoration Speed
 +(70 - 75)% Demolisher Skill Damage.
 +(44 - 48)% Slash Strike Skill Damage
 +(32 - 35)% Steep Strike chance.
 +(70 - 75)% Slash Strike Skill Damage
 Deals +90% Damage when Steep Strike hits an Elite
 +1 Jumps
 +(44 - 48)% Horizontal Projectile Damage
 Projectile Quantity +(1 - 2)
 +(70 - 75)% Horizontal Projectile Damage
 +20% Parabolic Projectile Skill Attack Speed
+20% Parabolic Projectile Cast Speed

 +(44 - 48)% Parabolic Projectile Damage
 Parabolic Projectile Splits quantity +1
 +75% Parabolic Projectile Damage
 +(50 - 54)% Vertical Projectile Damage
 +(44 - 48)% Vertical Skill Area
 +(70 - 75)% Vertical Projectile Damage
 +12% chance to double Vertical Projectile Quantity when casting Vertical Projectile Skills
 +(44 - 48)% Beam Skill Damage
 +2 additional refraction(s) for the Beam Skill
 +1 Beams
 +50% Beam Length
+30% Beam Skill Damage
 +(44 - 48)% Sentry Damage
 +1 Sentry quantity that can be deployed at a time
 +24% Sentry Skill cast frequency
 +25% Sentry Damage for every 1 Deployable Sentry Quantity Each Time
 +(21 - 24)% Terra Charge Recovery Speed
 +(44 - 48)% Terra Skill Damage
 Max Terra Charge Stacks +1
 Max Terra Quantity +1
 +(44 - 48)% Barrage Skill Area
 +(44 - 48)% Barrage Skill Damage
 Barrage Skills +100% additional damage. After the first wave, for every +1 wave(s) of Barrage, Barrage Skills -43% additional damage
 When casting a Barrage Skill, +40% chance that the total waves of the Barrage Skill will +1
 +1 Jump(s) for Chain Skills
 +(44 - 48)% Chain Skill Damage
 For every 2 enemies killed by the Chain Skill, +1 Jump(s) for this skill.
 +(70 - 75)% Chain Skill Damage
 +(11 - 12)% curse effect
 +(44 - 48)% Curse Skill Area
 Inflicts Weaken while casting Curse
 You can cast 1 additional Curses
 +16% Minion Attack and Cast Speed
 +(44 - 48)% Minion Damage
 +2 Minion Skill Level
 For every 25 Growth a Spirit Magus has, it +1% Attack and Cast Speed. The bonus is doubled when an Elite is Nearby the player
 +(16 - 20)% Movement Speed
 +(44 - 48)% damage
+(44 - 48)% Minion Damage
 +4% additional damage for every 8m of movement made recently. Stacks up to 4 times.
 -10% extra damage taken while moving
 Regenerates (115 - 120) Life per second
 -8% additional damage taken
 Gains 1 stack of Tenacity Blessing, Agility Blessing, and Focus Blessing every 1s while standing still
 +16% additional Max Damage while standing still
 +20% Cooldown Recovery Speed
 -9 Skill Cost
 Every use of a Non-Main Skill will make the next use of Main Skill gain +3% damage. Stacks up to 6 times.
 +13% Empower Skill Effect and Potion Restoration Effect
 +(44 - 48)% Skill Area
 +50% Critical Strike Damage if you have defeated an enemy recently
 +2% damage, Skill Area, and Movement Speed for every enemy defeated recently
 Restores 1% of Max Life and Energy Shield on defeat
 +10% Elemental Resistance
 -10% additional Regain Interval
 +20% Injury Buffer when there are no Elites Nearby
 -2% additional damage taken for every enemy Nearby. Stacks up to 10 times.